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Javascript 無法在 Internet Explorer 11 上運行

[英]Javascript failing to work on the internet explorer 11

此代碼僅出現在 Internet Explorer 版本:IE11 上,我遇到了一些問題。 這是解釋的簡短版本。 得到代碼控制台錯誤:原始消息 SCRIPT1002:語法錯誤:和指向:=> 值的鏈接。

// Bind click events to toggle buttons and pass in slide flip value
                                next.addEventListener('click', () => {
                                prev.addEventListener('click', () => {

我可以在這里提供更多信息。 http://scorpion3d.com/index.html#fotografija

此鏈接將引導您解決問題。 好的,下面是完整代碼,如果您將在其他瀏覽器上嘗試它,它工作得很好。 圖像正在顯示,控制台上沒有問題等。但在 Internet Explorer 上我看不到任何圖像按鈕工作,我不知道如何修復它。 完整的Java腳本如下:

// Flickr configurations
// Obfuscated API key var for demo
const _0x6e6e=["\x65\x66\x63\x38\x33\x64\x63\x63\x64\x37\x63\x31\x64\x30\x61\x65\x39\x33\x66\x34\x61\x61\x37\x61\x66\x62\x39\x37\x31\x66\x63\x65"];const apiKey=_0x6e6e[0]
// To personalize app, replace with your own API key
// const apiKey = '';
const album = '72157688964206172',
    albumOwner = '154845055@N05',
    flickrUrl = 'https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/',
    method = '?method=flickr.photosets.getPhotos&api_key=',
    perPage = '100',
    formatCallback = '&format=json&nojsoncallback=1',
    contentContainer = document.getElementById('carouselContent'),
    oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
// Handle a response from the Flickr API
function reqListener () {
    const flickrPhotos = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
    // Parse response for album and owner information
    const ownerName = flickrPhotos.photoset.ownername,
        albumTitle = flickrPhotos.photoset.title,
        albumUrl = 'https://www.flickr.com/photos/' + albumOwner + '/albums/' + album,
        albumOwnerUrl = 'https://www.flickr.com/photos/' + albumOwner;
    // append response data to HTML DOM elements
    albumInfo.innerHTML = albumTitle;
    owner.innerHTML = ownerName;
    albumLink.href = albumUrl;
    albumOwnerLink.href = albumOwnerUrl;
    // Iterate through flickrPhotos in the response
    flickrPhotos.photoset.photo.forEach(function(foto) {
        // Generate the URL for individual photo based on template
        const url = 'https://farm' + foto.farm + '.staticflickr.com/' + foto.server + '/' + foto.id + '_' + foto.secret + '.jpg';
        const photoTitle = foto.title;
        // Generate the necessary slide markup
        //   <span data-function="slide">
        //       <p>title</p>
        //       <img src="" />
        //   </span>
        const span = document.createElement('span'),
            img = document.createElement('img'),
            title = document.createElement('p');
        // append response data to generated HTML DOM elements
        img.src = url;
        img.alt = photoTitle;
        title.innerHTML = photoTitle;
        span.dataset.function = 'slide';
        // Now append the new slide to the slide container
    // Remote API request has been made and processed, initialize the carousel.
// API call to Flickr
oReq.addEventListener("load", reqListener);
oReq.open("GET", flickrUrl + method + apiKey + '&photoset_id=' + album + '&user_id=' + albumOwner + '&per_page=' + perPage + formatCallback);
// Carousel function
function flickrCarousel () {
    // set scoped variables
    const carouselBox = document.getElementById('carouselBox'),
        prev = carouselBox.querySelector('.prev'),
        next = carouselBox.querySelector('.next'),
        slides = carouselBox.querySelectorAll('[data-function=slide]'),
        deck = slides.length;
    let slide = 0,
        currentSlide = slides[0];
    // Find current slide of array and add selector
    // slider function
    function pushSlide(flip) {
        // Use value of array to find node and remove selector
        // Using value of current slide, add flip value to determine next slide value
        slide = slide + flip;
        // allows for full rotation of carousel; if 0 set value to -1 of array length
        if (flip === -1 && slide < 0) {
            slide = deck - 1;
        // allows for full rotation of carousel; if max length of array, set to 0
        if (flip === 1 && !slides[slide]) {
            slide = 0;
        // determine active slide and add selector
        currentSlide = slides[slide];
    // Bind click events to toggle buttons and pass in slide flip value
    next.addEventListener('click', () => {
    prev.addEventListener('click', () => {
    // Bind keyboard events to slide triggers
    document.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
        if( event.keyCode == 39 ) {
        if( event.keyCode == 37 ) {


您的代碼是用 ES6 語法編寫的,E11 似乎不支持這種 JavaScript 語法。 您將需要刪除所有const s 和let s 和=> s。 如果您手動執行此操作,您可能需要刪除更多內容。

這可以通過使用轉譯器來自動化。 我最喜歡的是巴別塔


聲明:本站的技術帖子網頁,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0協議,如果您需要轉載,請注明本站網址或者原文地址。任何問題請咨詢:yoyou2525@163.com.

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