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[英]Parsing a .csv file to xml with Java


目前,我正在使用下面的代碼來解析.csv文件,但是我不確定如何獲取這些信息並構建DOM表示形式。 我已經閱讀並遇到了“ jaxb”,但似乎


Is there free circulation of air through and about the building in which you work?,a,468,,249,,,,,,93,,,
"Are there offensive odors in the rooms occupied by employees; if so, from what causes?",b,342,,233,,,,,,235,,,
Are there facilities for washing?,c,460,,124,,,,,,226,,,
"Are seats provided, as prescribed by law?",,320,,192,,,,,,298,,,
Are employees furnished with pure drinking water?,d,527,,102,,,,,,181,,,
Does the work require the employees to stoop over?,,587,,116,,,,,,107,,,
Are there proper and separate facilities for change of dress by males and females?,e,354,,221,,,,,,235,,,
Are there separate water-closets for males and females?,f,509,,126,g,,,,,175,,,
Are there stairways from the windows outside?,,350,,318,,,,,,148,,,
Are the rooms supplied with water pipes?,,265,,385,,,,,,165,,,
Are there hose attachments?,,224,,375,,,,,,218,,,
Are employees compelled to stand or sit at their work?,h,,,,,469,,175,,99,,67,
Are there water tanks and buckets on each floor?,,236,,387,,,,,,198,,,


import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays; 

public class parserClass {

   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
               String splitBy = ",";
       BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("surveydata.csv"));
       String line = br.readLine();
       while((line = br.readLine()) !=null){
            String[] b = line.split(splitBy);



  [Is there free circulation of air through and about the building in which you work?, a, 468, , 249, , , , , , 93]
["Are there offensive odors in the rooms occupied by employees; if so,  from what causes?", b, 342, , 233, , , , , , 235]
[Are there facilities for washing?, c, 460, , 124, , , , , , 226]
["Are seats provided,  as prescribed by law?", , 320, , 192, , , , , , 298]
[Are employees furnished with pure drinking water?, d, 527, , 102, , , , , , 181]
[Does the work require the employees to stoop over?, , 587, , 116, , , , , , 107]
[Are there proper and separate facilities for change of dress by males and females?, e, 354, , 221, , , , , , 235]
[Are there separate water-closets for males and females?, f, 509, , 126, g, , , , , 175]
[Are there stairways from the windows outside?, , 350, , 318, , , , , , 148]
[Are the rooms supplied with water pipes?, , 265, , 385, , , , , , 165]
[Are there hose attachments?, , 224, , 375, , , , , , 218]
[Are employees compelled to stand or sit at their work?, h, , , , , 469, , 175, , 99, , 67]
[Are there water tanks and buckets on each floor?, , 236, , 387, , , , , , 198]

也許一個簡單的低代碼選擇是為此使用Jackson。 有一個Jackson CSV模塊 ,它將讀取CSV文件(具有已定義的模式-在這種情況下,您可以使用標題行),然后將其發送回XML(另一種免費行為)。


CsvSchema bootstrap = CsvSchema.emptySchema().withHeader();
CsvMapper csvMapper = new CsvMapper();
MappingIterator<Map<?, ?>> mappingIterator = csvMapper.reader(Map.class).with(bootstrap).readValues(file);


XmlMapper xmlMapper = new XmlMapper();

當然,還有許多其他選擇可以執行此操作。 至少要使用CSV解析器,例如Apache Commons CSV,並且不要嘗試手動解析CSV(存在太多潛在問題,其中大多數問題已經得到了有效解決)。


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