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[英]Trying to save changes as a whole as array inside an array that contains a custom object

我正在嘗試做出if聲明,如果陣列板與2之前的更改相同,它將通過說“不合法的非法比賽”來警告我。 但是每個數組在3圈后都會變得一樣(因為if(boardHistory.length >= 3){ ),但是它總是警告我,而我卻沒有理由警告我,因為它總是在變化並且永遠不會變成相同的值。


var turn;
var boardSize;
var board;
var boardHistory;
var changer;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);
    boardSize = 8;
    turn = false;
    board = [];
    boardHistory = [];
    changer = 0;
    for (var y = 0; y < boardSize; y++) {
        for (var x = 0; x < boardSize; x++) {
            board.push(new Piece(x, y, 0));

function mouseClicked() {
    for (var y = 0; y < boardSize; y++) {
        for (var x = 0; x < boardSize; x++) {
            board[y * boardSize + x].colour = changer;
    var play = true;
    if (boardHistory.length >= 3) {
        if (board == boardHistory[(boardHistory.length - 3)]) {
            play = false;
    if (play) {
        turn = !turn;
    } else {
        console.log("undid illegal play, " + (boardHistory.length - 3));
        console.log(boardHistory[(boardHistory.length - 3)]);


function Piece(x, y, colour) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.colour = colour;
    this.arrayNum = this.y * boardSize + this.x;

 var turn; var boardSize; var board; var boardHistory; var changer; function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); boardSize = 8; turn = false; board = []; boardHistory = []; changer = 0; for(var y = 0; y < boardSize; y++){ for(var x = 0; x < boardSize; x++){ board.push(new Piece(x,y,0)); } } boardHistory.push(board); } function mouseClicked(){ for(var y = 0; y < boardSize; y++){ for(var x = 0; x < boardSize; x++){ board[y*boardSize+x].colour = changer; } } var play = true; if(boardHistory.length >= 3){ if(board == boardHistory[(boardHistory.length-3)]){ play = false; } } if(play){ turn = !turn; boardHistory.push(board); console.log("played"); } else { console.log("undid illegal play, "); } changer++; } function Piece(x, y, colour) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.colour = colour; this.arrayNum = this.y*boardSize+this.x; } 
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if (board == boardHistory[(boardHistory.length - 3)])

即使您在函數中用鼠標單擊了board的值進行修改,該變量也包含對象的引用,而不是對象的副本。 因此,如果您在一個地方進行更改,則會在另一地方看到它。


var board = [1,2,3]
var boardHist = []

boardHist[0] = board; //This is similar of what you are doing

console.log(board == boardHist[0]); //Obviously we are getting true

board[0] = 5; //Now we change the first value of board

console.log(board == boardHist[0]); //This is still true

console.log(boardHist[0]); //We will get [5,2,3]


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