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[英]How do i get an xml value in perl?

我是perl的初學者,我有一個我不知道如何解決的問題。 我試圖從網站獲取xml數據並將溫度值放入數組中。


use strict;
use warnings;

# For parsing
use XML::Simple;

# For downloading
use LWP::Simple;

# For debug output
use Data::Dumper;

# Turn off output buffering

# Note, no error checking here!

sub main 

    print "\nDownloading ....";
    my $data = get('http://www.yr.no/place/Norway/Telemark/Sauherad/Gvarv/forecast_hour_by_hour.xml');

    my $parser = new XML::Simple;

    print "\nParsing ...";
    my $dom = $parser->XMLin($data);

    print "\n\n";

    # Debug output. 
    #print Dumper($dom->{'forecast'});

    # Data structure is a hash containing one key, 'entry'.
    # Get the hash value and cast to an array.
    my @entries = $dom->{'forecast'}->{'tabular'}->{'time'};
    # Go through each array 'entry' element.
    foreach my $entry(@entries) 
        print Dumper($entry);
        # Each element is a hash.
        # The band name can be got from one hash key.
        my $tabular = $entry->{'temperature'};

        #print "$tabular\n";

        print "\n\n";




        'temperature' => {
                         'unit' => 'celsius',
                         'value' => '26'
        'windSpeed' => {
                       'name' => 'Light breeze',
                       'mps' => '1.9'
        'to' => '2016-08-17T16:00:00',
        'pressure' => {
                      'unit' => 'hPa',
                      'value' => '1014.1'
        'from' => '2016-08-17T15:00:00',
        'precipitation' => {
                           'value' => '0'
        'symbol' => {
                    'numberEx' => '1',
                    'var' => '01d',
                    'number' => '1',
                    'name' => 'Clear sky'
        'windDirection' => {
                           'name' => 'North',
                           'code' => 'N',
                           'deg' => '4.4'
        'precipitation' => {
                           'value' => '0'
        'from' => '2016-08-17T16:00:00',
        'windDirection' => {
                           'name' => 'North-northeast',
                           'code' => 'NNE',
                           'deg' => '20.6'
        'symbol' => {
                    'number' => '1',
                    'name' => 'Clear sky',
                    'var' => '01d',
                    'numberEx' => '1'
        'temperature' => {
                         'unit' => 'celsius',
                         'value' => '27'
        'pressure' => {
                      'value' => '1013.4',
                      'unit' => 'hPa'
        'to' => '2016-08-17T17:00:00',
        'windSpeed' => {
                       'mps' => '1.2',
                       'name' => 'Light air'
        'symbol' => {
                    'numberEx' => '1',
                    'var' => '01d',
                    'name' => 'Clear sky',
                    'number' => '1'
        'windDirection' => {
                           'name' => 'East',
                           'code' => 'E',
                           'deg' => '83.0'
        'from' => '2016-08-17T17:00:00',
        'precipitation' => {
                           'value' => '0'
        'windSpeed' => {
                       'mps' => '0.7',
                       'name' => 'Light air'
        'pressure' => {
                      'unit' => 'hPa',
                      'value' => '1012.8'
        'to' => '2016-08-17T18:00:00',
        'temperature' => {
                         'unit' => 'celsius',
                         'value' => '27'
Not a HASH reference at script.pl line 43.

為什么會出現此錯誤,如何獲取溫度值? 提前致謝!

XML :: Simple告訴您不要使用它。 遵循其建議。

這是使用XML :: LibXML提取溫度的方法:


use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw{ say };

use XML::LibXML;

my $dom = 'XML::LibXML'->load_xml(
    location => 'http://www.yr.no/place/Norway/Telemark/Sauherad/Gvarv/forecast_hour_by_hour.xml');

for my $temperature ($dom->findnodes('//temperature/@value')) {
    say $temperature->getValue;

使用xsh ,它是XML :: LibXML的包裝,您可以編寫

open http://www.yr.no/place/Norway/Telemark/Sauherad/Gvarv/forecast_hour_by_hour.xml ;
for //temperature echo @value ;

XML::Simple is discouraged

比您想象的要容易得多-我建議使用XML::Twig ,因為我認為它的學習曲線更容易:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use XML::Twig;
use LWP::Simple;

my $twig = XML::Twig -> parse (  get('http://www.yr.no/place/Norway/Telemark/Sauherad/Gvarv/forecast_hour_by_hour.xml') );
#print the first temperature value:
print $twig -> get_xpath('//temperature',0 ) -> att('value'),"\n";

# all the temps in an array:
use Data::Dumper;
my @temps = map { $_ -> att('value') } $twig -> get_xpath('//temperature');
print Dumper \@temps;

這里我們利用xpath搜索-有點像XML的正則表達式。 //表示“樹中的任何位置”,因此實際上是對“溫度”節點的搜索。 (這似乎可以與您的XML一起使用,但是在其他情況下,您可能需要更具體的路徑)。


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