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[英]how to save h5py arrays with different sizes?

我指的是這個問題 我正在制作這個新主題,是因為我不太了解那里給出的答案,希望有人可以向我進一步解釋。

基本上我的問題就像那里的鏈接一樣。之前,我使用np.vstacknp.vstack創建h5格式文件。 以下是我的示例:

import numpy as np
import h5py
import glob


def runtest():
    data1 = [np.loadtxt(file) for file in glob.glob(path + "data1/*.csv")]
    data2 = [np.loadtxt(file) for file in glob.glob(path + "data2/*.csv")]

    stack = np.vstack((data1, data2))

    h5f = h5py.File("/home/ling/test/2test.h5", "w") 
    h5f.create_dataset("test_data", data=stack)

如果大小都相同,這將非常有效。 但是,當大小不同時,會拋出錯誤TypeError: Object dtype dtype('O') has no native HDF5 equivalent

從那里給出的答案可以理解,我必須將數組另存為單獨的數據集,但要查看給出的示例代碼段; for k,v in adict.items()grp.create_dataset(k,data=v)k應該是正確的數據集名稱嗎? 就像我的示例test_data v是什么?


[[array([-0.07812, -0.07812, -0.07812, ..., -0.07812, -0.07812,  0.     ])
  array([-0.07812, -0.07812, -0.11719, ..., -0.07812, -0.07812,  0.     ])
  array([ 0.07812,  0.07812,  0.07812, ...,  0.07812,  0.07812,  0.     ])
  array([-0.07812, -0.07812, -0.07812, ..., -0.07812, -0.07812,  0.     ])
  array([ 0.07812,  0.07812,  0.07812, ...,  0.07812,  0.07812,  0.     ])
  array([ 0.03906,  0.07812,  0.07812, ...,  0.07812,  0.07812,  0.     ])
  array([ 0.07812,  0.07812,  0.07812, ...,  0.07812,  0.07812,  0.     ])
  array([-0.07812, -0.07812, -0.07812, ..., -0.07812, -0.07812,  0.     ])
  array([ 0.07812,  0.07812,  0.07812, ...,  0.07812,  0.11719,  0.     ])
  array([-0.07812, -0.07812, -0.07812, ..., -0.07812, -0.07812,  0.     ])
  array([ 0.07812,  0.07812,  0.07812, ...,  0.07812,  0.07812,  0.     ])
  array([-0.07812, -0.07812, -0.07812, ..., -0.07812, -0.07812,  0.     ])
  array([-0.15625, -0.07812, -0.07812, ..., -0.07812, -0.07812,  0.     ])
  array([-0.07812, -0.07812, -0.07812, ..., -0.07812, -0.07812,  0.     ])
  array([-0.11719, -0.07812, -0.07812, ..., -0.07812, -0.07812,  0.     ])
  array([-0.07812, -0.07812, -0.07812, ..., -0.07812, -0.15625,  0.     ])
  array([ 0.07812,  0.07812,  0.07812, ...,  0.07812,  0.07812,  0.     ])
  array([-0.07812, -0.07812, -0.07812, ..., -0.11719, -0.07812,  0.     ])
  array([ 0.07812,  0.07812,  0.07812, ...,  0.07812,  0.07812,  0.     ])
  array([-0.07812, -0.07812, -0.07812, ..., -0.07812, -0.07812,  0.     ])
  array([ 0.07812,  0.07812,  0.07812, ...,  0.07812,  0.07812,  0.     ])
  array([-0.07812, -0.11719, -0.07812, ..., -0.07812, -0.07812,  0.     ])
  array([-0.07812, -0.07812, -0.07812, ..., -0.07812, -0.07812,  0.     ])
  array([ 0.07812,  0.03906,  0.07812, ...,  0.03906,  0.07812,  0.     ])
  array([ 0.03906,  0.07812,  0.07812, ...,  0.07812,  0.07812,  0.     ])
  array([-0.07812, -0.07812, -0.07812, ..., -0.07812, -0.11719,  0.     ])
  array([ 0.07812,  0.07812,  0.07812, ...,  0.07812,  0.07812,  0.     ])
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  array([ 0.07812,  0.07812,  0.07812, ...,  0.07812,  0.07812,  0.     ])
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 [ array([ 10.9375 ,  10.97656,  10.97656, ...,  11.05469,  11.05469,   1.     ])
  array([ 11.01562,  11.01562,  11.01562, ...,  11.09375,  11.09375,   1.     ])
  array([ 11.09375,  11.09375,  11.09375, ...,  11.09375,  11.09375,   1.     ])
  array([ 10.97656,  11.01562,  11.01562, ...,  11.13281,  11.09375,   1.     ])
  array([ 11.05469,  11.05469,  11.01562, ...,  11.09375,  11.09375,   1.     ])
  array([ 11.05469,  11.05469,  11.05469, ...,  11.05469,  11.05469,   1.     ])
  array([ 11.05469,  11.05469,  11.05469, ...,  11.05469,  11.13281,   1.     ])
  array([ 11.05469,  11.09375,  11.09375, ...,  11.09375,  11.09375,   1.     ])
  array([ 11.09375,  11.05469,  11.09375, ...,  11.05469,  11.05469,   1.     ])
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  array([ 11.05469,  11.05469,  11.09375, ...,  11.05469,  11.05469,   1.     ])
  array([ 10.97656,  10.97656,  10.97656, ...,  11.05469,  11.05469,   1.     ])
  array([ 11.09375,  11.05469,  11.09375, ...,  11.09375,  11.09375,   1.     ])
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  array([ 11.05469,  11.05469,  11.05469, ...,  11.09375,  11.17188,   1.     ])
  array([ 11.09375,  11.09375,  11.09375, ...,  10.97656,  11.09375,   1.     ])
  array([ 11.09375,  11.09375,  11.09375, ...,  11.05469,  11.05469,   1.     ])
  array([ 11.05469,  11.05469,  11.05469, ...,  11.05469,  11.05469,   1.     ])
  array([ 11.05469,  11.01562,  11.05469, ...,  11.01562,  11.01562,   1.     ])
  array([ 10.78125,  10.78125,  10.78125, ...,  11.05469,  11.05469,   1.     ])
  array([ 11.13281,  11.09375,  11.13281, ...,  11.09375,  11.09375,   1.     ])
  array([ 11.13281,  11.09375,  11.09375, ...,  11.05469,  11.05469,   1.     ])
  array([ 10.97656,  10.97656,  10.9375 , ...,  11.05469,  11.05469,   1.     ])
  array([ 11.05469,  11.09375,  11.05469, ...,  11.09375,  11.09375,   1.     ])
  array([ 10.9375 ,  10.9375 ,  10.9375 , ...,  11.09375,  11.09375,   1.     ])
  array([ 11.05469,  11.05469,  11.05469, ...,  11.05469,  11.05469,   1.     ])
  array([ 10.9375 ,  10.89844,  10.9375 , ...,  11.05469,  11.09375,   1.     ])
  array([ 10.9375 ,  10.97656,  10.97656, ...,  11.05469,  11.05469,   1.     ])
  array([ 10.89844,  10.89844,  10.89844, ...,  11.05469,  11.09375,   1.     ])
  array([ 11.05469,  11.05469,  11.05469, ...,  11.01562,  11.01562,   1.     ])]]



我通過使用熊貓解決了這個問題。 最初,我使用了Pierre de Buyl的確切建議,但是當我嘗試加載/讀取文件/數據集時,它給了我錯誤。 我嘗試使用test_data = h5f["data1/file1"][:] 這給了我一個錯誤,說Unable to open object(Object 'file1' does not exist)

我通過使用pandas.read_hdf讀取2test.h5進行了pandas.read_hdf ,它顯示文件為空。 我在網上搜索其他解決方案,發現了這一點。 我已經修改了它:

import numpy as np
import glob

import pandas as pd

path = "/home/ling/test/"

def runtest():
    data1 = [np.loadtxt(file) for file in glob.glob(path + "data1/*.csv")]
    data2 = [np.loadtxt(file) for file in glob.glob(path + "data2/*.csv")]

df1 = pd.DataFrame(data1)
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data2)

combine = df1.append(df2, ignore_index=True)

# sort the NaN to the left
combinedf = combine.apply(lambda x : sorted(x, key=pd.notnull), 1)
combinedf.to_hdf('/home/ling/test/2test.h5', 'twodata')



input_data = pd.read_hdf('2test.h5', 'twodata')
read_input = input_data.values

read1 = read_input[:, -1] # read/get last column for example


NumPy將創建一個包含許多不同輸入的數組。 當嘗試從完全不同的元素(即不同長度)創建數組時,NumPy返回類型為'O'的數組。 NumPy參考指南中查找object_ 然后,使用NumPy幾乎沒有優勢,因為它類似於標准的Python列表。

HDF5無法存儲類型為“ O”的數組,因為它沒有通用數據類型(僅對C結構類型對象提供某些支持)。

解決問題的最明顯方法是將數據存儲在HDF5數據集中,每個表“一個數據集”。 您保留了將數據收集到單個文件中的優勢,並且可以對元素進行“類似於字典的訪問”。


import numpy as np
import h5py
import glob


def runtest():
    h5f = h5py.File("/home/ling/test/2test.h5", "w") 

    [h5f.create_dataset(file[:-4], data=np.loadtxt(file)) for file in glob.glob(path + "data1/*.csv")]
    [h5f.create_dataset(file[:-4], data=np.loadtxt(file)) for file in glob.glob(path + "data2/*.csv")]



h5f = h5py.File("/home/ling/test/2test.h5", "r")
test_data = h5f['data1/thefirstfilenamewithoutcsvextension'][:]


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