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ElasticSearch.NET NEST搜索 <T> 網址

[英]ElasticSearch.NET NEST search<T> url

我正確的索引路徑是POST: /foo/_search但是下面的代碼命中POST: /foo/bar/_search

var node = new Uri("http://elasticsearch-server.com:9200");
var settings = new ConnectionSettings(node);
var client = new ElasticClient(settings);
var response = client.Search<Bar>(s => s
.Query(q => q.Term(o => o.userName, "test"))

// POCO for response fields
public class Bar
    public int userId { get; set; }
    public string userName { get; set; }
    public DateTime createdTime { get; set; }


在POST上成功進行低級別調用構建的有效NEST響應:/ foo / bar / _search



當我省略settings.DefaultIndex("foo"); 如下所示,它會拋出ArgumentException ,但是當我設置DefaultIndex()Search<T>使用T名作為第二個路徑。

ArgumentException:給定類型的索引名稱為null,並且未設置默認索引。 使用ConnectionSettings.MapDefaultTypeIndices()映射索引名稱,或使用ConnectionSettings.DefaultIndex()設置默認索引。


var settings = new ConnectionSettings(node)
.MapDefaultTypeIndices(m => m.Add(typeof(Bar), "foo"));


在POST上成功進行低級別調用構建的有效NEST響應:/ foo / bar / _search

通過NEST公開的大部分Elasticsearch API都是強類型的,包括.Search<T>() ; 使用此端點, "index""type"都將從T推斷,但有時您可能希望將不同的值設置為推斷的值。 在這些情況下,您可以在搜索流暢的API(或搜索對象,如果使用對象初始化程序語法)上調用其他方法來覆蓋推斷的值

void Main()
    var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
    var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(pool)

    var client = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);

    // POST http://localhost:9200/foo/bar/_search
    // Will try to deserialize all _source to instances of Bar
    client.Search<Bar>(s => s

    // POST http://localhost:9200/foo/_search
    // Will try to deserialize all _source to instances of Bar
    client.Search<Bar>(s => s

    // POST http://localhost:9200/_search
    // Will try to deserialize all _source to instances of Bar
    client.Search<Bar>(s => s

    connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(pool)
            .InferMappingFor<Bar>(m => m

    client = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);

    // POST http://localhost:9200/bars/barbar/_search
    // Will try to deserialize all _source to instances of Bar
    client.Search<Bar>(s => s

    // POST http://localhost:9200/bars/_search
    // Will try to deserialize all _source to instances of Bar
    client.Search<Bar>(s => s

    // POST http://localhost:9200/_all/barbar/_search
    // Will try to deserialize all _source to instances of Bar
    client.Search<Bar>(s => s

    // POST http://localhost:9200/_search
    // Will try to deserialize all _source to instances of Bar
    client.Search<Bar>(s => s

public class Bar
    public int userId { get; set; }
    public string userName { get; set; }
    public DateTime createdTime { get; set; }

您可以在搜索lambda表達式中添加其他參數 var response = client.Search<Bar>(s => s.Index("indexName").Query(q => q.Term(o => o.userName, "test")));


我將相同的_type名稱設置為POCO類名,它按預期工作。 所以我們可以說, {index}/{type}是路徑表達式。


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