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如何在C#WPF XAML中使用GroupBox來僅包裝特定元素

[英]How to use GroupBox in C# WPF XAML to wrap only around specific elements

我試圖在C# WPF XAML代碼中將一些元素放在GroupBox中。 我不確定如何正確實現它。


<Grid HorizontalAlignment="Center" Width="1000">

 <GroupBox Header = "This stuff is in GroupBox ">
   <Label> Label in GroupBox </Label>
   <Label> Some other label in GroupBox  </Label>

 <Label> This is not in the groupbox so don't put me in it! <Label>




<Grid HorizontalAlignment="Center" Width="1000">
   <RowDefinition Height="*" />
   <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
 <GroupBox Header = "This stuff is in GroupBox ">
   <Label> Label in GroupBox </Label>
   <Label> Some other label in GroupBox  </Label>

 <Label Grid.Row="1"> This is not in the groupbox so don't put me in it! <Label>


而不是最外面的Grid ,使用

<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical"> 
    <GroupBox Header = "This stuff is in GroupBox ">
        <Label> Label in GroupBox </Label>
        <Label> Some other label in GroupBox  </Label>

    <Label> This is not in the groupbox so don't put me in it! <Label>

或者給Grid一些RowDefinitions,並給GroupBox和外部Label賦予Grid.Row屬性。 StackPanel很快,非常適合您的情況。


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