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[英]Parsing through excel sheet


A                         B C                                       D
70 Skill Set                Career Prep Skills      
71 Knowledge Objectives     Something will blah 
73 AR.1                   • blah blah blah. 
74                        • blah blah blah. 
75                        • blah blah blah. 
76                        • blah blah blah. 
77 Performance Objectives   Something will and
79 AR.2                   • blah blah blah. 
80 AR.3                   • blah blah blah. 
81 AR.4                   • blah blah blah.
82 AR.5                   • blah blah blah.
83 AR.6                   • blah blah blah. 
84 AR.7                   • blah blah blah.
85 AR.8                   • blah blah blah.
86 AR.9                   • blah blah blah.
87 AR.10                  • blah blah blah.
88 AR.11                  • blah blah blah.
89 Skill Set                Safety is key
90 Knowledge Objectives     blah blah blah.     
92 AR.12                  • blah blah blah. 
93                        • blah blah blah.
94                        • blah blah blah.


Skill Set    Career Prep Skills           AR.1    blah blah blah. 
                                                  blah blah blah. 
                                                  blah blah blah. 
                                                  blah blah blah.
                                          AR.2    blah blah blah.
                                          AR.3    blah blah blah.
                                          AR.4    blah blah blah.
Skill Set    Safety is key                AR.12   blah blah blah.
                                                  blah blah blah.
                                                  blah blah blah.


xlsCell = xlsSheet.Range("A1:A200")

For Each oRowRange As Excel.Range In xlsCell.Rows
    For Each oCellRange As Excel.Range In oRowRange.Columns
        Dim theColor = oCellRange.Interior.Color
        Dim colorRGB = (theColor Mod 256) & ", " & ((theColor \ 256) Mod 256) & ", " & (theColor \ 65536)

        If colorRGB = "252, 213, 180" Then
            'find the last row in the spreadsheet:
            lastrow = xlsCell.SpecialCells(Excel.XlCellType.xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
            'Change the range to reflect the last row:
            xlsCell = xlsSheet.Range("A1:A" & lastrow)
            'found first listing (Standard) so save it's text:
            tmpStandard = oCellRange.Text 'a.k.a Skill Set
            'Move on over to see the Cluster Name:
            tmpCluster = oCellRange.Offset(0, 1).Text() 'a.k.a Career Prep Skills
            'Now we need to get the OBJ:
               'a.k.a AR.1
            'Now get paragraph(s):
              'a.k.a blah blah blah.
        End If

但是我不確定如何去了解它的不同AR。 號碼等

上面的視覺示例: 在此處輸入圖片說明 任何幫助將是巨大的!

這並不是一個真正的答案,它更像是一條評論,它提供了一些有關如何識別您感興趣的帶有“ AR”的單元格的想法。希望此圖可以提供一些可以使用的想法:


這似乎很容易,但是在我舉個例子之前,我想確認一下事情,因為您的樣本數據和圖像似乎不太匹配。 這兩行打印什么?

Debug.Print Range("C70:C94").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).Address(0, 0)
Debug.Print Range("C70:C94").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks   ).Address(0, 0)


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