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[英]How do I use numpy to find the unions between 2D and 3D arrays?


x = numpy.array([[3, 4, 5], [5, 12, 13], [6, 8, 10], [7, 24, 25]]) #first 4 elem
y = numpy.array([[3, 4], [4, 5], [3, 5], [5, 12]]) # first 4 elem

我試圖比較數組y中的元素:[a,b] [b,c] [a,c],它們是數組x中單個元素[a,b,c]的子集。 我叫這個函數聯合。 我找到聯合的循環方法如下所示。 這對於包含200K最小元素的數組來說並不算太好。

def union(x, y):
for intx in range (len(x)):
    cond1 = cond2 = cond3 = 0
    for inty in range (len(y)):
        if (y[inty][0] == x[intx][0] and y[inty][1] == x[intx][1]): #[a, b] & [a, b, c]
            print ("condition 1 passed")
            cond1 = 1
        if (y[inty][0] == x[intx][1] and y[inty][1] == x[intx][2]): #[b, c] & [a, b, c]
            print ("condition 2 passed")
            cond2 = 1
        if (y[inty][0] == x[intx][0] and y[inty][1] == x[intx][2]): #[a, c] & [a, b, c]
            print ("condition 3 passed")
            cond3 = 1
        if (cond1 & cond2 & cond3):
            print("union found with ", x[intx])
            cond1 = cond2 = cond3 = 0

>>> union(x,y)
condition 1 passed
condition 2 passed
condition 3 passed
union found with  [3 4 5]
condition 1 passed


x = numpy.array([[21, 220, 221]])
y = numpy.array([[21, 220], [20, 21], [220,3021], [1220,3621], [60,221]])


x = numpy.array([[43, 924, 925]])
y = numpy.array([[43, 924], [924, 1643], [924,4307], [72, 925]])


x = numpy.array([[4, 8, 16], [8, 4, 16]])
y = numpy.array([[4, 8], [8, 16], [4, 16]])


x = numpy.array([[12, 13, 15], [12, 14, 15]])
y = numpy.array([[12, 14], [12, 13], [12, 15], [14, 15]])


x = numpy.array([[a, b, c], ...])
y = numpy.array([[a, b], [b, c], [a, c],...])


y = numpy.array([[...[b, c], [a, c], ... [a, b]])

所以我的問題:是否有一種簡單的方法來進行數組操作? 例如,numpy.logical_並建議x1和x2必須是相同的形狀。 用isdisjoint替換我的if語句並不簡單,這是一種更快的方法。 https://stackoverflow.com/a/24478521/8275288

如果您只對符合條件的x “行”感興趣,可以使用:

import numpy as np

def union(x, y):
    # Create a boolean mask for the columns of "x"
    res = np.ones(x.shape[0], dtype=bool)
    # Mask containing the "x" rows that have one "partial match"
    res_tmp = np.zeros(x.shape[0], dtype=bool)
    # Walk through the axis-combinations
    # you could also use Divakars "(x[:,:2], x[:,::2], x[:,1:])" here.
    for cols in (x[:, [0, 1]], x[:, [1, 2]], x[:, [0, 2]]):
        # Check each row of y if it has a partial match
        for y_row in y:
            res_tmp |= (y_row == cols).all(axis=1)
        # Update the overall mask and then reset the partial match mask
        res &= res_tmp
        res_tmp[:] = 0
    return res

x = np.array([[3, 4, 5], [5, 12, 13], [6, 8, 10], [7, 24, 25]])
y = np.array([[3, 4], [4, 5], [3, 5], [5, 12]])
mask = union(x, y)
print(mask)     # array([ True, False, False, False], dtype=bool)
print(x[mask])  # array([[3, 4, 5]])


y = np.array([[3, 4], [4, 5], [3, 5], [5, 12], [12, 13], [5, 13]])
mask = union(x, y)
# array([[ 3,  4,  5],
#        [ 5, 12, 13]])

它仍然需要循環兩次,但內部操作y_row == x[:, ax]是矢量化的。 這應該至少帶來一些(可能是巨大的)速度提升。

也可以for y_row in y循環(使用廣播)中for y_row in y矢量化,但是如果你的x數組和y非常大,這將不會提高性能,但會使用len(x) * len(y)內存(在某些情況下)這可能需要比實際更多的內存 - 導致異常或性能非常差,因為你回退到交換內存)。


from functools import reduce
import numpy_indexed as npi

def contains_union(x, y):
    """Returns an ndarray with a bool for each element in x, 
    indicating if it can be constructed as a union of elements in y"""
    idx = [[0, 1], [1, 2], [0, 2]]
    y = npi.as_index(y)   # not required, but a performance optimization
    return reduce(np.logical_and, (npi.in_(x[:, i], y) for i in idx))

如果你的x值最大小於最大整數表示的sqrt(使用int 64?),那么數字技巧可能有效


import numpy

#rolled up all of the examples
x = numpy.array([[3, 4, 5], [5, 12, 13], [6, 8, 10], [7, 24, 25],
                [21, 220, 221],
                [43, 924, 925],
                [4, 8, 16], [8, 4, 16],
                [12, 13, 15], [12, 14, 15]]) #all examples

#and a numpy array of integer tuples of length 2:

y = numpy.array([[3, 4], [4, 5], [3, 5], [5, 12],
                [21, 220], [20, 21], [220,3021], [1220,3621], [60,221],
                [43, 924], [924, 1643], [924,4307], [72, 925],
                [4, 8], [8, 16], [4, 16],
                [12, 14], [12, 13], [12, 15], [14, 15]]) #all examples

#then make a couple of transform arrays

zx=numpy.array([[int(1e6), 1, 0],
                [0, int(1e6), 1],
                [int(1e6), 0, 1],
zy = numpy.array([[int(1e6)], [1]])

# and the magic is: np.intersect1d(zx @ x[ix], y @ zy)

# just to see part of what is being fed to intersect1d
print(zx @ x[0])
 [3000004 4000005 3000005]  

print(y[:4] @ zy)

# if len of the intersection == 3 then you have your match

y_zy = y @ zy # only calc once
for ix in range(len(x)):
    matches = len(np.intersect1d(zx @ x[ix], y_zy))
    print(ix, matches, x[ix] if matches == 3 else '')
0 3 [3 4 5]
1 2 
2 0 
3 0 
4 1 
5 1 
6 3 [ 4  8 16]
7 2 
8 2 
9 3 [12 14 15]



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