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R 文本挖掘 - 刪除特殊字符和引號

[英]R text mining - remove special characters and quotes

我正在 R 中執行文本挖掘任務。


1) 計算句子

2) 在向量中識別和保存引號

問題 :


文本正文數據中肯定有引號,並且其中會有“...”。 我想從主體中提取這些引號並將它們保存在一個向量中。 (也需要對它們進行一些操作。)

重要提示:我的文本數據在 Word 文檔中。 我使用 readtext("path to .docx file") 在 R 中加載。當我查看文本時,與可重現的文本相反,引號只是“但不是 \\”。

path <- "C:/Users/.../"
a <- readtext(paste(path, "Text.docx", sep = ""))
title <- a$doc_id
text <- a$text


text <- "Mr. and Mrs. Keyboard have two children. Keyboard Jr. and Miss. Keyboard. ... 
However, Miss. Keyboard likes being called Miss. K [Miss. Keyboard is a bit of a princess ...]
 \"Mom how are you o.k. with being called Mrs. Keyboard? I'll never get it...\". "

#  splitting by "." 
unlist(strsplit(text, "\\."))


# getting rid of . in titles 
vec <- c("Mr.", "Mrs.", "Ms.", "Miss.", "Dr.", "Jr.")
vec.rep <- c("Mr", "Mrs", "Ms", "Miss", "Dr", "Jr")

# replacing . in titles
gsubfn("\\S+", setNames(as.list(vec.rep), vec), text)

問題在於它並沒有取代 [Miss. by [小姐


stri_extract_all_regex(text, '"\\S+"')

但這也行不通。 (它與 \\" 與下面的代碼一起使用)

stri_extract_all_regex("some text \"quote\" some other text", '"\\S+"')


sentences <- c("Mr and Mrs Keyboard have two children. ", "Keyboard Jr and Miss Keyboard.", "However, Miss Keyboard likes being called Miss K [Miss Keyboard is a bit of a princess ...]", ""Mom how are you ok with being called Mrs Keyboard? I'll never get it...""

我希望將句子分開(這樣我就可以計算出每個段落中有多少個句子)。 和引號也分開了。

quotes <- ""Mom how are you ok with being called Mrs Keyboard? I'll never get it...""


gsubfn("\\w+\\.", setNames(as.list(vec.rep), vec), text)

也就是說, \\w+匹配 1 個或多個單詞字符和\\. 匹配一個點。


regmatches(text, gregexpr('"[^"]*"', text))

"匹配 a "[^"]*匹配 0 個或多個字符而不是"


regmatches(text, gregexpr('\\s*"[^"]*"|[^"?!.]+[[:space:]?!.]+[^"[:alnum:]]*', trimws(text)))


  • \\\\s* - 0+ 個空格
  • "[^"]*" - 一個" ,除""之外的 0+ 個字符
  • | - 或者
  • [^"?!.]+ - 0+ 個字符,除了? , " , ! .
  • [[:space:]?!.]+ - 1 個或多個空格, ? ! . 字符
  • [^"[:alnum:]]* - 0+ 非字母數字和"字符

R 示例代碼:

> vec <- c("Mr.", "Mrs.", "Ms.", "Miss.", "Dr.", "Jr.")
> vec.rep <- c("Mr", "Mrs", "Ms", "Miss", "Dr", "Jr")
> library(gsubfn)
> text <- gsubfn("\\w+\\.", setNames(as.list(vec.rep), vec), text)
> regmatches(text, gregexpr('\\s*"[^"]*"|[^"?!.]+[[:space:]?!.]+[^"[:alnum:]]*', trimws(text)))
[1] "Mr and Mrs Keyboard have two children. "                                                       
[2] "Keyboard Jr and Miss Keyboard. ... \n"                                                         
[3] "However, Miss Keyboard likes being called Miss K [Miss Keyboard is a bit of a princess ...]\n "
[4] "\"Mom how are you o.k. with being called Mrs Keyboard? I'll never get it...\"" 


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