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[英]VBA How to autofit row height with merged cells?

我有一個未在 data height 中設置的動態數據。 如何動態設置數據高度中的高度。

sub test()
    Sheets(1).Cells(2, 16).Value = "Process inform HMI finish oil fiber display not show we check found HMI damage after we check no have spare after we move HMI alarm display at control spinning to install. But the type of HMI not same. To convert graphic display.After transfer to HMI and test operation finished. Test system with process is working normal. Process inform HMI finish oil fiber display not show we check found HMI damage after we check no have spare after we move HMI alarm display at control spinning to install. But the type of HMI not same. To convert graphic display.After transfer to HMI and test operation finished. Test system with process is working normal. Process inform HMI finish oil fiber display not show we check found HMI damage after we check no have spare after we move HMI alarm display at control spinning to install. But the type of HMI not same. To convert graphic display.After transfer to HMI and test operation finished. Test system with process is working normal. Process inform HMI finish oil fiber display not show we check found HMI damage after we check no have spare after we move HMI alarm display at control spinning to install. But the type of HMI not same. To convert graphic display.After transfer to HMI and test operation finished. Test system with process is working normal."
End sub

單元格數據完整數據顯示現在如何使用“WrapText”和“AutoFit”但完整數據顯示單元格但更多的是隱藏在單元格中的單詞。 行高 409 如何增加單元格高度。



Sub test()

    Dim row_num
    Dim col_num

    row_num = 2
    col_num = 16

    Columns(col_num).ColumnWidth = 65

    Sheets(1).Cells(row_num, col_num).Value = "Process inform HMI finish oil fiber display not show we check found HMI damage after we check no have spare after we move HMI alarm display at control spinning to install. But the type of HMI not same. To convert graphic display.After transfer to HMI and test operation finished. Test system with process is working  normal. Process inform HMI finish oil fiber display not show we check found HMI damage after we check no have spare after we move HMI alarm display at control spinning to install. But the type of HMI not same. To convert graphic display.After transfer to HMI and test operation finished. Test system with process is working normal.Process inform HMI finish oil fiber display not show we check found HMI damage after we check no have spare after we move HMI alarm display at control spinning to install. But the type of HMI not same.To convert graphic display.After transfer to HMI and test operation finished." _
    & "Test system with process is working normal. Process inform HMI finish oil fiber display not show we check found HMI damage after we check no have spare after we move HMI alarm display at control spinning to install. But the type of HMI not same. To convert graphic display.After transfer to HMI and test operation finished. Test system with process is working normal."

    Sheets(1).Cells(row_num, col_num).WrapText = True

End Sub



列 A 到 C 的單元格寬度分別設置為 12,對於高度,文本長度的 45% 的比例取決於此寬度,如果您想更改寬度,您也必須更改比例。

Sub test1()

    Sheets(1).Cells(2, 1).Value = " Testing Testing TestingTestingTesting Testing Testing TestingTestingTesting Testing TestingTesting Testing Testing TestingTesting Testing Testing Testing TestingTesting Testing TestingTesting Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing TestingTestingTesting Testing"
    Range("A2:C2").WrapText = True

    Columns("A:C").ColumnWidth = 12

    text_length = Len(Sheets(1).Cells(2, 1).Value)
    Rows("2:2").RowHeight = text_length * 0.45

End Sub


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