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[英]Get Sum and Id of record through Linq-to-SQL and display on view


SELECT SUM(OrderUnits), ProductID
FROM OrderProducts AS op
jOIN Orders AS o ON o.ID = op.OrderID
WHERE o.OrderStatus = 1
GROUP BY op.ProductID;

我試圖無濟於事。 我的控制器調用MostSoldItems有方法,我需要獲取此結果並將其顯示在我的視圖中。


var query =
    (from p in dbcontext.OrderProducts
    let totalQuantity = 
        (from op in dbcontext.Products
         join o in dbcontext.Orders on p.OrderID equals o.ID
         where o.OrderStatus == true
         select p.OrderUnits).Sum()
     orderby totalQuantity descending
     select p);

我什么都沒有。 而且我不知道如何在視圖上顯示它。

因此,我似乎想出了一個可能甚至可以解決的方法。 感謝@candide的回答,我開始研究了一段時間,並且已經弄清楚了! 下面的代碼可以很好地解決我的問題。 也感謝@Moho的貢獻。

var query = from p in dbcontext.OrderProducts
                    join pd in dbcontext.Orders on p.OrderID equals pd.ID
                    group p by p.ProductID into pdg
                    select new MostSoldModel
                        ID = pdg.Key,
                        Total = pdg.Sum(x => x.OrderUnits)

如果要查找通過相關Order.OrderStatus == true過濾並按產品分組的OrderProduct.OrderUnits的總和:

    .Where( op => op.Order.OrderStatus )
    .GroupBy( op => op.Product )
    .Select( g => new
        Product = g.Key,
        TotalQuantity = g.Sum( op => op.OrderUnits ),
    } );


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