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從 powershell 捕獲 output 沒有 PowerShell object

[英]Capture output from powershell without The PowerShell object

在我的 c# 應用程序中有一些按鈕,當用戶單擊此按鈕時,應用程序運行 powershell 腳本。

powershell 的 window 彈出,用戶在電源 shell window 中看到結果。

我正在嘗試從 powershell window 中獲取 output 並在我的應用程序的某些文本框中顯示 output。


int ExecuteScript(string path)
            // this is the script that i would run in a process and would monitor. You don't need to put anything
            // in the script just put it to sleep for like 1 minute or so.
            string command; 
            RunspaceConfiguration runspaceConfiguration = RunspaceConfiguration.Create();
            Runspace runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(runspaceConfiguration);

            RunspaceInvoke scriptInvoker = new RunspaceInvoke(runspace);
            scriptInvoker.Invoke("Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted");

            command = "$job = [Diagnostics.Process]::Start(\"powershell.exe\", \"" + path + "\")"; // * if $null is passed it needs to be '$null' *

            int pid = 0;
            foreach (PSObject result in scriptInvoker.Invoke("$job.id"))
                if (result != null)

                    pid = Convert.ToInt32(result.ToString());
            return pid;


對於某些版本問題,我沒有使用PowerShell object 來運行腳本

當您調用 Powershell.exe 時,您可以包含“-windowstyle hidden”,powershell 應該在后台運行。


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