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[英]sql group by sum of all sums


select sum(inv.quantity * inv.price), spn.salesperson_name
from invoice inv
inner join salesperson spn on spn.spn_id = inv.spn_id
where inc.invoice_date between to_date('05/01/2017', 'MM/dd/YYYY') and to_date('05/31/2017', 'MM/dd/YYYY') 
group by spn.salesperson_name

匯總五月份的發票。 結果類似於:

$446,088.62     Bob
$443,439.29     Sally
$275,097.00     Tom
 $95,170.00     George
 $53,150.00     Jill

但是,我需要將每個總和除以總和($ 1,312,944.91),這樣結果是:

$446,088.62     34%  Bob
$443,439.29     34%  Sally
$275,097.00     21%  Tom
 $95,170.00      7%  George
 $53,150.00      4%  Jill




select spn.salesperson_name, sum(inv.quantity * inv.price), 
       sum(inv.quantity * inv.price)  / sum(sum(inv.quantity * inv.price)) over () as ratio 
from invoice inv inner join
     salesperson spn
     on spn.spn_id = inv.spn_id
where inc.invoice_date between date '2017-05-01' and date '2017-05-31'
group by spn.salesperson_name;

當功能完全滿足您的需要時,最好使用這些功能。 在這種情況下,SQL Standard分析函數RATIO_TO_REPORT (至少在Oracle和SQL Server中實現)可以完全滿足您的需求。 https://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14200/functions124.htm

具體來說, select子句可以是:

select sum(inv.quantity * inv.price) AS TOTAL_REVENUE   --  use column aliases!
     , ratio_to_report(sum(inv.quantity * inv.price)) over () AS RATIO,
     , spn.salesperson_name
from   .......   (rest of your query goes here)

請注意,此解決方案與“接受的答案”一樣,將比率顯示為小數而不是百分比(並且不四舍五入)。 如果需要附加百分號,則需要將其轉換為字符串...,如果是這樣,以下技巧(這是一個技巧!)將為您提供所需的信息:

to_char( ratio_to_report(.....), 'fm99L', 'nls_currency = %' ) AS RATIO, .....

to_charL元素用於貨幣符號; 您將貨幣符號定義為百分號。


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