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[英]Consolidating Result Summary in new sheet in same excel from different sheets on a existing excel file using python




book = xlwt.Workbook()
    for file in os.listdir(path):
        if file.endswith('csv'):
            sheet = book.add_sheet(file[:-4])
            with open(path + file) as filname:
                reader = csv.reader(filname)
                i = 0
                for row in reader:
                    for j, each in enumerate(row):
                        sheet.write(i, j, each)
                    i += 1




具有名稱Run 1Run 1

Test Name   Test Status     Time Value
Test 1      PASS            00:06:43
Test 2      Fail            00:06:24
Test 3      PASS            00:06:10
Test 4      PASS            00:05:25
Test 5      Fail            00:05:07
Test 6      PASS            00:02:45

具有名稱Run 2Run 2

Test Name   Test Status     Time Value
Test 1      PASS            00:05:43
Test 2      Fail            00:04:24
Test 3      PASS            00:05:10
Test 4      PASS            00:06:25
Test 5      PASS            00:03:07
Test 6      PASS            00:04:45

具有名稱Run 3Run 3

Test Name   Test Status     Time Value
Test 1      PASS            00:06:40
Test 2      PASS            00:06:52
Test 3      PASS            00:05:50
Test 4      PASS            00:05:35
Test 5      PASS            00:06:17
Test 6      PASS            00:03:55


Test Name   Test-Status        Run 1        Run 2       Run 3
Test 1      Pass               00:06:43     00:05:38    00:06:43
Test 2      Fail               00:06:24    00:05:56     00:06:24
Test 3      Pass               00:06:10    00:06:43     00:06:10
Test 4      Pass               00:05:25    00:05:32     00:05:25
Test 5      Fail               00:05:07    00:05:22     00:05:07
Test 6      Pass               00:02:45    00:07:26     00:02:45


df = pd.read_excel(fname, None)
for x in range(len(df.keys())):
    dfx=pd.read_excel(xls, xls.sheet_names[x])

當我使用writer = pd.ExcelWriter(fname, engine='openpyxl')df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Summary') ,有人可以幫我將結果合並到新的工作表中writer = pd.ExcelWriter(fname, engine='openpyxl')添加一個名為Summary的空白表。 提前致謝

我建議使用sheet_name=None參數由所有工作sheet s創建Ordered Dictionary of DataFramesOrdered Dictionary of DataFrames

path = "file.xlsx"

df = pd.read_excel(path, sheet_name=None)
print (df)
OrderedDict([('Run 1',   Test Name Test Status Time Value
0    Test 1        PASS   00:06:43
1    Test 2        Fail   00:06:24
2    Test 3        PASS   00:06:10
3    Test 4        PASS   00:05:25
4    Test 5        Fail   00:05:07
5    Test 6        PASS   00:02:45), ('Run 2',   Test Name Test Status Time Value
0    Test 1        PASS   00:05:43
1    Test 2        Fail   00:04:24
2    Test 3        PASS   00:05:10
3    Test 4        PASS   00:06:25
4    Test 5        PASS   00:03:07
5    Test 6        PASS   00:04:45), ('Run 3',   Test Name Test Status Time Value
0    Test 1        PASS   00:06:40
1    Test 2        PASS   00:06:52
2    Test 3        PASS   00:05:50
3    Test 4        PASS   00:05:35
4    Test 5        PASS   00:06:17
5    Test 6        PASS   00:03:55)])

然后循環和concat與列對齊一起Test NameTest Status ,所以set_index是必要的。 還為不匹配的值添加NaN

d = {k:v.set_index(['Test Name','Test Status'])['Time Value'] for k, v in df.items()}
result= pd.concat(d, axis=1).reset_index()
print (result)
  Test Name Test Status     Run 1     Run 2     Run 3
0    Test 1        PASS  00:06:43  00:05:43  00:06:40
1    Test 2        Fail  00:06:24  00:04:24       NaN
2    Test 2        PASS       NaN       NaN  00:06:52
3    Test 3        PASS  00:06:10  00:05:10  00:05:50
4    Test 4        PASS  00:05:25  00:06:25  00:05:35
5    Test 5        Fail  00:05:07       NaN       NaN
6    Test 5        PASS       NaN  00:03:07  00:06:17
7    Test 6        PASS  00:02:45  00:04:45  00:03:55


from openpyxl import load_workbook

book = load_workbook(path)
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(path, engine = 'openpyxl')
writer.book = book

result.to_excel(writer, sheet_name = 'Status', index=False)



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