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檢查日期是否在 R 中的間隔內

[英]Check if a date is within an interval in R


YEAR_1  <- interval(ymd('2002-09-01'), ymd('2003-08-31'))
YEAR_2  <- interval(ymd('2003-09-01'), ymd('2004-08-31')) 
YEAR_3  <- interval(ymd('2004-09-01'), ymd('2005-08-31'))

(在現實生活中,我有 50 個)

我有一個數據框(稱為df ),其中有一列充滿 lubridate 格式的日期。

我想在df上附加一個新列,該列具有適當的值YEAR_n ,具體取決於日期所在的間隔。


df$YR <- ifelse(df$DATE %within% YEAR_1, 1, NA)

但我不確定如何進行。 我需要以某種方式使用我認為的apply


structure(c(1055289600, 1092182400, 1086220800, 1074556800, 1109289600, 
1041897600, 1069200000, 1047427200, 1072656000, 1048636800, 1092873600, 
1090195200, 1051574400, 1052179200, 1130371200, 1242777600, 1140652800, 
1137974400, 1045526400, 1111104000, 1073952000, 1052870400, 1087948800, 
1053993600, 1039564800, 1141603200, 1074038400, 1105315200, 1060560000, 
1072051200, 1046217600, 1107129600, 1088553600, 1071619200, 1115596800, 
1050364800, 1147046400, 1083628800, 1056412800, 1159747200, 1087257600, 
1201478400, 1120521600, 1066176000, 1034553600, 1057622400, 1078876800, 
1010880000, 1133913600, 1098230400, 1170806400, 1037318400, 1070409600, 
1091577600, 1057708800, 1182556800, 1091059200, 1058227200, 1061337600, 
1034121600, 1067644800, 1039478400, 1022198400, 1063065600, 1096329600, 
1049760000, 1081728000, 1016150400, 1029801600, 1059350400, 1087257600, 
1181692800, 1310947200, 1125446400, 1057104000, NA, 1085529600, 
1037664000, 1091577600, 1080518400, 1110758400, 1092787200, 1094601600, 
1169424000, 1232582400, 1058918400, 1021420800, 1133136000, 1030320000, 
1060732800, 1035244800, 1090800000, 1129161600, 1055808000, 1060646400, 
1028678400, 1075852800, 1144627200, 1111363200, 1070236800), class = c("POSIXct", 
"POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC")

您可以使用walk from package purrr來實現:

purrr::walk(1:3, ~(df$Year[as.POSIXlt(df$DATE) %within% get(paste0("YEAR_", .))] <<- .))


df$YR <- NA
for(i in 1:3){
  interval <- get(paste0("YEAR_", i))
  index <-which(as.POSIXlt(df$DATE) %within% interval)
  df$YR[index] <- i

每個人都有自己喜歡的工具,我的恰好是data.table因為它指的是它的dt[i, j, by]邏輯。


dt <- data.table(date = as.IDate(pt))

dt[, YR := 0.0 ]                        # I am using a numeric for year here...

dt[ date >= as.IDate("2002-09-01") & date <= as.IDate("2003-08-31"), YR := 1 ]
dt[ date >= as.IDate("2003-09-01") & date <= as.IDate("2004-08-31"), YR := 2 ]
dt[ date >= as.IDate("2004-09-01") & date <= as.IDate("2005-08-31"), YR := 3 ]

我創建了一個data.table對象,將您的時間轉換為日期以供以后比較。 然后我設置了一個新列,默認為一個。

然后我們執行三個條件語句:對於三個間隔(我只是使用端點手動創建的)中的每一個,我們將YR值設置為 1、2 或 3。


R> print(dt, topn=5, nrows=10)
           date YR
  1: 2003-06-11  1
  2: 2004-08-11  2
  3: 2004-06-03  2
  4: 2004-01-20  2
  5: 2005-02-25  3
 96: 2002-08-07  0
 97: 2004-02-04  2
 98: 2006-04-10  0
 99: 2005-03-21  3
100: 2003-12-01  2
R> table(dt[, YR])

 0  1  2  3 
26 31 31 12 



R> dt[, YR2 := trunc(as.numeric(difftime(as.Date(date), 
+                                        as.Date("2001-09-01"),
+                                        unit="days"))/365.25)]
R> table(dt[, YR2])

 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  9 
 7 31 31 12  9  5  1  2  1 




dates <- # your data here

# no idea how you generated these, so let's just copy them
YEAR_1 <- interval(ymd('2002-09-01'), ymd('2003-08-31'))
YEAR_2 <- interval(ymd('2003-09-01'), ymd('2004-08-31')) 
YEAR_3 <- interval(ymd('2004-09-01'), ymd('2005-08-31'))

# this should scale nicely
sapply(c(YEAR_1, YEAR_2, YEAR_3), function(x) { mapply(`%within%`, dates, x) })


        [,1]  [,2]  [,3]
  ... etc. (100 rows in your example data)

可能有一種更好的方法來用purrr ,但我太新手了, purrr看到它。


df = as.data.frame(structure(c(1055289600, 1092182400, 1086220800, 1074556800, 1109289600, 
            1041897600, 1069200000, 1047427200, 1072656000, 1048636800, 1092873600, 
            1090195200, 1051574400, 1052179200, 1130371200, 1242777600, 1140652800, 
            1137974400, 1045526400, 1111104000, 1073952000, 1052870400, 1087948800, 
            1053993600, 1039564800, 1141603200, 1074038400, 1105315200, 1060560000, 
            1072051200, 1046217600, 1107129600, 1088553600, 1071619200, 1115596800, 
            1050364800, 1147046400, 1083628800, 1056412800, 1159747200, 1087257600, 
            1201478400, 1120521600, 1066176000, 1034553600, 1057622400, 1078876800, 
            1010880000, 1133913600, 1098230400, 1170806400, 1037318400, 1070409600, 
            1091577600, 1057708800, 1182556800, 1091059200, 1058227200, 1061337600, 
            1034121600, 1067644800, 1039478400, 1022198400, 1063065600, 1096329600, 
            1049760000, 1081728000, 1016150400, 1029801600, 1059350400, 1087257600, 
            1181692800, 1310947200, 1125446400, 1057104000, NA, 1085529600, 
            1037664000, 1091577600, 1080518400, 1110758400, 1092787200, 1094601600, 
            1169424000, 1232582400, 1058918400, 1021420800, 1133136000, 1030320000, 
            1060732800, 1035244800, 1090800000, 1129161600, 1055808000, 1060646400, 
            1028678400, 1075852800, 1144627200, 1111363200, 1070236800), class = c("POSIXct", 
                                                                                   "POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC"))

colnames(df)[1] = "dates"

YEAR_1_Start = as.Date('2002-09-01')
YEAR_1_End = as.Date('2003-08-31')

YEAR_2_Start = as.Date('2003-09-01')
YEAR_2_End = as.Date('2004-08-31')

YEAR_3_Start = as.Date('2004-09-01')
YEAR_3_End = as.Date('2005-08-31')

df$year = lapply(df$dates,FUN = function(x){
          x = as.Date(x)
          }else if(YEAR_1_Start <= x & x <= YEAR_1_End){
          }else if(YEAR_2_Start <= x & x <= YEAR_2_End){
          }else if(YEAR_3_Start <= x & x <= YEAR_3_End){

         dates   year
1   2003-06-11 YEAR_1
2   2004-08-11 YEAR_2
3   2004-06-03 YEAR_2
4   2004-01-20 YEAR_2
5   2005-02-25 YEAR_3
6   2003-01-07 YEAR_1
7   2003-11-19 YEAR_2
8   2003-03-12 YEAR_1
9   2003-12-29 YEAR_2
10  2003-03-26 YEAR_1
11  2004-08-19 YEAR_2
12  2004-07-19 YEAR_2
13  2003-04-29 YEAR_1
14  2003-05-06 YEAR_1
15  2005-10-27  Other
16  2009-05-20  Other
17  2006-02-23  Other
18  2006-01-23  Other
19  2003-02-18 YEAR_1
20  2005-03-18 YEAR_3
21  2004-01-13 YEAR_2
22  2003-05-14 YEAR_1
23  2004-06-23 YEAR_2
24  2003-05-27 YEAR_1
25  2002-12-11 YEAR_1
26  2006-03-06  Other
27  2004-01-14 YEAR_2
28  2005-01-10 YEAR_3
29  2003-08-11 YEAR_1
30  2003-12-22 YEAR_2
31  2003-02-26 YEAR_1
32  2005-01-31 YEAR_3
33  2004-06-30 YEAR_2
34  2003-12-17 YEAR_2
35  2005-05-09 YEAR_3
36  2003-04-15 YEAR_1
37  2006-05-08  Other
38  2004-05-04 YEAR_2
39  2003-06-24 YEAR_1
40  2006-10-02  Other
41  2004-06-15 YEAR_2
42  2008-01-28  Other
43  2005-07-05 YEAR_3
44  2003-10-15 YEAR_2
45  2002-10-14 YEAR_1
46  2003-07-08 YEAR_1
47  2004-03-10 YEAR_2
48  2002-01-13  Other
49  2005-12-07  Other
50  2004-10-20 YEAR_3
51  2007-02-07  Other
52  2002-11-15 YEAR_1
53  2003-12-03 YEAR_2
54  2004-08-04 YEAR_2
55  2003-07-09 YEAR_1
56  2007-06-23  Other
57  2004-07-29 YEAR_2
58  2003-07-15 YEAR_1
59  2003-08-20 YEAR_1
60  2002-10-09 YEAR_1
61  2003-11-01 YEAR_2
62  2002-12-10 YEAR_1
63  2002-05-24  Other
64  2003-09-09 YEAR_2
65  2004-09-28 YEAR_3
66  2003-04-08 YEAR_1
67  2004-04-12 YEAR_2
68  2002-03-15  Other
69  2002-08-20  Other
70  2003-07-28 YEAR_1
71  2004-06-15 YEAR_2
72  2007-06-13  Other
73  2011-07-18  Other
74  2005-08-31 YEAR_3
75  2003-07-02 YEAR_1
76        <NA>     NA
77  2004-05-26 YEAR_2
78  2002-11-19 YEAR_1
79  2004-08-04 YEAR_2
80  2004-03-29 YEAR_2
81  2005-03-14 YEAR_3
82  2004-08-18 YEAR_2
83  2004-09-08 YEAR_3
84  2007-01-22  Other
85  2009-01-22  Other
86  2003-07-23 YEAR_1
87  2002-05-15  Other
88  2005-11-28  Other
89  2002-08-26  Other
90  2003-08-13 YEAR_1
91  2002-10-22 YEAR_1
92  2004-07-26 YEAR_2
93  2005-10-13  Other
94  2003-06-17 YEAR_1
95  2003-08-12 YEAR_1
96  2002-08-07  Other
97  2004-02-04 YEAR_2
98  2006-04-10  Other
99  2005-03-21 YEAR_3
100 2003-12-01 YEAR_2


如果您可以將間隔放入 data.frame 或 data.table 中,我們可以輕松更改 lapply 以解決此問題:

df$year = lapply(df$dates,FUN = function(x){
  x = as.Date(x)
  for(i in 1:nrow(intervals){
    if(df.intervals[i,"Start"]<=x & x<= df.intervals[i,"End"]){

這是我對這一切的看法。 我喜歡保持整潔;)

> ## load libraries
> library(tidyverse)
> library(lubridate)
> ## define times
> times <- c(1055289600, 1092182400, 1086220800, 1074556800, 1109289600, 
+            1041897600, 1069200000, 1047427200, 1072656000, 1048636800, 1092873600, 
+            1090195200, 1051574400, 1052179200, 1130371200, 1242777600, 1140652800, 
+            1137974400, 1045526400, 1111104000, 1073952000, 1052870400, 1087948800, 
+            1053993600, 1039564800, 1141603200, 1074038400, 1105315200, 1060560000, 
+            1072051200, 1046217600, 1107129600, 1088553600, 1071619200, 1115596800, 
+            1050364800, 1147046400, 1083628800, 1056412800, 1159747200, 1087257600, 
+            1201478400, 1120521600, 1066176000, 1034553600, 1057622400, 1078876800, 
+            1010880000, 1133913600, 1098230400, 1170806400, 1037318400, 1070409600, 
+            1091577600, 1057708800, 1182556800, 1091059200, 1058227200, 1061337600, 
+            1034121600, 1067644800, 1039478400, 1022198400, 1063065600, 1096329600, 
+            1049760000, 1081728000, 1016150400, 1029801600, 1059350400, 1087257600, 
+            1181692800, 1310947200, 1125446400, 1057104000, NA, 1085529600, 
+            1037664000, 1091577600, 1080518400, 1110758400, 1092787200, 1094601600, 
+            1169424000, 1232582400, 1058918400, 1021420800, 1133136000, 1030320000, 
+            1060732800, 1035244800, 1090800000, 1129161600, 1055808000, 1060646400, 
+            1028678400, 1075852800, 1144627200, 1111363200, 1070236800)
> times <- tibble(time = as.POSIXct(times, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "UTC")) %>% 
+   mutate(time = as_date(time),
+          duplicated = duplicated(time)) ## there are duplicated times!
> ## define years
> year <- c("YEAR_1", "YEAR_2", "YEAR_3")
> interval <- c(interval(ymd("2002-09-01", tz = "UTC"), ymd("2003-08-31", tz = "UTC")),
+               interval(ymd("2003-09-01", tz = "UTC"), ymd("2004-08-31", tz = "UTC")),
+               interval(ymd("2004-09-01", tz = "UTC"), ymd("2005-08-31", tz = "UTC")))
> years <- tibble(year, interval)
> ## check data
> times
# A tibble: 100 x 2
   time       duplicated
   <date>     <lgl>     
 1 2003-06-11 FALSE     
 2 2004-08-11 FALSE     
 3 2004-06-03 FALSE     
 4 2004-01-20 FALSE     
 5 2005-02-25 FALSE     
 6 2003-01-07 FALSE     
 7 2003-11-19 FALSE     
 8 2003-03-12 FALSE     
 9 2003-12-29 FALSE     
10 2003-03-26 FALSE     
# ... with 90 more rows
> years
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  year   interval                      
  <chr>  <S4: Interval>                
1 YEAR_1 2002-09-01 UTC--2003-08-31 UTC
2 YEAR_2 2003-09-01 UTC--2004-08-31 UTC
3 YEAR_3 2004-09-01 UTC--2005-08-31 UTC
> ## create new indicator variavble
> ##
> ## join datasets (length = 3 x 100)
> ## indicator for year
> ## drop NAs
> ## keep "time" and "active"
> ## join with times to get back at full dataset
> ## as duplications, keep only one of them
> crossing(times, years) %>% 
+   mutate(active = if_else(time %within% interval, year, NA_character_)) %>% 
+   drop_na(active) %>% 
+   select(time, active) %>% 
+   right_join(times, by = "time") %>% 
+   distinct() %>% 
+   select(-duplicated)
# A tibble: 100 x 2
   time       active
   <date>     <chr> 
 1 2003-06-11 YEAR_1
 2 2004-08-11 YEAR_2
 3 2004-06-03 YEAR_2
 4 2004-01-20 YEAR_2
 5 2005-02-25 YEAR_3
 6 2003-01-07 YEAR_1
 7 2003-11-19 YEAR_2
 8 2003-03-12 YEAR_1
 9 2003-12-29 YEAR_2
10 2003-03-26 YEAR_1
# ... with 90 more rows

我們可以 :


> interval.dt <- data.table(Interval = c(YEAR_1, YEAR_2, YEAR_3))
> interval.dt
#                         Interval
#1: 2002-09-01 UTC--2003-08-31 UTC
#2: 2003-09-01 UTC--2004-08-31 UTC
#3: 2004-09-01 UTC--2005-08-31 UTC

2nd:定義一個函數,當特定年份日期落在區間interval.dt$Interval范圍interval.dt$Interval使用int_start(interval.dt$Interval) < year < int_end(interval.dt$Interval)獲取interval.dt行索引

>  findYearIndex <- function(year) {
      interval.dt[,which(int_start(interval.dt$Interval) < year & year < int_end(interval.dt$Interval))]


> dt <- data.table(year = df)
> dt$YearIndex <- paste("YEAR", sapply(dt$year, findYearIndex), sep = "_")

> dt
  #         year       YearIndex
  #1: 2003-06-11          YEAR_1
  #2: 2004-08-11          YEAR_2
  #3: 2004-06-03          YEAR_2
  #4: 2004-01-20          YEAR_2
  #5: 2005-02-25          YEAR_3
  #6: 2003-01-07          YEAR_1
  #7: 2003-11-19          YEAR_2
  #8: 2003-03-12          YEAR_1
  #9: 2003-12-29          YEAR_2
 #10: 2003-03-26          YEAR_1
 #11: 2004-08-19          YEAR_2
 #12: 2004-07-19          YEAR_2
 #13: 2003-04-29          YEAR_1
 #14: 2003-05-06          YEAR_1
 #15: 2005-10-27 YEAR_integer(0)
 #ignore the rest of dt   


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