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lxml Python,讀取XML文件的給定結構的文本和樹

[英]lxml Python, read text and tree for given structure of XML file

我正在嘗試在Node下獲取文本和ID,請參見此處的示例文件: example.xml

但是,它沒有普通XML文件的結構。 結構如下:

<TextWithNodes><Node id="0"/>
<Node id="1"/>
<Node id="2"/>9407011<Node id="9"/>
<Node id="10"/>ACL<Node id="13"/> <Node id="14"/>1994<Node id="18"/>
<Node id="19"/> Lg.Pr.Dc <Node id="29"/>

我想要的輸出是start_nodeend_nodetext_between_node的列表。 我不確定是否可以使用lxml庫來做到這一點。


from lxml import etree
tree = etree.parse('9407011.az-scixml.xml')
nodes = tree.xpath('//TextWithNodes')[0].getchildren()
node = nodes[0] # example one node
print(node.text) # this give empty string because you don't have closing same id

使用XPath可能適合您。 normalize-space()與空字符串進行比較將消除沒有后續文本的節點。


from lxml import etree as ET
root = ET.XML(b'''<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<GateDocument version="3">
<TextWithNodes><Node id="0"/>
<Node id="1"/>
<Node id="2"/>9407011<Node id="9"/>
<Node id="10"/>ACL<Node id="13"/> <Node id="14"/>1994<Node id="18"/>
<Node id="19"/> Lg.Pr.Dc <Node id="29"/>

# Grab each 'Node' element:
#  Only if the element has an 'id' attribute, and only if
#  the first sibling is a text node that isn't
#  all wihtespace and only if
#  the second sibling is a 'Node' with an 'id'
for r in root.xpath('''//Node[@id]
                               [normalize-space() != ""]]
    # All elements that satisfy that above XPath should
    # also satisfy the requirements for the next line
    print (r.get('id'), repr(r.tail), r.getnext().get('id'))


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