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Delphi C ++ Indy UDP服務器BytesToString沒有收到正確的字符串?

[英]Delphi C++ Indy UDP Server BytesToString does not receive correct string?

我正在嘗試從TUIO多模擬器接收UDP數據包。 但是缺少一些數據。


void __fastcall TMain::UDPServerUDPRead(TIdUDPListenerThread *AThread, const TIdBytes AData,
    TIdSocketHandle *ABinding)

    for (int i = 0; i < AData.Length; i++)

當我使用BytesToString() ,我只將單詞"#bundle"作為字符串,但是當使用第二個循環時,我得到了:


/ tuio / 2 D cur,sialive 4 / tuio / 2 D cur,sifffffset嗎?

ホ 9>

/ tuio / 2 D cur,sifseq#束

/ tuio / 2 D obj,實際

/ tuio / 2 D obj,sifseq#捆綁包

/ tuio / 2 D曲線

/ tuio / 2 D cur,sifseq


因此,當我不知道編碼時如何獲得正確的數據? 我在這里迷路了,需要真正的幫助。


您顯示的UDP數據主要是二進制數據,其中包含一些文本元素。 因此,你不應該將整個 AData到一個字符串BytesToString()因為它是不完全的文本開始(嗯,你可以使用BytesToStringRaw()BytesToString()IndyTextEncoding_8bit()作為編碼,但這樣做並不能真正幫助您)。

您需要根據鏈接到的協議規范將數據分解成各個組成部分(依次基於Open Sound Control協議)。 只有這樣,您才能根據需要處理組件。 這意味着您需要按協議逐個字節地遍歷AData ,解析上下文中的每個字節。


struct OSCArgument
    char Type;
    Variant Data;

struct OSCBundleElement
    virtual ~OSCBundleElement() {}

struct OSCMessage : OSCBundleElement
    String AddressPattern;
    DynamicArray<OSCArgument> Arguments;

struct OSCBundle : OSCBundleElement
    TDateTime TimeTag;
    DynamicArray<OSCBundleElement*> Elements;

        int len = Elements.Length;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
            delete Elements[i];

int32_t readInt32(const TIdBytes &Bytes, int &offset)
    uint32_t ret = GStack->NetworkToHost(BytesToUInt32(Bytes, offset));
    offet += 4;
    return reinterpret_cast<int32_t&>(ret);

TDateTime readOSCTimeTag(const TIdBytes &Bytes, int &offset)
    int32_t secondsSinceEpoch = readInt32(Bytes, offset); // since January 1 1900 00:00:00
    int32_t fractionalSeconds = readInt32(Bytes, offset); // precision of about 200 picoseconds
    // TODO: convert seconds to TDateTime...
    TDateTime ret = ...;
    return ret;

float readFloat32(const TIdBytes &Bytes, int &offset)
    uint32_t ret = BytesToUInt32(Bytes, offset);
    offet += 4;
    return reinterpret_cast<float&>(ret);

String readOSCString(const TIdBytes &Bytes, int &offset)
    int found = ByteIndex(0x00, Bytes, offset);
    if (found == -1) throw ...; // error!
    int len = found - offset;
    String ret = BytesToString(Bytes, offset, len, IndyTextEncoding_ASCII());
    len = ((len + 3) & ~3)); // round up to even multiple of 32 bits
    offset += len;
    return ret;

TIdBytes readOSCBlob(const TIdBytes &Bytes, int &offset)
    int32_t size = readInt32(Bytes, offset);
    TIdBytes ret;
    ret.Length = size;
    CopyTIdBytes(Bytes, offset, ret, 0, size);
    size = ((size + 3) & ~3)); // round up to even multiple of 32 bits
    offset += size;
    return ret;

OSCMessage* readOSCMessage(const TIdBytes &Bytes, int &offset);
OSCBundle* readOSCBundle(const TIdBytes &Bytes, int &offset);

OSCBundleElement* readOSCBundleElement(const TIdBytes &Bytes, int &offset)
    TIdBytes data = readOSCBlob(Bytes, offset);
    int dataOffset = 0;

    switch (data[0])
        case '/': return readOSCMessage(data, dataOffset); 
        case '#': return readOSCBundle(data, dataOffset);

    throw ...; // unknown data!

Variant readOSCArgumentData(char ArgType, const TIdBytes &Bytes, int &offset)
    switch (ArgType)
        case 'i': return readInt32(Bytes, offset);
        case 'f': return readFloat32(Bytes, offset);
        case 's': return readOSCString(Bytes, offset);
        case 'b': return readOSCBlob(Bytes, offset);
        // other types as needed ...

    throw ...; // unknown data!

OSCMessage* readOSCMessage(const TIdBytes &Bytes, int &offset)
    OSCMessage* ret = new OSCMessage;
        ret->AddressPattern = readOSCString(Bytes, offset);

        String ArgumentTypes = readOSCString(Bytes, offset);
        if (ArgumentTypes[1] != ',') throw ...; // error!

        for (int i = 2; i <= ret->ArgumentTypes.Length(); ++i)
            OSCArgument arg;
            arg.Type = ArgumentTypes[i];
            arg.Data = readOSCArgumentData(arg.Type, Bytes, offset);

            ret.Arguments.Length = ret.Arguments.Length + 1;
            ret.Arguments[ret.Arguments.High] = arg;
    catch (...)
        delete ret;

    return ret;

OSCBundle* readOSCBundle(const TIdBytes &Bytes, int &offset)
    if (readOSCString(Bytes, offset) != "#bundle")
        throw ...; // error!

    OSCBundle *ret = new OSCBundle;
        ret->TimeTag = readOSCTimeTag(Bytes, offset);

        int len = Bytes.Length;
        while (offset < len)
            OSCBundleElement *element = readOSCBundleElement(Bytes, offset);
                ret->Elements.Length = ret->Elements.Length + 1;
                ret->Elements[ret->Elements.High] = element;
            catch (...)
                delete element;
    catch (...)
        delete ret;

    return ret;

void __fastcall TMain::UDPServerUDPRead(TIdUDPListenerThread *AThread, const TIdBytes AData,
    TIdSocketHandle *ABinding)
    int offset = 0;

    if (AData[0] == '/')
        OSCMessage *msg = readOSCMessage(AData, offset);
        // process msg as needed...
        delete msg;
    else if (AData[0] == '#')
        OSCBundle *bundle = readOSCBundle(AData, offset); 
        // process bundle as needed...
        delete bundle;
        // unknown data!


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