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[英]How to make my if statement run once in a while loop

我正在嘗試為python中的類制作簡化的模擬銀行終端應用程序。 我正在努力做到這一點,以便如果他們有支票或儲蓄帳戶,就無法創建新帳戶。 我嘗試將cacc_check設置為if loop_set和while循環之外的全局變量。 當我嘗試它時,它抱怨cacc_check在使用之前尚未初始化。 當我將cacc_check = in設置為if menu_choice == 1 ,它將在每次進入該循環時將其重置為0。 我不確定如何初始化cacc_check以免每次我進入該菜單時都不會將其重置為0,並且仍然可以在“ if acc_choice == 1和cacc_check!= 0”中使用它,以便任何帳戶生成的號碼不會被清除。 這就是我現在停留的地方:

import random
loop_set = 1

while loop_set < 5:

def homeScreen():
    print('Welcome to your bank application \n 1. Create Account \n 2. Make a Deposit \n 3. Make a Withdrawal \n'
          ' 4. View Accounts \n 5. View Transactions \n 6. Transfer Money \n 7. Loans \n 8. Close an Account')
    menu_choice = int(input('Please enter a number to select an option'))
    if menu_choice == 0:
    if menu_choice == 1:
        cacc_check = 0
        sacc_check = 
        print('Creating Account')
        name = str(input('Please enter your name: '))
        acc_choice = int(input('Type 1 for a checking account and 2 for a savings account'))
        if acc_choice == 1 and cacc_check == 0:
            cacc_num = random.randint(1000, 9999)
            cacc_check += 1
            print('Hello ', name, 'your checking account number is', cacc_num)
        if acc_choice == 1 and cacc_num != 0:
            print("It looks like you already have a checking account with us")
        if acc_choice == 2 and sacc_check == 0:
            sacc_num = random.randint(1000, 9999)
            print('Hello ', name, 'your savings account number is', sacc_num)

    if loop_set == 1:
        loop_set = loop_set + 1
        print('loop_set = ', loop_set)

我希望能夠確保它只能在一次分配隨機帳號的語句中運行,否則該帳號將在下次通過時被覆蓋。 對於格式和優化不正確,我深表歉意。 我敢肯定,有更好的方法可以完成我想做的事情,但我仍在學習。 任何建議表示贊賞。

您需要將變量移動到while循環之前。 這樣,每次循環運行時值都不會重置。 嘗試類似:

import random

def homeScreen():
    print('Welcome to your bank application \n 1. Create Account \n 2. Make a Deposit \n 3. Make a Withdrawal \n'
          ' 4. View Accounts \n 5. View Transactions \n 6. Transfer Money \n 7. Loans \n 8. Close an Account')

def loopScreen():
    menu_choice = int(input('Please enter a number to select an option'))
    loop_set = 1
    cacc_check = 0
    sacc_check = 0

    while loop_set < 5:
        if menu_choice == 0:
        if menu_choice == 1:
            print('Creating Account')
            name = str(input('Please enter your name: '))
            acc_choice = int(input('Type 1 for a checking account and 2 for a savings account'))
            if acc_choice == 1 and cacc_check == 0:
                cacc_num = random.randint(1000, 9999)
                cacc_check += 1
                print('Hello ', name, 'your checking account number is', cacc_num)
            if acc_choice == 1 and cacc_num != 0:
                print("It looks like you already have a checking account with us")
            if acc_choice == 2 and sacc_check == 0:
                sacc_num = random.randint(1000, 9999)
                print('Hello ', name, 'your savings account number is', sacc_num)

        if loop_set == 1:
            loop_set = loop_set + 1
            print('loop_set = ', loop_set)



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