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[英]Applescript copy files to specific folders

我想將文件復制到特定的文件夾。 文件夾名稱和文件名稱的前14個字符相同。 這是我的文件夾結構:


     RED_A001_0101R7 (the last 6 digits are random)

          A001_C001_0101RN_001_Proxy.mp4 (video file to be copied)
          A001_C002_0101D5_001_Proxy.mp4 (video file to be copied)                                 


          A001_C001_0101RN.RDC (Folder in which the correct _Proxy file should be copied in)
          A001_C002_0101D5.RDC (Folder in which the correct _Proxy file should be copied in)


set ProxyFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the Source Folder")
set FullresFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the Destination Folder")

tell application "System Events"
      set folderList to name of folders of FullresFolder
      set fileList to name of files of ProxyFolder
end tell

repeat with i from 1 to (count folderList)
      set folderName to item i of folderList
      set beginFolderName to text items 1 thru 14 of folderName
      set filesToMove to {}
           repeat with j from 1 to (count fileList)
                   set filename to item j of fileList
                   if filename begins with beginFolderName then
                       set end of filesToMove to alias ((ProxyFolder as string) & filename)
                   end if
            end repeat

tell application "Finder"
                   duplicate filesToMove to alias ((FullresFolder as string) & folderName & ":")
        end tell
end repeat

該腳本有效-但現在我必須為每個文件夾A001,A002等選擇我的源文件夾和目標文件夾。能夠選擇頂級文件夾作為源(文件夾代理)和目標(文件夾FullRes)會更方便。 )。 我怎樣才能做到這一點?


我編輯了原始腳本,它也可以正常工作,但是您的腳本更優雅,而且速度可能更快。 非常感謝你!


set topLevelProxyFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the PROXY Folder")
set topLevelFullresFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the FULL RES Folder")

tell application "System Events"
    set folderList to name of folders of topLevelFullresFolder
    set proxyFolderList to name of folders of topLevelProxyFolder
end tell

set allFilesList to {}

repeat with thisProxyFolder from 1 to (count proxyFolderList)
    set thisProxyFolderName to item thisProxyFolder of proxyFolderList
    set thisSubProxyFolder to alias ((topLevelProxyFolder as string) & thisProxyFolderName)

    tell application "System Events"
        set thisFileList to name of files of thisSubProxyFolder
    end tell

    set allFilesList to allFilesList & thisFileList

end repeat

repeat with thisFolder from 1 to (count folderList)
    set thisFolderName to item thisFolder of folderList
    set thisSubFolder to alias ((topLevelFullresFolder as string) & thisFolderName)

    tell application "System Events"
        set subFolderList to name of folders of thisSubFolder
    end tell

repeat with i from 1 to (count subFolderList)
    set thisSubFolderName to item i of subFolderList
    set beginSubFolderName to text items 1 thru ((get offset of "." in thisSubFolderName) - 1) of thisSubFolderName
    set filesToMove to {}

    repeat with j from 1 to (count allFilesList)
        set fileName to item j of allFilesList
        if fileName begins with beginSubFolderName then
            set end of filesToMove to alias ((topLevelProxyFolder as string) & thisFolderName & ":" & fileName)
        end if

    end repeat

    tell application "Finder"
        duplicate filesToMove to alias ((topLevelFullresFolder as string) & thisFolderName & ":" & thisSubFolderName & ":")         
    end tell

    end repeat
end repeat


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