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同時接受std :: vector和QVector的函數模板?

[英]A function template that accepts both std::vector and QVector?

假設我有一個名為loadData()的函數,該函數接受一個容器(將填充數據)和一個CSV文件。 我需要以下重載:

  1. loadData(std::vector<double>& data, const std::string& file);
  2. loadData(QVector<double>& data, const std::string& file);
  3. loadData(std::vector<std::complex<double>>& data, const std::string& file);
  4. loadData(QVector<std::complex<double>>& data, const std::string& file);
  5. loadData(std::vector<std::vector<double>>& data, const std::string& file);
  6. loadData(QVector<QVector<double>>& data, const std::string& file);
  7. loadData(std::vector<std::vector<std::complex<double>>>& data, const std::string& file);
  8. loadData(QVector<QVector<std::complex<double>>>& data, const std::string& file);

QVector是Qt的類似矢量的類,具有相似的API,但僅采用一個模板參數T (而不是兩個,如std::vector<T, A> )。



我可能還需要添加float重載,或者QVector<std::vector<...>> / std::vector<QVector<...>>重載。







template <template <typename...> class>
struct isVector : public std::false_type
 { };

template <>
struct isVector<std::vector> : public std::true_type
 { };

template <>
struct isVector<QVector> : public std::true_type
 { };


template <typename T>
struct isCFloating : public std::is_floating_point<T>
 { };

template <typename T>
struct isCFloating<std::complex<T>> : public std::true_type
 { };

現在,您可以編寫向量矢量版本(該代碼也攔截混合的std::vector / QVector情況),如下所示

template <template <typename ...> class V1,
          template <typename ...> class V2, typename T>
auto loadData (V1<V2<T>> & v, std::string fn)
   -> std::enable_if_t<   isVector<V1>::value
                       && isVector<V2>::value
                       && isCFloating<T>::value>
   std::cout << "- vector of vector version, " << fn << std::endl;


template <template <typename ...> class V, typename T>
auto loadData (V<T> & v, std::string fn)
   -> std::enable_if_t<isVector<V>::value && isCFloating<T>::value>
   std::cout << "- vector version, " << fn << std::endl;

   V<V<T>> vv{1, v};

   loadData(vv, fn);


#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

// fake QVector
template <typename>
struct QVector
   template <typename ... Ts>
   QVector (Ts const & ...)
    { }

template <template <typename...> class>
struct isVector : public std::false_type
 { };

template <>
struct isVector<std::vector> : public std::true_type
 { };

template <>
struct isVector<QVector> : public std::true_type
 { };

template <typename T>
struct isCFloating : public std::is_floating_point<T>
 { };

template <typename T>
struct isCFloating<std::complex<T>> : public std::true_type
 { };

template <template <typename ...> class V1,
          template <typename ...> class V2, typename T>
auto loadData (V1<V2<T>> & v, std::string fn)
   -> std::enable_if_t<   isVector<V1>::value
                       && isVector<V2>::value
                       && isCFloating<T>::value>
   std::cout << "- vector of vector version, " << fn << std::endl;

template <template <typename ...> class V, typename T>
auto loadData (V<T> & v, std::string fn)
   -> std::enable_if_t<isVector<V>::value && isCFloating<T>::value>
   std::cout << "- vector version, " << fn << std::endl;

   V<V<T>> vv{1, v};

   loadData(vv, fn);

int main ()
   std::vector<float>                             vf;
   std::vector<std::complex<float>>               vc;
   std::vector<std::vector<double>>               vvf;
   std::vector<std::vector<std::complex<double>>> vvc;
   QVector<long double>                           qf;
   QVector<std::complex<long double>>             qc;
   QVector<QVector<float>>                        qqf;
   QVector<QVector<std::complex<float>>>          qqc;

   loadData(vf,  "case  1");
   loadData(qf,  "case  2");
   loadData(vc,  "case  3");
   loadData(qc,  "case  4");
   loadData(vvf, "case  5");
   loadData(qqf, "case  6");
   loadData(vvc, "case  7");
   loadData(qqc, "case  8");

   // extra cases: mixing std::vector and QVector

   std::vector<QVector<double>>                    vqf;
   std::vector<QVector<std::complex<double>>>      vqc;
   QVector<std::vector<long double>>               qvf;
   QVector<std::vector<std::complex<long double>>> qvc;

   loadData(vqf, "case  9");
   loadData(vqc, "case 10");
   loadData(qvf, "case 11");
   loadData(qvc, "case 12");

您可以使用基於模板和迭代器的通用算法來減少代碼重復。 例如:

enum class load_data_status 
  // something you need

template<typename I>
void loadData(const I& first,const I& last, std::ostream& file)
  typedef typename std::iterator_traits<I>::value_type T;
  // do load raw data 
  std::for_each(first, last, [file](const T& t) {
    // do something
  } );
template<typename I>
void loadComplexData(const I& first,const I& last, std::ostream& file)
  typedef typename std::iterator_traits<I>::value_type C;
  typedef typename C::value_type T;
  // do load complex data
  std::for_each(first, last, [file](const C& t) {
    // do something
  } );

template<typename T>
load_data_status loadData(const std::vector< std::vector<T> >& data, const std::string& file) {
  std::ofstream f(file);
  std::for_each(data.cbegin(), data.cend(), [f] (const std::vector<T>& v) {
     loadData(v.cbegin(), v.cend(), f);
  } );
  return load_data_status::success;
template<typename T>
load_data_status loadData(const QVector< QVector<T> >& data, const std::string& file) {
 std::ofstream f(file); 
 std::for_each(data.begin(), data.end(), [f] (const QVector<T>& v) {
     loadData(v.begin(), v.end(), f);
  } );
  return load_data_status::success;
template<typename T>
load_data_status loadData(const std::vector< std::vector<std::complex<T> > >& data, const std::string& file) {
  std::ofstream f(file); 
  std::for_each(data.cbegin(), data.cend(), [f] (const std::vector<std::complex<T> >& v) {
     loadComplexData(v.cbegin(), v.cend(), f);
  } );
  return load_data_status::success;
template<typename T>
load_data_status loadData(const QVector< QVector< std::complex<T> > >& data, const std::string& file) {
  std::ofstream f(file); 
  std::for_each(data.begin(), data.end(), [f] (const QVector< std::complex<T> >& v) {
     loadComplexData(v.begin(), v.end(), f);
  } );
  return load_data_status::success;



  • 從文件中獲取對象
  • 將那些對象附加到容器



#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <complex>

struct data_file_loader_base
    data_file_loader_base(std::string const& path)
    : input_stream_(path)
    , items_(get_input<std::size_t>())


    template<class T>
    T get_input()
        T val;
        input_stream_ >> val;
        return val;

    std::size_t items() const
        return items_;

    std::ifstream& input_stream()
        return input_stream_;

    std::ifstream input_stream_;
    std::size_t items_;

// basic value loader
template<class Type>
struct data_file_loader
: data_file_loader_base
    data_file_loader(std::string const& path)
    : data_file_loader_base(path)

    std::istream_iterator<Type> begin()
        return { input_stream() };

    std::istream_iterator<Type> end()
        return { };

// specialize for types that need custom input
// in this case, for a complex. But could easily be a vector etc.
template<class Type>
struct data_file_loader<std::complex<Type>>
: data_file_loader_base
    data_file_loader(std::string const& path)
    : data_file_loader_base(path)

    struct iterator
        using value_type = std::complex<Type>;
        using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
        using pointer = value_type*;
        using reference = value_type&;
        using difference_type = int;

        iterator(data_file_loader& loader, bool eof = false)
        : self_(loader)
        , eof_(eof || check_eof())

        bool operator==(iterator const& other) const
            return eof_ && other.eof_;

        bool operator!=(iterator const& other) const
            return !(*this == other);

        iterator& operator++() {
            return *this;

        value_type operator*() {
            auto result = value_type { self_.get_input<Type>(), self_.get_input<Type>() };
            eof_ = check_eof();
            return result;

        bool check_eof() const {
            return !input_stream();

        data_file_loader& self_;
        bool eof_ = false;

    iterator begin()
        return { *this, false };

    iterator end()
        return { *this, true };

// one overload per container type
template<class Type>
void loadData(std::vector<Type>& target, std::string const& path)
    auto loader = data_file_loader<Type>(path);
    std::copy(std::begin(loader), std::end(loader), std::back_inserter(target));

// test
int main()
    std::vector<int> vi;
    loadData(vi, "foo.txt");

    std::vector<std::complex<double>> vc;
    loadData(vc, "foo_complex.txt");


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