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[英]filter javascript array on multiple conditions


let songs = [
   {name: 'Let It Be', artist: 'The Beatles},
   {name: 'Lady Madonna', artist: 'The Beatles },
   {name: 'Mama Mia', artist: 'The Beatles}


let value = 'name';
let q = 'Let it be' // value entered in input box;

let songFilter = songs.filter(function(song) {
   return song[value].toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(q) != -1; // returns true or false

后來,當我進入Let It Be在輸入框中會顯示的回報只是'Let It Be' 但是,我想按兩首歌曲進行過濾,因此,如果輸入“ Let It Be, Lady Madonna我希望它返回兩首歌曲。

我采取了許多方法,但無法弄清楚如何使它正常工作。 如果這樣做更容易解決,我也可以提供lodash

let songFilter = songs.filter(function(song) {
    ['let it be', 'lady madonna'].indexOf(song[value].toString().toLowerCase()) > -1

您可以使用Set鍵輸入已輸入的條目(在split之后)。 這樣一來,您就可以在恆定時間內查看是否存在匹配項。 這里將Set傳遞給filter作為上下文,因此可以用以下方法引用this

 let songs = [ {name: 'Let It Be', artist: 'The Beatles' }, {name: 'Lady Madonna', artist: 'The Beatles' }, {name: 'Mama Mia', artist: 'The Beatles' } ]; function find(byKey, valueCsv) { return songs.filter(function(song) { return this.has(song[byKey].toLowerCase()) }, new Set(valueCsv.trim().toLowerCase().split(/\\s*,\\s*/))); } songInput.addEventListener('input', function() { matches.textContent = JSON.stringify(find('name', songInput.value), null, 2); }); 
 Type song name(s):<input id="songInput" style="width:100%"> <pre id="matches"></pre> 


 let songs = [ {name: 'Let It Be', artist: 'The Beatles'}, {name: 'Lady Madonna', artist: 'The Beatles' }, {name: 'Mama Mia', artist: 'The Beatles'} ]; let value = 'name'; let q = 'Let it be,Lady Madonna' // value entered in input box; let splitQ = q.split(',').map(sq=>sq.toLowerCase()); let songFilter = songs.filter(s=>splitQ.find(sq=>s[value].toLowerCase().indexOf(sq) > -1 ) !== undefined ); console.log(songFilter); 


 let songs = [ {name: 'Let It Be', artist: 'The Beatles'}, {name: 'Lady Madonna', artist: 'The Beatles'}, {name: 'Mama Mia', artist: 'The Beatles'} ]; let value = 'name'; let q = 'Let it be, Lady madonna'; // First: split the q value into multiple songs (and make them lowercased) let qSongs = q.split(', ').map(e => e.toLowerCase()); // Second: filter song that are in the above resultant array (qSongs) // for each song in the songs array let songFilter = songs.filter(song => // see if there is some qsong in the qSongs array such that the value of song is equal to qsong qSongs.some(qsong => song[value].toLowerCase().indexOf(qsong) != -1 ) ); console.log(songFilter); 

 let songs = [ { name: 'Let It Be', artist: 'The Beatles' }, { name: 'Lady Madonna', artist: 'The Beatles' }, { name: 'Mama Mia', artist: 'The Beatles' } ]; let value = 'name'; let q = 'Let it be, Lady madonna'; let songFilter = _.filter(songs, (song) => { let regex = new RegExp(q.replace(/\\s*,\\s*/g, '|'), 'gi'); return regex.test(song[value]); }); console.log(songFilter); 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.4/lodash.min.js"></script> 


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