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[英]Using a for loop with a stream writer


一個屬性是數組Choices[] 我需要所說的數組能夠基於qType變量的值進行填充。

例如: if qType = "button" ,那么Choices[]應該只從文件讀取4行。 if qType = "dragdrop"Choices[]應該從文件中讀取6次。 到目前為止,我已經嘗試過使用for循環,case語句和if語句-所有這些都已中斷。 有人可以告訴我如何在不中斷StreamReader的情況下做到這一點嗎?


using (var quizFileReader = new System.IO.StreamReader("PhysQuestions.txt"))
    string line;
    Question question;

    // Loop through the lines of the file until there are no more (the ReadLine function return null at this point).
    // ReadLine called here only reads question texts (first line of a question), while other calls to ReadLine read the choices.
    while ((line = quizFileReader.ReadLine()) != null)
        // Skip this loop if the line is empty.
        if (line.Length == 0)

        // Create a new question object.
        // The "object initializer" construct is used here by including { } after the constructor to set variables.
        question = new Question()
            // Set the question text to the line just read.
            QuestionText = line,
            qType = quizFileReader.ReadLine(),
            // Set the choices to an array containing the next 4 lines read from the file.
            Choices = new string[]

            hintTxt = quizFileReader.ReadLine(),
            difficulty = Convert.ToDouble(quizFileReader.ReadLine()),
            imgPath = quizFileReader.ReadLine()


Choices = new string[]
    for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
        quizFileReader.ReadLine(), // expects a ;
}, // excepts a ;


    public string QuestionText, imgPath, hintTxt; // Actual question text.
    public string[] Choices;    // Array of answers from which user can choose.
    public int Answer, qNum, linesToRead;          // Index of correct answer within Choices.
    public double difficulty;  // Double that represents difficulty of each question

    public List<Question> getQues() // reads questions from text file, assigns all strings in text file to index of List, returns the full list of questions
        // Create new list to store all questions.
        var questions = new List<Question>();

        // Open file containing quiz questions using StreamReader, which allows you to read text from files easily.
        using (var quizFileReader = new System.IO.StreamReader("PhysQuestions.txt"))
            string line;
            Question question;

            // Loop through the lines of the file until there are no more (the ReadLine function return null at this point).
            // ReadLine called here only reads question texts (first line of a question), while other calls to ReadLine read the choices.
            while ((line = quizFileReader.ReadLine()) != null)
                // Skip this loop if the line is empty.
                if (line.Length == 0)

                // Create a new question object.
                // The "object initializer" construct is used here by including { } after the constructor to set variables.
                question = new Question()
                    // Set the question text to the line just read.
                    QuestionText = line,
                    linesToRead = Convert.ToInt32(quizFileReader.ReadLine()),
                    Choices = new string[linesToRead];
                     for (int i=0; i < linesToRead; i++)
                      Choices[i] = await quizFileReader.ReadLineAsync();

                     hintTxt = await quizFileReader.ReadLineAsync();
                    difficulty =  Convert.ToDouble(quizFileReader.ReadLine());
                    imgPath = quizFileReader.ReadLine();


                // Set correct answer to -1, this indicates that no correct answer has been found yet.
                question.Answer = -1;

                // Check each choice to see if it begins with the '!' char (marked as correct).
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (question.Choices[i].StartsWith("!"))
                        // Current choice is marked as correct. Therefore remove the '!' from the start of the text and store the index of this choice as the correct answer.
                        question.Choices[i] = question.Choices[i].Substring(1);
                        question.Answer = i;
                        break; // Stop looking through the choices.

                // Check if none of the choices was marked as correct. If this is the case, we throw an exception and then stop processing.
                if (question.Answer == -1)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                        "No correct answer was specified for the following question.\r\n\r\n" + question.QuestionText);

                // Finally, add the question to the complete list of questions.

            return questions;


using (var quizFileReader = new System.IO.StreamReader("PhysQuestions.txt"))
    Question question;
    int linesToRead = 4;
    string[] choices = new string[linesToRead];

    for (int i=0; i < linesToRead; i++)
        choices[i] = await quizFileReader.ReadLineAsync();




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