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如何獲取 Azure Blob 存儲中容器內特定目錄的大小?

[英]How do you get the size of specific directory within a container in Azure Blob Storage?

我正在處理 Azure Blob 存儲實例中特定目錄中包含的大量數據,我只想獲取某個目錄中所有內容的大小。 我知道如何獲取整個容器的大小,但是它讓我逃避如何只指定目錄本身來從中提取數據。


    private static long GetSizeOfBlob(CloudStorageAccount storageAccount, string nameOfBlob)
        CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();

        // Finding the container
        CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(nameOfBlob);

        // Iterating to get container size
        long containerSize = 0;
        foreach (var listBlobItem in container.ListBlobs(null, true))
            var blobItem = listBlobItem as CloudBlockBlob;
            containerSize += blobItem.Properties.Length;

        return containerSize;

如果我將 blob 容器指定為“democontainer/testdirectory”之類的東西,我會得到一個 400 錯誤(我認為因為它是一個目錄,所以使用反斜杠可以讓我導航到我想要遍歷的目錄)。 任何幫助將不勝感激。



var directories = new List<string>();
var folders = blobs.Where(b => b as CloudBlobDirectory != null);

foreach (var folder in folders)

我已經解決了我自己的問題,但留給未來的 azure blob 存儲瀏覽器。

您實際上需要在調用container.ListBlobs(prefix: 'somedir', true)時提供前綴,以便僅訪問所涉及的特定目錄。 此目錄是您正在訪問的容器名稱之后的任何內容。

    private string GetBlobContainerSize(CloudBlobContainer contSrc)
        var blobfiles = new List<string>();
        long blobfilesize = 0;    
        var blobblocks = new List<string>();
        long blobblocksize = 0;

        foreach (var g in contSrc.ListBlobs())
            if (g.GetType() == typeof(CloudBlobDirectory))
               foreach (var file in ((CloudBlobDirectory)g).ListBlobs(true).Where(x => x as CloudBlockBlob != null))
                   blobfilesize += (file as CloudBlockBlob).Properties.Length;
                else if (g.GetType() == typeof(CloudBlockBlob))
                    blobblocksize += (g as CloudBlockBlob).Properties.Length;

            string res = string.Empty;
            if (blobblocksize > 0) res += "size: " + FormatSize(blobblocksize) + "; blocks: " + blobblocks.Count();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(res) && blobfilesize > 0) res += "; ";
            if (blobfilesize > 0) res += "size: " + FormatSize(blobfilesize) + "; files: " + blobfiles.Count();
            return res;

private string FormatSize(long len)
    string[] sizes = { "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB" };
    int order = 0;
    while (len >= 1024 && order < sizes.Length - 1)
        len = len/1024;
    return $"{len:0.00} {sizes[order]}".PadLeft (9, ' ');


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