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[英]How do I bind a Label to a property in Xamarin?

我有一個帶有標簽的內容頁面“ AnimalPage ”。 我想將labels.Text綁定到類的屬性,以便隨着屬性值的更改自動更新標簽。

該類是“ 動物 ”,具有兩個屬性, 周長長度 修改任何一個值時,都會自動計算第三個屬性“ weight(注意:觸發計算的代碼未在下面顯示) 重量屬性更改時,我希望內容頁面上的重量標簽自動更新。





public class Animal {
    public string Name { get; set; }

    private double _girth;
    // when girth changes, save the value and trigger a re-calculation of weight
    public double girth { get { return _girth; } set { _girth = value; this.calcWeight(); } }
    private double _length;

    // same for length changes; save the value and trigger a re-calculation of weight
    public double length { get { return _length; } set { _length = value; this.calcWeight(); } }

    private double _weight;
    public double weight { get { return _weight; } set { _weight = value; } }

    public Animal()
    public double calcWeight()
        // formula for weight calculation goes here...
        this.weight = weight;
        return weight;



internal class AnimalPage : ContentPage
    private Animal animal { get; set; }

    public AnimalPage(Animal animal)
        this.animal = animal;
        BindingContext = this.animal;
        var weightCell = new ResultCell(); // ResultCell is a custom ViewCell
        Binding myBinding = new Binding("weight");
        myBinding.Source = this.animal;
        weightCell.cellText.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, myBinding);


public class ResultCell : ViewCell {
    public Label cellLabel, cellText;

    public ResultCell() {
        cellLabel = new Label();
        cellText = new Label();

        var cellWrapper = new StackLayout {
            Children = { cellLabel, cellText }
        View = cellWrapper;

如果您希望用戶界面在數據更改時自動更新,則Animal類需要實現INotifyPropertyChanged ,並且每當修改或重新計算weight屬性時都需要觸發PropertyChanged事件。 此事件提醒UI需要刷新。


public class Animal : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    public string Name { get; set; }

    private double _girth;
    public double girth { get { return _girth; } set { _girth = value; this.calcWeight(); } }

    private double _length;
    public double length { get { return _length; } set { _length = value; this.calcWeight(); } }

    private double _weight;
    public double weight { get { return _weight; } set { _weight = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(); } }

    private void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] String propertyName = "")
        if (PropertyChanged != null)
            PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

public Animal()
public double calcWeight()
    // formula for weight calculation goes here...
    this.weight = weight;
    return weight;



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