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[英]How to convert a structure that contains an array to a byte array?

如何將包含數組的結構轉換為 C# 中的字節數組?



public struct DiObject
    public byte Command; 
    public byte ErrorClass; 
    public byte Reserved; 
    public byte Flags; 

public struct MyPacket
    public uint ProtocolIdentifier; 
    public uint NumDi;    
    public DiObject[] Di; 


private static byte[] GetBytes(MyPacket packet, int packetSize)
    var data = new byte[packetSize];
    var ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(packetSize);

    // ==== Access violation exception occurs here ====
    Marshal.StructureToPtr(packet, ptr, true);

    Marshal.Copy(ptr, data, 0, packetSize);
    return data;

我的目標是使用 MSMQ 在消息隊列中以字節為單位發送消息。


using System;
//using System.IO;
//using System.Messaging;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace StructToBytes
    // 4 bytes
    public struct DiObject
        public byte Command; 
        public byte ErrorClass; 
        public byte Reserved; 
        public byte Flags; 

    // 8 + (numDi*4) bytes
    public struct MyPacket
        public uint ProtocolIdentifier; 
        public uint NumDi;    
        public DiObject[] Di; 

    internal class Program
        private static byte[] GetBytes(MyPacket packet, int packetSize)
            var data = new byte[packetSize];
            var ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(packetSize);

            // ==== Access violation exception occurs here ====
            Marshal.StructureToPtr(packet, ptr, true);

            Marshal.Copy(ptr, data, 0, packetSize);
            return data;

        private static MyPacket FromBytes(byte[] data)
            var packet = new MyPacket();
            var dataSize = Marshal.SizeOf(packet);
            var ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(dataSize);
            Marshal.Copy(data, 0, ptr, dataSize);
            packet = (MyPacket) Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, packet.GetType());
            return packet;

        private static void Main(string[] args)
            const string queuePath = @".\private$\test_msmq";

            // Create the packet
            var packet = new MyPacket();

            // 8 bytes
            packet.ProtocolIdentifier = 1;
            packet.NumDi = 2;

            // 8 bytes
            packet.Di = new DiObject[packet.NumDi];
            packet.Di[0].Command = 2;
            packet.Di[0].ErrorClass = 3;
            packet.Di[0].Flags = 4;
            packet.Di[0].Reserved = 5;
            packet.Di[1].Command = 6;
            packet.Di[1].ErrorClass = 7;
            packet.Di[1].Flags = 8;
            packet.Di[1].Reserved = 9;

            // Convert the struct in bytes
            const int packetSize = 16;
            var packetBytes = GetBytes(packet, packetSize);

            // Create the message
            var msg = new Message();
            msg.BodyStream = new MemoryStream(packetBytes);

            // Open or create the message queue
            if (!MessageQueue.Exists(queuePath))

            // Open the queue
            var q = new MessageQueue(queuePath); // {Formatter = new BinaryMessageFormatter()};

            // Send the message to the queue

問題在於關於如何在 C# 中表示結構的錯誤假設

// 8 + (numDi*4) bytes
public struct MyPacket
    public uint ProtocolIdentifier;
    public uint NumDi;
    public DiObject[] Di;

public DiObject[] Di成員的大小是numDi * 4的假設是不正確的。 代替該字段的是指向結構數組的指針。 Array 是 .NET 中的一個類,未包含在結構聲明中。

為了解決這個問題,可以使用固定數組。 我知道設計背后的想法是獲取可變長度數組,它在下一個代碼清單中介紹。

此代碼在執行期間不會引發 AccessViolationException:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Messaging;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace StructToBytes
    // 4 bytes
    public unsafe struct DiObject
        public byte Command;

        public byte ErrorClass;

        public byte Reserved;

        public byte Flags;

    // 8 + (numDi*4) bytes
    public unsafe struct MyPacket
        public uint ProtocolIdentifier;
        public uint NumDi;
        public fixed byte Di[2 * 4];

    internal unsafe class Program
        private static byte[] GetBytes(MyPacket packet, int packetSize)
            var data = new byte[packetSize];
            var ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(packetSize);

            // ==== Access violation exception occurs here ====
            Marshal.StructureToPtr(packet, ptr, true);

            Marshal.Copy(ptr, data, 0, packetSize);
            return data;

        private static MyPacket FromBytes(byte[] data)
            var packet = new MyPacket();
            var dataSize = Marshal.SizeOf(packet);
            var ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(dataSize);
            Marshal.Copy(data, 0, ptr, dataSize);
            packet = (MyPacket)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, packet.GetType());
            return packet;

        private static void Main(string[] args)
            const string queuePath = @".\private$\test_msmq";

            // Create the packet
            var packet = new MyPacket();

            // 8 bytes
            packet.ProtocolIdentifier = 1;
            packet.NumDi = 2;

            // 8 bytes
            // packet.Di = new DiObject[packet.NumDi];
            packet.Di[0] = 2;
            packet.Di[1] = 3;
            packet.Di[2] = 4;
            packet.Di[3] = 5;
            packet.Di[4] = 6;
            packet.Di[5] = 7;
            packet.Di[6] = 8;
            packet.Di[7] = 9;

            // Convert the struct in bytes
            int packetSize = Marshal.SizeOf<MyPacket>();
            var packetBytes = GetBytes(packet, packetSize);

            // Create the message

            var msg = new Message();
            msg.BodyStream = new MemoryStream(packetBytes);

            // Open or create the message queue
            if (!MessageQueue.Exists(queuePath))

            // Open the queue
            var q = new MessageQueue(queuePath); // {Formatter = new BinaryMessageFormatter()};

            // Send the message to the queue


下面的代碼為具有可變內部數組大小的 MyPacket 結構提供了到字節數組和從字節數組的有效轉換。 實現通過使用不安全的指針算法來避免強制轉換和邊界檢查。

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Messaging;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace StructToBytes
    // 4 bytes
    public unsafe struct DiObject
        public byte Command;

        public byte ErrorClass;

        public byte Reserved;

        public byte Flags;

    public unsafe struct MyPacket
        public uint ProtocolIdentifier;
        public uint NumDi;
        public DiObject[] Di;

        public byte[] ToBytes()
            byte[] buffer = new byte[NumDi];

            fixed(DiObject* pDi = Di)
            fixed(byte* pBuff = buffer)
                var pBuffDi = (DiObject*)pBuff;
                var pDiPtr = pDi;
                for (int i = 0; i < NumDi; i++)
                    *pBuffDi++ = *pDiPtr++;
            return buffer;

        public static MyPacket Create(byte[] buffer)
            // argument checking code here

            var packet = new MyPacket();
            packet.ProtocolIdentifier = buffer[0];
            packet.NumDi = buffer[1];
            packet.Di = new DiObject[packet.NumDi];

            fixed (byte* pBuf = buffer)
            fixed (DiObject* pDi = packet.Di)
                byte* pBufPtr = pBuf;
                pBufPtr += 2;
                var pBufDi = (DiObject*)pBufPtr;
                var pDiPtr = pDi;

                for (int i = 0; i < packet.NumDi; i++)
                    *pDiPtr++ = *pBufDi++;

            return packet;

    internal unsafe class Program

        private static void Main(string[] args)
            const string queuePath = @".\private$\test_msmq";

            // Create the packet
            var packet = new MyPacket();

            // 8 bytes
            packet.ProtocolIdentifier = 1;
            packet.NumDi = 5;

            // 8 bytes
            packet.Di = new DiObject[packet.NumDi];
            packet.Di[0].Command = 2;
            packet.Di[0].ErrorClass = 3;
            packet.Di[0].Flags = 4;
            packet.Di[0].Reserved = 5;
            packet.Di[1].Command = 6;
            packet.Di[1].ErrorClass = 7;
            packet.Di[1].Flags = 8;
            packet.Di[1].Reserved = 9;
            packet.Di[2].Command = 6;
            packet.Di[2].ErrorClass = 7;
            packet.Di[2].Flags = 8;
            packet.Di[2].Reserved = 9;
            packet.Di[3].Command = 6;
            packet.Di[3].ErrorClass = 7;
            packet.Di[3].Flags = 8;
            packet.Di[3].Reserved = 9;

            // Create the message

            var msg = new Message();
            msg.BodyStream = new MemoryStream(packet.ToBytes());

            // Open or create the message queue
            if (!MessageQueue.Exists(queuePath))

            // Open the queue
            var q = new MessageQueue(queuePath);

            // Send the message to the queue



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