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[英]How do I get both values from my property to be returned to my main method?

以下代碼應返回2個值,這些值是屬性WallAreaGallonsOfPaint中的字段。 這應該返回到main方法。 Room類包含2個私有方法CalcWallAreaCalcAmountOfPaint ,它們將為我剛剛提到的兩個屬性設置值。

問題是它只會返回另一個。 我不能讓它同時返回。 結果應該是用戶輸入長度時。 寬度和高度的方法將告訴房間的平方英尺,並告訴您油漆房間需要多少加侖油漆。 當前,當它運行時,它只會告訴平方英尺或如果我調用第二種方法,那么它將告訴多少加侖油漆,但不會兩者都做。 有人可以幫忙嗎?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using static System.Console;
using static System.Array;

namespace PaintingRoomDemo
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Room aRoom = new Room();
            string numberString;

            WriteLine("Please enter the length of the wall in feet");
            numberString = ReadLine();

            aRoom.Length = Convert.ToInt32(numberString);

            WriteLine("Please enter the width of the wall in feet");
            numberString = ReadLine();

            aRoom.Width = Convert.ToInt32(numberString);

            WriteLine("Please enter the height of the wall in feet");
            numberString = ReadLine();

            aRoom.Height = Convert.ToInt32(numberString);

            Write("The room area is: {0} and requires {1} gallons of paint",
                aRoom.WallArea, aRoom.GallonsOfPaint);
    class Room
        private int wallArea; //These are data fields//
        private int numberOfGallonsOfPaintNeeded; //These are data fields//
        private int length; //These are data fields//
        private int width; //These are data fields//
        private int height; //These are data fields//
        private int total;
        public int Length //This is a property which provides access to the data field length
            get {return length;}
            set {length = value;}
        public int Width //This is a property which provides access to the data field width
            get {return width;}
            set {width = value;}
        public int Height //This is a property which provides access to the data field height
            get {return height;}
            set { height = value; CalcWallArea();}
        public int WallArea //This is a property that should return wallArea
            get {return wallArea;}
        public int GallonsOfPaint //This is a property that should return wallArea
            get {return numberOfGallonsOfPaintNeeded;}
        private void CalcWallArea() //This is a private method that needs to be called to add the value to CalcAmountOfPaint field
            wallArea = (Length + Width + Length + Width) * Height;
        private void CalcAmountOfPaint() //This is a private method that needs to be called to add the value to CalcAmountOfPaint field
            if (wallArea <= 350)
                numberOfGallonsOfPaintNeeded = 1;

            int x = 1;
            if (wallArea >= 350)
                while (wallArea > 0)
                    wallArea = wallArea - wallArea;
                    numberOfGallonsOfPaintNeeded = x;


首先,我建議不要在Property setter或getter中調用更改類狀態的方法,因為這通常導致難以通過代碼進行推理。



while (wallArea > 0)
    wallArea = wallArea - wallArea; // <- right here
    numberOfGallonsOfPaintNeeded = x;

計算的這一部分將始終將牆壁面積設置為0,因為它會從自身中減去其全部值。 我懷疑您的意思是減去350的值,但是您還要更改用於返回WallArea的字段值。 至少,您應該將wallArea分配給一個臨時變量,然后從中減去。



class Room
    public int Length {get;set;}
    public int Width {get;set;}
    public int Height {get;set;}
    public int WallArea
        get {return CalcWallArea();}
    public int GallonsOfPaint 
        get {return CalcGallonsOfPaint();}
    private int CalcWallArea()
        // I am assuming this calculation is correct for your needs.
        return (Length + Width + Length + Width) * Height;
    private int CalcAmountOfPaint() 
        var area = WallArea;
        if (area <= 350)
            return 1;

        int x = 0;
        while (area > 0)
            area -= 350;
        return x;


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