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如何使用五元嵌套列表創建和綁定網格以顯示C#ASP.net .aspx

[英]How to Create and Bind the Grid for Display With Quintuple Nested Lists C# ASP.net .aspx


我必須顯示頂級類和所有類列表以及列表中的每個嵌套列表以及它自己。 允許我使用偽代碼來嘗試更好地解釋三層。 我正在處理一個五元組。

List<classB> classBList;
List<classC> classCList;
int whatever;
string something;

List<classC> classCList;
int somethingElse;
string otherThing;

int somethingA;
string somethingB;

List<ClassA> list1;

我正在嘗試創建並綁定並顯示list1的網格。 我主要是一個直接的后端編碼器,所以.aspx頁面真的讓我失去了一個循環。 我已經弄清楚如何綁定和顯示類和單個列表中的字段和字段,但這些列表對我來說真的很有挑戰性,而且我在幾天內沒有取得任何進展。


也許就像你將所有值壓平並使用字典來追蹤它們的起源(如果需要的話)。 然后,您將擁有所有值的展平列表,並且可以使用Linq或Dictionary鍵本身輕松創建或重新創建原始值列表(例如,屬於ClassA.ClassBList的值):

public class flattenedList
    public string whatever;
    public int whateverInt;
public class nested
    private Dictionary<string, List<flattenedList>> listData = new Dictionary<string, List<flattenedList>>();
    private List<ClassA> list1 = new List<ClassA>();
    ClassA classA = new ClassA();
    ClassB classB = new ClassB();
    ClassC classC = new ClassC();
    public void processCalsses()
        string key = "";
        foreach (ClassA a in list1)
            key = "ClassA.ClassBList";
            foreach (ClassB b in classA.classBList)
                addToDictionary(key, new flattenedList() { whatever = b.otherThing, whateverInt = b.somethingElse });
            key = "ClassA.ClassCList";
            foreach (ClassC c in classA.classCList)
                addToDictionary(key, new flattenedList() { whatever = c.somethingB, whateverInt = c.somethingA });
            addToDictionary("ClassA", new flattenedList() { whatever = a.something, whateverInt = a.whatever });
        key = "ClassB.ClassCList";
        foreach (ClassC c in classB.classCList)
            addToDictionary(key, new flattenedList() { whatever = c.somethingB, whateverInt = c.somethingA });
        addToDictionary("ClassB", new flattenedList() { whatever = classB.otherThing, whateverInt = classB.somethingElse });
        addToDictionary("ClassC", new flattenedList() { whatever = classC.somethingB, whateverInt = classC.somethingA });
        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<flattenedList>> kvp in listData)
            for (int i = 0; i < kvp.Value.Count; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(key + "[" + i.ToString() + "] whatever = " + kvp.Value[i].whatever);
                Console.WriteLine(key + "[" + i.ToString() + "] whateverInt = " + kvp.Value[i].whateverInt.ToString() + "\n");
    private void addToDictionary(string key, flattenedList f)
        if (!listData.ContainsKey(key))
            listData.Add(key, new List<flattenedList>());
    public class ClassA
        public List<ClassB> classBList = new List<ClassB>();
        public List<ClassC> classCList;
        public int whatever;
        public string something;

    public class ClassB
        public List<ClassC> classCList;
        public int somethingElse;
        public string otherThing;

    public class ClassC
        public int somethingA;
        public string somethingB;


請注意,我必須實例化類才能獲得intellisense讓我輸入。 我假設您要在類范圍內或公共靜態類中創建此方法可見的實例版本。

PS - 如果你不需要維護每個數據的來源(它來自哪個類和列表),那么有一種更簡單的方法可以做到這一點。


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