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[英]azure functions, Multiple triggers in same .net project

我是天藍色的Web函數的新手,我似乎找不到關於同一項目中多個觸發器的任何文檔。 我已經創建了解決方案,並且已經創建了一個不錯的TimerTrigger ,它可以正常工作。

此觸發器從ftp目錄下載文件,然后將文件上傳到我們的azure存儲帳戶。 代碼如下:

public class FtpTrigger
    public static async Task Run(
        [TimerTrigger("*/15 * * * * *")]TimerInfo myTimer, 
        TraceWriter log,
        [Inject]IConfig config,
        [Inject]SmartFileClient smartFileClient,
        [Inject]SettingsHandler settingsHandler,
        [Inject]StorageHandler storageHandler)
        if (myTimer.IsPastDue)
            log.Info("Timer is running late!");

        log.Info($"Listing directories from { config.FtpUrl }");

        var accounts = await smartFileClient.ListDirectories(config.FtpPath);

        if (!accounts.Any())
            log.Warning($"There are no files waiting to be processed for any account");

        foreach (var account in accounts)
                log.Info($"Retrieving settings for { account }");
                var url = $"{config.ApiBaseUrl}/{config.ApiSettingsPath}";
                var settings = await settingsHandler.GetAsync(url, account);

                log.Info($"Find all order files for { account }");
                var fileNames = await smartFileClient.ListFiles($"{config.FtpPath}/{account}", settings.OrderFileSuffix.Replace(".", ""));

                if (!fileNames.Any())
                    log.Warning($"No files to process for { account }");

                log.Info($"Get a list of files awaiting to be processed for { account }");
                var awaiting = await storageHandler.ListAsync(config.StorageProcessingContainer, account);

                foreach(var fileName in fileNames)
                    log.Info($"Finding any files awaiting to be processed in the storage account for { account }");
                    var friendlyName = Regex.Replace(fileName, "[^a-zA-Z0-9_.]+", "", RegexOptions.Compiled); ;
                    var match = awaiting.Any(m => m.Equals(friendlyName));
                    if (match)
                        log.Warning($"File ({fileName}) already awaiting to be processed for { account }");

                    log.Info($"Download { fileName } from the ftp directory for { account }");
                    var bytes = await smartFileClient.DownloadFile($"{config.FtpPath}/{account}", fileName);

                    log.Info($"Upload { fileName } to the Azure Storage account for { account }");
                    await storageHandler.UploadAsync(friendlyName, bytes, config.StorageProcessingContainer, account);

                    log.Info($"Delete { fileName } from the ftp directory for { account }");
                    if (!await smartFileClient.DeleteFile($"{config.FtpPath}/{account}", fileName))
                        log.Error($"Failed to delete { fileName } from the ftp directory for { account }");

            } catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error($"{ ex.Message }");

        log.Info($"C# Timer trigger function executed at: {DateTime.Now}");

現在,我想添加第二個觸發器。 該觸發器將是BlobTrigger 我將其添加到我的項目中並運行它,即使創建了文件,它也從未觸發過。 所以我意識到我一定做錯了。

有人可以告訴我如何在一個項目中使用多個觸發器嗎? 如果無法完成, 有什么選擇?




        public static void Run([BlobTrigger("samples-workitems/{name}", Connection = "blobconnect")]Stream myBlob, string name, TraceWriter log)
            log.Info($"C# Blob trigger function Processed blob\n Name:{name} \n Size: {myBlob.Length} Bytes");

注意 :Blob觸發路徑samples-workitems / {name}中的字符串{name}創建一個綁定表達式,您可以在函數代碼中使用該綁定表達式來訪問觸發Blob的文件名。 有關更多信息,請參見本文后面的Blob名稱模式。

您只需要將samples-workitems修改為您的container name 並在local.hosting.json文件中設置Blob連接。


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