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Python - XML - LXML- 如何使用來自示例 XML 文件的相同 XML 樹結構來創建另一個 XML 文件

[英]Python - XML - LXML- How to use same XML tree structure from a sample XML file to create another XML file

我有一個 XML 文件,其中包含一些樹結構、元素、屬性、文本。 我需要使用這個 XML 作為模板(樹結構和標簽)並創建另一個 XML,它可能具有不同數量的元素(即在模板下面有兩個“列”元素,但我想創建的一個有三個元素“列”)。

下面是我想用作模板的 XML


而不是使用 lxml 通過如下定義每個元素來定義類似的樹。 例如,如果 'df' 是我的帶有數據的 Pandas 數據框。 其中列為(目標列,數據類型,長度,比例,可空。_

Target Column   Data Type   Length  Scale   Nullable
COLUMN1          NUMBER       38    0   N
COLUMN2          NUMBER       38    0   N
COLUMN3          NUMBER       38    0   N

下面是我正在使用的示例 python 代碼

from lxml import etree as et
root = et.Element('custom-data')
schema= et.SubElement(root, 'schema')
columns= et.SubElement(root, 'columns')

for row in df.iterrows():
    column = et.SubElement(columns, 'columns')
    name = et.SubElement(column , 'name')
    datatype = et.SubElement(column , 'datatype')
    length = et.SubElement(column , 'length')
    precision = et.SubElement(column , 'precision')
    notnull = et.SubElement(column , 'not-null')

    name.text = str(row[1]['Target Column'])
    datatype.text = str(row[1]['Data Type'])
    length.text = str(row[1]['Length'])
    precision.text = str(row[1]['Scale'])
    notnull.text = str(row[1]['Nullable'])

xml_test=et.tostring(root, pretty_print=True).decode('utf-8')
f=open("xml_test.xml", "w")



我如何利用示例 XML 中給出的結構,以便我不需要在我的代碼中再次定義它。 有沒有更簡單的方法?

您應該能夠解析 XML 模板並使用“column”元素的副本來制作新副本,並填充來自 DataFrame 的數據。



XML 模板(template.xml)



import pandas as pd
from copy import deepcopy
from lxml import etree as et

# Mock up DataFrame for testing.
data = {"Target Column": ["COLUMN1", "COLUMN2", "COLUMN3"],
        "Data Type": ["NUMBER", "NUMBER", "NUMBER"],
        "Length": [38, 38, 38],
        "Scale": [0, 0, 0],
        "Nullable": ["N", "N", "N"]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=data)

# Create ElementTree from template XML.
tree = et.parse("template.xml")

# Map column names to element names.
name_map = {"Target Column": "name",
            "Data Type": "datatype",
            "Length": "length",
            "Scale": "precision",
            "Nullable": "not-null"}

# Select "columns" element so we can append/remove children.
columns_elem = tree.xpath("/custom-data/columns")[0]
# Select "column" element to use as a template for new column elements.
column_template = columns_elem.xpath("column")[0]

for row in df.iterrows():
    # Create a new copy of the column template.
    new_column = deepcopy(column_template)

    # Populate elements in column template based on name map.
    for col_name, elem_name in name_map.items():
        new_column.xpath(elem_name)[0].text = str(row[1][col_name])

    # Append the new column element to "columns" element.

# Remove original empty column template.

# Write tree to file.
# Note: I could've just done tree.write("output.xml"), but I used
#       XMLParser(), tostring(), and fromstring() to get the indents
#       all the same.
parser = et.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)

XML 輸出(“output.xml”)



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