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[英]Session_Start & Session_End in Global.asax.cs


例如, Global.asax中的 Application_BeginRequest通過命名約定被注冊到HttpApplication類的BeginRequest。

在這3個類中,關於這2個會話事件,我找不到任何東西: HttpApplicationHttpContextHttpSessionState


它是舊的文檔,但是如果您從將模塊與Global.asax文件一起使用開始,您會看到可以訂閱的事件由實現IHttpModule接口的類型公開。 並查看該接口的文檔,您將找到實現IHttpModule的內置類型:

Class                         Description
DefaultAuthenticationModule   Insures that an Authentication object is present in the context. This class cannot be inherited.
FileAuthorizationModule       Verifies that the remote user has NT permissions to access the file requested. This class cannot be inherited.
FormsAuthenticationModule     Enables ASP.NET applications to use forms authentication. This class cannot be inherited.
PassportAuthenticationModul   Provides a wrapper around PassportAuthentication services. This class cannot be inherited.
SessionStateModule            Provides session-state services for an application.
UrlAuthorizationModule        Provides URL-based authorization services for allowing or denying access to specified resources. This class cannot be inherited.
WindowsAuthenticationModule   Enables ASP.NET applications to use Windows/IIS authentication. This class cannot be inherited.


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