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[英]initialize value to a public variable of type list of a class using the object initializer

我有一個僅包含類型列表數據成員的通用類。 現在,我想使用main方法中該泛型類的對象初始化程序將值添加到該列表中。


class GenericStore<T>
    public List<T> allData = new List<T>();


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        GenericStore<Student> studentData = new GenericStore<Student>()
           // I Have Write This Which Gives me Error

            /*allData =  new Student(new Guid(), "Subhashis Pal"),
            allData =  new Student(new Guid(), "x"),
            allData =  new Student(new Guid(), "Y"),
            allData = new Student(new Guid(), "Z")*/



class Student
    private Guid id;
    private string name;
    public Student(Guid id, string name)
        this.id = id;
        this.name = name;

它給您一個錯誤,因為在GenericStore<Student>情況下allData字段的類型為List<Student> ,因此,為了allData字段allData種子初始化器,您需要實例化List<Student>集合並使用其對象初始化器添加Student對象

GenericStore<Student> store = new GenericStore<Student>
        allData = new List<Student> 
            new Student(new Guid(), "Subhashis Pal"),
            new Student(new Guid(), "x"),
            new Student(new Guid(), "Y"),
            new Student(new Guid(), "Z")

allData是一個List<T> ,您每次都嘗試為其分配單個對象Student


GenericStore<Student> studentData = new GenericStore<Student>
    allData = new List<Student>
        new Student(new Guid(), "Subhashis Pal"),
        new Student(new Guid(), "x"),
        new Student(new Guid(), "Y"),
        new Student(new Guid(), "Z"),

我認為您對對象初始化程序的工作方式感到困惑。 這個:

GenericStore<Student> studentData = new GenericStore<Student>()
    allData =  new Student(new Guid(), "Subhashis Pal"),
    allData =  new Student(new Guid(), "x"),
    allData =  new Student(new Guid(), "Y"),
    allData = new Student(new Guid(), "Z")

不正確,因為不能多次分配一個字段,並且StudentList<Student>不兼容。 正確的方法是

GenericStore<Student> studentData = new GenericStore<Student>()
    allData = new List<Student>() 
        // and you create your student objects *here*

您需要正確地將List<Student>分配給allData 然后,您可以使用列表初始化程序以學生對象初始化列表。


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