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[英]How to write a grammar to capture inline comment while ignoring lines with just comments?

我正在為我正在開發的新語言編寫語法。 該語言具有以下評論定義:

  1. 評論可以是“內聯”或“僅行”評論
  2. “inline”評論以#開頭
  3. “only-line”評論以#*開頭
  4. 每個語言語句都以newline
  5. “only-line”評論可以忽略
  6. 應該處理“內聯”注釋(在代碼生成器階段將值傳遞給樹步行者)


keyword(0x12, 0x12) # this is an inline comment
keyword(0x34, 0x34) # this is another inline comment

# this is an "only-line" comment
* this is another "only-line" comment
keyword(0x55, 0x55) # this is the 3rd inline comment


statement :   empty_line
          |   comment_statement
          |   keyword_statement

keyword_statement : 'keyword' '(' HEX_VALUE ',' HEX_VALUE ')' in_line_comment?;

in_line_comment : IN_LINE_COMMENT;

comment_statement : LINE_COMMENT;
empty_line        : NL;

IN_LINE_COMMENT : '#' ~[\r\n]* ;
LINE_COMMENT    : [#*] ~[\r\n]* -> skip;

HEX_VALUE       : '0x' [0-9a-fA-F]+;

NL              : '\r'? '\n' -> channel(2);
WS              : [ \t]+ -> skip;


[@6,20:46='# this is an inline comment',<IN_LINE_COMMENT>,1:20]
[@14,68:99='# this is another inline comment',<IN_LINE_COMMENT>,2:20]
[@17,102:133='# this is an "only-line" comment',<IN_LINE_COMMENT>,4:0]
[@26,193:224='# this is the 3rd inline comment',<IN_LINE_COMMENT>,6:20]
line 4:0 extraneous input '# this is an "only-line" comment' expecting {<EOF>, 'keyword', LINE_COMMENT, NL}



好。 自己挖掘這個並作為社區服務..

這是我的解決方案。 我在語法中使用語義謂詞來解決問題。 解決方案目前正在使用Java實現(只是為了消除Antlr4 Python的復雜性) - 但我肯定會將下面的內容翻譯成python


@lexer::members {
    int in_line = 0;                                       <-- initialize to "only-line"

prog      : statement+ EOF;

statement :   empty_line
          |   comment_statement
          |   keyword_statement

keyword_statement : KEYWORD '(' HEX_VALUE ',' HEX_VALUE ')' in_line_comment?;

in_line_comment : IN_LINE_COMMENT;

comment_statement : LINE_COMMENT;
empty_line        : NL;

KEYWORD         : 'keyword' {in_line = 1;};

IN_LINE_COMMENT : '#' ~[\r\n]* {in_line == 1}?;            <-- will match this token only if in_line == 1 in run-time
LINE_COMMENT    : [#*] ~[\r\n]* -> skip;

HEX_VALUE       : '0x' [0-9a-fA-F]+;

NL              : '\r'? '\n' {in_line = 0;}-> channel(2);  <-- reset in_line to 0 after every statement
WS              : [ \t]+ -> skip;


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