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[英]Don't understand output from program python

我對下面程序的輸出感到困惑。 由於某種原因,它會拋出指定的錯誤消息“這不是有效的員工類型!” 但是我不知道為什么,因為我輸入的所有信息都是有效的。


import worker

def main():
    #Create a list to store employee and volunteer objects
    workers = make_list()

    #Display the objects in the list
    print ('\n\nHere are the workers, their ID numbers, city of residence, shift, and pay.')
    print ('------------------------------------------------------------------------------')


def make_list():
    #Create an empty list
    worker_list = []

    #Create a volunteer object
    print ('Create a volunteer worker object:')
    name = input('\nWhat is the employee name? ')
    id_number = input("What is the employee's number? ")
    city = input("What is the employee's city? ")
    volunteerworker = worker.Person(name, id_number, city)

    #Create 3 hourly worker objects
    print ('Create 3 hourly worker objects:')
    for hourlyworkers in range(1,4):
        name = input('\nWhat is the employee number ' + str(hourlyworkers + 1) + "'s name? ")
        id_number = input("What is the employee's number? ")
        city = input("What is the employee's city? ")
        shift = input("What is the employee's shift? ")
        #validate the shift entered is 1, 2, or 3
        while shift != '1' and shift != '2' and shift != '3':
            print( 'ERROR: the shift can only be 1, 2, or 3.')
            shift = input('Please enter the correct shift: ')

        pay_rate = float(input("What is the employee's hourly pay rate? "))
        hourlyworker = worker.Hourlyworker(name, id_number, city, shift, pay_rate)

    #create a salary worker object
    print ('Create a volunteer worker object')
    name = input("\nWhat is the salaried employee's name? ")
    id_number = input("What is the employee's number? ")
    city = input("WHat is the employee's city? ")
    pay_rate = float(input("What is the employee's annual salary? "))
    salaryworker = worker.SalaryWorker(name, id_number, city, pay_rate)

    #append invalid object to list
    worker_list.append('\nThis is an invalid object')

    return worker_list

#This function accpets an object as an argument, and calls its show_employee
#and show_pay methods

def display_list(worker_list):
    for person in worker_list:
        if isinstance(person, worker.Person):
            print('That is not a valid employee type!')



PREMIUM2 = .05
PREMIUM3 = .10

class Person:

    #The __init__ method initialized the attributes
    def __init__(self, name, id_number, city):
        self.__name = name
        self.__id_number = id_number
        self.__city = city

    #This method accepts an argument for the person's name
    def set_name(self, name):
        self.__name = name

    #This method accepts an argument for the person's ID number
    def set_id_number(self, id_number):
        self.__id_number = id_number

    #This method accepts an argument for the person's city of residence
    def set_city(self, city):
        self.__city = city

    #This method returns the employee's name
    def get_name(self):
        return self.__name

    #This method returns the employee's number
    def get_id_number(self):
        return self.__id_number

    #This method returns the employee's city of residence
    def get_city(self):
        return self.__city

    #This method displays a message indicating the employee's name, ID, and city of residence
    def show_employee(self):
        print ('Employee name is', self.__name)
        print ('Employee number is', self.__id_number)
        print ('Employee city is', self.__city)

    #This method displays a message about the volunteer's pay status
    def show_pay(self):
        print ('This person is an unpaid volunteer.')

class Hourlyworker(Person):

    #This method calls the superclass's init method and initializes shift and
    #pay rate attributes
    def __init__(self, name, id_number, city, shift, pay_rate):
        Person.__init__(self, name, id_number, city)
        self.__shift = shift
        self.__pay_rate = pay_rate

    #This method calculates and displays the hourly and premium pay rate of a 
    #production employee
    def show_pay(self):
        print ('Employee shift is', self.__shift)
        if self.__shift == '1':
            premium_rate = self.__pay_rate
        elif self.__shift == '2':
            premium_rate = (PREMIUM2 * self.__pay_rate) + self.__pay_rate
            premium_rate = (PREMIUM3 * self.__pay_rate) + self.__pay_rate
        print('Employee hourly premium rate is $', format(premium_rate, '.2f'))

class SalaryWorker(Person):

    #This method calls the superclass's init method and initializes the 
    #pay rate attribute
    def __init__(self, name, id_number, city, pay_rate):
        Person.__init__(self, name, id_number, city)
        self.__pay_rate = pay_rate

    #This method displays the annual salary and bi_weekly gross pay for the
    #salaried employee
    def show_pay(self):
        print('Employee annual salary is $', format(self.__pay_rate, '.2f'))
        bi_weekly_pay = float(self.__pay_rate) / PAY_PERIODS
        print('Employee bi-weekly gross pay is $', format(bi_weekly_pay, '.2f'))

這是我運行程序時的輸入和結果。 如果您注意到,在輸出末尾會顯示“這不是有效的員工類型!” 但我不明白為什么這么說。

What is the employee name? al
What is the employee's number? 1
What is the employee's city? h
Create 3 hourly worker objects:

What is the employee number 2's name? bl
What is the employee's number? 2
What is the employee's city? howell
What is the employee's shift? 1
What is the employee's hourly pay rate? 10

What is the employee number 3's name? cl
What is the employee's number? 3
What is the employee's city? howell
What is the employee's shift? 2
What is the employee's hourly pay rate? 10

What is the employee number 4's name? dl
What is the employee's number? 4
What is the employee's city? howell
What is the employee's shift? 3
What is the employee's hourly pay rate? 10
Create a volunteer worker object

What is the salaried employee's name? el
What is the employee's number? 5
WHat is the employee's city? howell
What is the employee's annual salary? 10000

Here are the workers, their ID numbers, city of residence, shift, and pay.
Employee name is al
Employee number is 1
Employee city is h

This person is an unpaid volunteer.

Employee name is bl
Employee number is 2
Employee city is howell
Employee shift is 1
Employee hourly premium rate is $ 10.00

Employee name is cl
Employee number is 3
Employee city is howell
Employee shift is 2
Employee hourly premium rate is $ 10.50

Employee name is dl
Employee number is 4
Employee city is howell
Employee shift is 3
Employee hourly premium rate is $ 11.00

Employee name is el
Employee number is 5
Employee city is howell
Employee annual salary is $ 10000.00
Employee bi-weekly gross pay is $ 384.62

That is not a valid employee type!


worker_list.append('\nThis is an invalid object')

返回worker_list中的make_list 似乎您希望這樣做,畢竟str不是worker.Person的實例,因此display_listelse情況應該讓您知道該list無效的條目。



worker_list.append('\\ n這是無效的對象')



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