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無法創建類型為“匿名類型”的常量值。 在此上下文中僅支持原始類型或枚舉類型。 在Linq C#中

[英]Unable to create a constant value of type 'Anonymous type'. Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context. in Linq C#

我想加入2-3個具有數據庫數據的列表和2個具有數據作為對象類型的列表的方法,如何從中獲取實際結果? 這是我的代碼和對象列表

var calls = context.queued_calls;

//to get classifications into list
var classificationsToList = (from c in context.classifications
                             select new { c.classification_id, c.classification1 }).ToList();

//to get tha users from the user table 
var users = (from u in context.users
             select new { u.user_id, u.first_name, u.last_name }).ToList();

//to get agents from agents table
var agents = (from a in context.agents
              select new { a.agent_id, a.user_id }).ToList();


var agentsClass = (from cs in calls
                  join ag in agents on cs.agent_id equals ag.agent_id
                  join u in users on ag.user_id equals u.user_id
                  join cls in classificationsToList on cs.classification_id equals cls.classification_id
                  group cs by new { cs.classification_id, cls.classification1, cs.agent_id, u.user_id } into clas                         
                  select new { agent_id = clas.Key.agent_id, user_id = clas.Key.user_id, classification = clas.Key.classification1, classifications_count = clas.Count() }).OrderBy(a => a.agent_id).ToList();



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