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如何在 iOS 應用中集成 Atom 支付網關?

[英]How to integrate Atom payment gateway in iOS app?

我是帶有 extension.a 的靜態庫的新手,我正在嘗試將原子技術支付網關植入 iOS 應用程序。 他們提供了 2 個文件 1.libAtomPayLib(Live).a 2.libAtomPayLib(UAT).a 和一個非常簡短的文檔

根據他們的文檔,我添加了一個文件到項目中,“添加了其他鏈接標志”“$(OTHER_LDFLAGS) -ObjC”。


在構建階段中添加 Bundle “resourcesLib” 選擇您的項目目標(復制 Bundle Resources)。


    #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "nb.h"
#import "card.h"
#import "NSString+DES.h"
#import "NSData+DES.h"

@interface ViewController : UIViewController <NSXMLParserDelegate,nbDelegate,cardDelegate>
NSXMLParser *parser;
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *InitiateRequest;
@property (nonatomic,retain) NSXMLParser *parser;

-(IBAction)callVC:(id)sender;//Call for all transaction


我試圖在 viewcontroller.h 文件中使用此代碼,但出現錯誤“找不到 nb.h” 我猜這些標頭來自庫,如果它與項目正確鏈接 nb.h 將隨處可用。 我還添加了文檔詳細信息

ATOM 移動 SDK 集成

Atom 移動集成旨在使您能夠通過移動應用程序處理付款。

集成類型:- 非無縫:


•   Create new Group in your project hierarch & add all the files from “payAtom” in it.
•   Select your Project from Left Panel
•   Go to targets tab & select the application
•   Go to Build Setting & select Basic & Combined Tabs
•   Add the following property as shown below

如果找不到“Other Linker Flags”,則可以執行以下這些步驟

•   Select the project file from the project navigator on the far left side of the window.

•   Select the target for where you want to add the linker flag.

•   Select the "Build Settings" tab

•   Choose "All" to show all Build Settings.

•   Scroll down to the "Linking" section, and double-click to the right of where it says "Other Linking Flags".
•   A box will appear, Click on the "+" button to add a new linker flag.

•   Type "$(OTHER_LDFLAGS) -ObjC" (no quotes) and press enter.

•   Add Bundle ”resourcesLib” in Build Phases selecting your project target(Copy Bundle Resources).


•   Merchant will design a screen wherein he will accept all the required fields including the bank detail, payment options and card details.
•   Pass the data to Library as follows in the same format:


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "nb.h"
#import "card.h"
#import "NSString+DES.h"
#import "NSData+DES.h"

@interface ViewController : UIViewController <NSXMLParserDelegate,nbDelegate,cardDelegate>
NSXMLParser *parser;
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *InitiateRequest;
@property (nonatomic,retain) NSXMLParser *parser;

-(IBAction)callVC:(id)sender;//Call for all transaction


ViewController.m 文件

#import "ViewController.h"
#import "nb.h"
#import "card.h"

@interface ViewController ()


@implementation ViewController
@synthesize parser;
    •   (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad];

    •   (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning { [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.


nb *netB = [[nb alloc] init]; netB.myDelegate = self; netB.loginid=@"459"; netB.txnscamt=@"0"; netB.loginid=@"459"; netB.password=@"Test@123"; netB.prodid=@"NSE"; netB.txncurr=@"INR"; netB.clientcode=@"001"; netB.custacc=@"100000036600"; netB.amt=@"100.000"; netB.txnid=@"9Q6";//unique each time
netB.date=@"23/08/2010%2011:57:00";//unique each time netB.bankid=@"2001"; netB.ru=@"https://paynetzuat.atomtech.in/paynetz/param"; [self presentViewController:netB animated:YES completion:nil];

-(void)secondviewcontrollerDissmissed:(NSString *)stringToFirst
NSString *getResult; getResult = stringToFirst;
NSLog(@"received---->%@",getResult); //This will return status success or Fail of Transaction


這是atom支付網關的問題,他們應該提供ah文件和.a文件,但下載的文件中沒有。 因此,我使用了另一種解決方案,即使用 Web 視圖來集成 Atom 支付網關。 我創建了一個用於獲取付款網址的類。 此方法使用同一項目網站中使用的網絡支付網關。

import Foundation
import Alamofire
import SwiftyXMLParser

class PaymentData {

    var totalPrice:String
    var taxId:String
    var userName:String
    var email:String
    var mobile:String
    var userId:String
    var currentDateTimeString:String
    init(totalPrice:String) {

        let time = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
        let taxId = "WVC"+String(time)
        let userId = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "UserId")
        let name = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "full_name")
        let phone = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "phone")
        let email = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "email")

        self.totalPrice = totalPrice
        self.taxId = taxId
        self.userId = userId!
        self.email = email!
        self.mobile = phone!
        self.userName = name!
        self.currentDateTimeString = NSDate().getStringWith(format: "dd/MM/yyyy")!


    func getVenderUrl()->String{
        // Create vender url using user details
        var vVenderURL:String = "https://payment.atomtech.in/paynetz/epi/fts?login=test&pass=test@123&ttype=NBFundTransfer&prodid=test&amt=" + "\(totalPrice)"+"&txncurr=INR&txnscamt=0&ru=https://www.test.in/payment-success&clientcode=lisas00940&txnid="+"\(taxId)"+"&date="+"\(currentDateTimeString)"+"&udf1="+"\(userName)"+"&udf2="+"\(email)"+"&udf3="+"\(mobile)"+"&udf4=Bangalore&custacc="+"\(userId)"+"";

        vVenderURL = vVenderURL.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "%20")
        return vVenderURL


    func getRedirectUrl(callBack:@escaping (URL)->Void){
        // get url to load in webview
        var xmlURL:String = ""
        var xmlttype:String = ""
        var xmltoken:String = ""
        var xmltempTxnId:String = ""
        var xmltxnStage:String = ""

        let headers: HTTPHeaders = [
            "Authorization": "Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==",
            "Accept": "application/json"

        // Call api for get payment url to load in webview
        Alamofire.request(getVenderUrl(), method: .get, parameters: nil, encoding: URLEncoding.default, headers: headers)
            .responseString { response in

                var statusCode = response.response?.statusCode

                switch response.result {
                case .success:
                   // parsing xml data recieved from response, and extracting element required for generating the payment url
                    if let string = response.result.value {
                        print("XML: \(string)")
                        let xml = try! XML.parse(string)
                        xmlURL = xml["MMP","MERCHANT","RESPONSE","url"].text!
                        let params = xml["MMP","MERCHANT","RESPONSE","param"]

                        for param in params {

                            if (param[0].attributes["name"])  == "ttype" {
                                xmlttype = param.text!
                            if (param[0].attributes["name"])  == "tempTxnId" {
                                xmltempTxnId = param.text!
                            if (param[0].attributes["name"])  == "token" {
                                xmltoken = param.text!
                            if (param[0].attributes["name"])  == "txnStage" {
                                xmltxnStage = param.text!


                        // creating payment url from extracted data
                        var  Atom2Request:String = "\(xmlURL)" + "?ttype=" + "\(xmlttype)" + "&tempTxnId=" + "\(xmltempTxnId)" + "&token=" + "\(xmltoken)" + "&txnStage=" + "\(xmltxnStage)";
                        Atom2Request = Atom2Request.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "%20") //(" ", "%20");
                        print("ATOM 2nd Request URl" + "\(Atom2Request)")
                        callBack(URL.init(string: Atom2Request)!)

                case .failure(let error):
                    statusCode = error._code // statusCode private
                    print("status code is: \(String(describing: statusCode))")


此類有助於創建用於為原子支付網關生成 url 的數據,下一步是將此 url 加載到 web 視圖

創建一個view controller並在其中添加web view,並添加如下代碼

@IBOutlet weak var paymentWebView: UIWebView!
    var paymentAmount:String?
    override func viewDidLoad() {

        self.title = "Payment Gateway"
        if paymentAmount != nil {

            let paymentData = PaymentData.init(totalPrice: paymentAmount!)
            paymentData.getRedirectUrl(callBack:{ url in

                let request = URLRequest(url: url)




在 Swift 中實現 Atom 支付網關非常簡單……


  1. 從以下鏈接下載 SDK。 https://www.atomtech.in/help-resource/payment-gateway-integration-kits

  2. 解壓縮文件。

  3. 在 iOS 設備的 Xcode 中運行“testSample.xcodeproj”。 不用擔心代碼在 Objective C 中。

  4. 創建您自己的 Swift 項目。

  5. 在您的項目中創建一個文件夾“include”。 在“include”文件夾下創建另一個嵌套文件夾“AtomPayLib”。

  6. 將所有頭文件 (.h) 包括“resourceLib.bundle”從 testSample 項目拖到您的項目文件夾“AtomPayLib”。 不要忘記選中目標的復選框。

  7. 只需為您的項目創建任何 Objective C ViewController 類。 Xcode 會要求您將 Bridging Header 添加到您的項目中。 選擇是。 添加 Bridging 標頭后,刪除新創建的 Objective 類。

  8. 在橋接標頭中添加以下兩行。 #import "nb.h" #import "card.h"

  9. 在您的“AtomPay”按鈕內,您可以在項目中的任何地方編寫以下代碼。 委托方法也寫在它的正下方。 不要忘記添加方法。 還將一致性“nbDelegate”添加到您的 ViewController 類。

     //MARK: Atom Payment @IBAction func atomPay(_ sender: Any) { var netB = nb() netB.discriminator = "All" netB.myDelegate = self netB.merchantId = "197" netB.txnscamt = "0" netB.loginid = "197" netB.password = "Test@123" netB.txncurr = "INR" netB.clientcode="007" netB.custacc="100000036600" netB.amt = "100.00" netB.txnid = "013"; netB.date = "23/08/2019 11:57:00" netB.bankid = "2001" netB.signatureRequest = "KEY123657234" netB.signatureResponse = "KEYRESP123657234" netB.prodid = "NSE" netB.isLive = false netB.ru = "https://paynetzuat.atomtech.in/mobilesdk/param" // netB.customerName = "ABC"; // netB.customerEmailID = "abc@gmail.com"; // netB.customerMobileNo = "5555555555"; // netB.billingAddress = "Kolkata"; // netB.optionalUdf9 = "Peter"; self.present(netB, animated: true) { print("Completed...") }


     func secondviewcontrollerDissmissed(_ stringForFirst: String,: withResponseKeys ResponseKeyArray, NSMutableArray:, andResponseValues ResponseValueArray. NSMutableArray.) { print("received---->%@".stringForFirst.) let deadlineTime = DispatchTime:now() + .seconds(5) DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: deadlineTime) { print("test") //code to be executed on the main queue after delay }


  10. 在您的 iOS 設備上運行您的應用程序。


通常靜態庫(如 libAtomPayLib.a)只包含代碼,而不包含 UI 資源(如圖像、聲音、字體、配置文件等)。 解決它的一種方法是提供資源包。 bundle 實際上是一個包含各種文件的目錄,但在 macOS 上(使用 Finder 等程序)它看起來像一個文件(例如resourcesLib.bundle )。 如果您只是將此類文件添加到您的項目中,Xcode(默認情況下)實際上會將其添加到您的“復制捆綁資源”階段。 您可以通過轉到 TARGETS、選擇您的目標、打開“Build Phases”並展開“Copy Bundle Resources”來檢查這一點。


構建應用程序后,您實際上可以通過展開“產品”組來確保捆綁包已被復制,右鍵單擊您的 Example.app“在 Finder 中顯示”,然后右鍵單擊該文件並“顯示包內容”。 您應該看到在您的應用程序中復制了哪些文件,包括資源包。

如果您將一些“test.a”靜態庫文件添加到您的項目中,默認的 Xcode 行為是將其添加到“鏈接的框架和庫”列表中。 您可以通過轉到目標來驗證它,選擇您的目標,打開“常規”並向下滾動到“鏈接的框架和庫”。

代碼截圖 2


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