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Selenium:在Internet Explorer中將文件下載到指定的文件夾,而無需直接鏈接,沒有Windows窗體,沒有AutoIt或Robot

[英]Selenium: download file in Internet Explorer to specified folder without direct link, without Windows Forms, without AutoIt or Robot

我經常遇到一個問題,如何在IE中下載文件。 與Firefox的Chrome相比,您不能僅指定所需的文件夾,而是將所有文件下載到該文件夾​​。 您還需要與本機Windows窗體等進行交互。

有多個選項,例如使用AutoIt,使用鍵盤命令,Robot等。但是所有這些選項都不穩定,它們需要顯式等待,使用冗余庫以及在並行運行測試時不適當。 另一個問題是,如果文件不是通過直接鏈接下載的,而是從javascript命令生成的或從服務器接收的,並且無法從html提取的,該怎么辦。

所有這些問題都可以解決,在這里我將展示如何做到。 解決方案是用C#編寫的,我相信同樣可以在Java中實現

方法DownloadFileIexplore將文件下載到指定的filePath(文件夾+文件名),例如DownloadFileExplore(“ C:\\ my_folder \\ report.xslx”)

    public void DownloadFileIexplore(string filePath)
        //Click the link.
        //Simple click can be used instead, but in my case it didn't work for all the links, so i've replaced it with click via action: 
        new Actions(Browser.Driver).MoveToElement(Element).Click(Element).Perform();

        //Different types of element can be used to download file.
        //If the element contains direct link, it can be extracter from 'href' attribute.
        //If the element doesn't contains href or it's just an javascript command, link will be extracted from the browser http requests.
        string downloadUrlOrLink = Element.GetAttribute("href") != null && !Element.GetAttribute("href").Contains("javascript")
            ? Element.GetAttribute("href")
            : GetRequestUrls().Last() ?? GetLinkInNewWindowIexplore();
        if (downloadUrlOrLink == null)
            throw Log.Exception("Download url cannot be read from the element href attribute and from the recent http requests.");

        /// the last step is to download file using CookieWebClient
        /// method DownloadFile is available in the System.Net.WebClient, 
        /// but we have to create new class CookieWebClient, that will be inherited from System.Net.WebClient with one overriden method
        new CookieWebClient(GetCookies()).DownloadFile(downloadUrlOrLink, filePath);

    /// <summary>
    /// this method returns all the http requests sent from browser.
    /// the latest requests was send when link (or button) was clicked to download file
    /// so we will need just to get last element from list: GetRequestUrls().Last().
    /// or, if the request for file downloading isn't the last, find the required request by part of url, in my case it was 'common/handler', e.g.:
    /// GetRequestUrls().LastOrDefault(x => x.Contains("common/handler")) 
    /// <summary>
    public List<string> GetRequestUrls()
        ReadOnlyCollection<object> requestsUrls = (ReadOnlyCollection<object>) 
            Driver.ExecuteScript("return window.performance.getEntries().map(function(x) { return x.name });");
        return requestsUrls.Select(x => (string) x).ToList();

    /// <summary>
    /// In some cases after clicking the Download button new window is opened in IE.
    /// Driver.WindowHandles can return only one window instead of two.
    /// To solve this problem reset IE security settings and set Enable Protected Mode for each zone.
    /// </summary>
    private string GetLinkInNewWindowIexplore()
        /// here it would be better to add waiting till new window is opened.
        /// in that case we have to calculate number of windows before click and send this number as argument to GetLinkInNewWindowIexplore()
        /// and wait till number will be increased by 1 
        var availableWindows = Driver.WindowHandles;
        if (availableWindows.Count > 1)
            Driver.SwitchTo().Window(availableWindows[availableWindows.Count - 1]);
        string url;
            url = Driver.Url;
        catch (Exception)
            url = Driver.ExecuteScript("return document.URL;").ToString();
        return url;

    public System.Net.CookieContainer GetCookies()
        CookieContainer cookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
        foreach (OpenQA.Selenium.Cookie cookie in Driver.Manage().Cookies.AllCookies)
            cookieContainer.Add(new System.Net.Cookie
                Name = cookie.Name,
                Value = cookie.Value,
                Domain = "domain of your site, you can find, track http requests send from your site in browser dev tools, tab Network"
        return cookieContainer;

public class CookieWebClient : WebClient
    private readonly CookieContainer _cookieContainer;

    public CookieWebClient(CookieContainer cookieContainer)
        _cookieContainer = cookieContainer;

    /// it's necessary to override method to add cookies, because file cannot be download by non-authorized user
    /// ServerCertificateValidationCallback is set to true to avoid some possible certificate errors
    protected override WebRequest GetWebRequest(Uri address)
        ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return true; };
        WebRequest request = base.GetWebRequest(address);
        HttpWebRequest webRequest = request as HttpWebRequest;
        if (webRequest != null)
            webRequest.CookieContainer = _cookieContainer;
        return request;


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