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[英]Remove spaces from words and generate exact words

我正在使用python,並且正在尋找一種方法,可以使單詞完全有意義地排列並可以提高可讀性。 示例詞是

H o w  d o  s m a l l  h o l d e r  f a r m e r s  f i t  i n t o  t h e  b i g  p i c t u r e  o f  w o r l d  f o o d  p r o d u c t i o n






Inn ovative  b usines s  m odels  and  financi ng  m e chanisms  for  pv  de ploym ent  in  em ergi ng  regio ns

這是我的問題,所以我根本無法刪除空格。 一個“想法”將每組字符與字典匹配,並找到寫詞。 也許

import re 

a = 'H o w   d o   sm a l l h o l d e r   f a r m e r s  f i t   i n t o   t h e   b i g   p i c t u r e   o f   w o r l d   f o o d p r o d u c t i o n'

s = re.sub(r'(.) ',r'\1',a)


How do smallholder farmers fit into the big picture of world foodproduction


>>>''.join([string[i:i+2].strip() or ' ' for i in range(0, len(string), 2)])
'How do smallholder farmers fit into the big picture of world foodproduction'

Edit_2:**問題已更改,並且比較棘手。 我讓這個答案解決最后一個問題,但這不是實際的問題



我建議您使用一些實詞詞典 這是一個SO線程。

然后,您要Inn ovative b usines sm odels and financi ng me chanisms for pv de ploym ent in em ergi ng regio ns一句話(在這里, Inn ovative b usines sm odels and financi ng me chanisms for pv de ploym ent in em ergi ng regio ns ),並使用空格splitsplit (看來,您只有這個字符是共同的) 。


iterating through the string list:
    keeping the currWord index
    while realWord not found:
        checking currWord in dictionnary.
        if realWord is not found:
            join the nextWord to the currWord
            join currWord to the final sentence

這樣做並保持您所在的currWord索引,您可以log遇到問題的位置,並為分詞添加一些新規則。 如果達到某個閾值,您可能會知道自己有問題(例如:單詞長30個字符?)。




def raw_char_to_sentence(seq):
    """ Splits the "seq" parameter using 'space'. As words are separated with two spaces,
        "raw_char_to_sentence" transforms this list of characters into a full string
    char_list = seq.split(' ')

    sentence = ''
    word = ''
    for c in char_list:
        # Adding single character to current word.
        word += c
        if c == '':
            # If word is over, add it to sentence, and reset the current word.
            sentence += (word + ' ')
            word = ''

    # This function adds a space at the end, so we need to strip it.
    return sentence.rstrip()

temp = "H o w  d o  s m a l l h o l d e r  f a r m e r s f i t  i n t o  t h e  b i g  p i c t u r e  o f  w o r l d  f o o d p r o d u c t i o n"
print raw_char_to_sentence(temp)
# outputs : How do smallholder farmersfit into the big picture of world

首先獲取單詞列表(又稱詞匯表)。 例如nltk.corpus.words

>>> from nltk.corpus import words
>>> vocab = words.words()


>>> from collections import Counter
>>> from nltk.corpus import brown
>>> vocab_freq = Counter(brown.words()


>>> text = "H o w d o sm a l l h o l d e r f a r m e r s f i t i n t o t h e b i g p i c t u r e o f w o r l d f o o d p r o d u c t i o n"
>>> ''.join(text.lower().split())                                                                                                      'howdosmallholderfarmersfitintothebigpictureofworldfoodproduction'


  • 一個單詞越長,看起來就越像一個單詞
  • 不在詞匯表中的單詞不是單詞


from collections import Counter 

from nltk.corpus import brown

text = "H o w d o s m a l l h o l d e r f a r m e r s f i t i n t o t h e b i g p i c t u r e o f w o r l d f o o d p r o d u c t i o n"
text = "Inn ovative b usines s m odels and financi ng m e chanisms for pv de ploym ent in em ergi ng regio ns"
s = ''.join(text.lower().split())

vocab_freq = Counter(brown.words())

max_word_len = 10

words = []
# A i-th pointer moving forward.
i = 0
while i < len(s):
    for j in reversed(range(max_word_len+1)):
        # Check if word in vocab and frequency is > 0.
        if s[i:i+j] in vocab_freq and vocab_freq[s[i:i+j]] > 0:
            i = i+j


how do small holder farmers fit into the big picture of world food production


from collections import Counter 

from nltk.corpus import brown, gutenberg, inaugural, treebank

vocab_freq = Counter(brown.words()) + Counter(gutenberg.words()) +  Counter(inaugural.words()) + Counter(treebank.words()) 

text = "Inn ovative b usines s m odels and financi ng m e chanisms for pv de ploym ent in em ergi ng regio ns"
s = ''.join(text.lower().split())

max_word_len = 10

words = []
# A i-th pointer moving forward.
i = 0
while i < len(s):
    for j in reversed(range(max_word_len+1)):
        # Check if word in vocab and frequency is > 0.
        if s[i:i+j] in vocab_freq and vocab_freq[s[i:i+j]] > 0:
            i = i+j


innovative business models and financing mechanisms for p v deployment in emerging regions


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