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JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <T> 返回空列表

[英]JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T> Returns null list

希望有人能抓住我在做錯的事情。 CardCollection.cs僅包含一個名為cards的列表,具有一個用作getter / setter的公共方法Cards。

我應該指出,我正在使用Visual Studio 2017進行開發,並且當我使用內置的JSON Visualizer在調試模式下檢查字符串“ jsonString”時,它會正確顯示在該窗口中。 不幸的是,JsonConvert.DeserializeObject沒有正確設置我的CardCollection對象,並導致卡片列表為空

來自“ Form.cs”

private async void SelectFileButton_ClickAsync(object sender, EventArgs e)
        OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog();
        dialog.Filter = "JSON Files|*.json";
        dialog.Title = "Select a JSON File";

        if (dialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
            string line = "";
            string jsonString = "";

            string fileName = dialog.FileName;
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("");

            using (StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(dialog.FileName))
                while ((line = await reader.ReadLineAsync()) != null)
                    line = line.Replace("\t", "");
                    line = line.Replace("\n", "");

            jsonString = builder.ToString();

            var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings
                NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore,
                MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Ignore

            CardCollection cardList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CardCollection>(jsonString, settings);


public class Card
    string[] colorIdentity;
    string[] colors;
    double convertedManaCost;
    ForeignData[] foreignData;
    bool isReserved;
    string layout;
    Legality[] legalities;
    string loyalty;
    string manaCost;
    string name;
    string power;
    string[] printings;
    Ruling[] rulings;
    string[] subtypes;
    string[] supertypes;
    string text;
    string toughness;
    string type;
    string[] types;
    string uuid;

    public string[] ColorIdentity { get => colorIdentity; set => colorIdentity = value; }
    public string[] Colors { get => colors; set => colors = value; }
    public double ConvertedManaCost { get => convertedManaCost; set => convertedManaCost = value; }
    public bool IsReserved { get => isReserved; set => isReserved = value; }
    public string Layout { get => layout; set => layout = value; }
    public string Loyalty { get => loyalty; set => loyalty = value; }
    public string ManaCost { get => manaCost; set => manaCost = value; }
    public string Name { get => name; set => name = value; }
    public string Power { get => power; set => power = value; }
    public string[] Printings { get => printings; set => printings = value; }
    public string[] Subtypes { get => subtypes; set => subtypes = value; }
    public string[] Supertypes { get => supertypes; set => supertypes = value; }
    public string Text { get => text; set => text = value; }
    public string Toughness { get => toughness; set => toughness = value; }
    public string Type { get => type; set => type = value; }
    public string[] Types { get => types; set => types = value; }
    public string Uuid { get => uuid; set => uuid = value; }
    internal ForeignData[] ForeignData { get => foreignData; set => foreignData = value; }
    internal Legality[] Legalities { get => legalities; set => legalities = value; }
    internal Ruling[] Rulings { get => rulings; set => rulings = value; }


"1999 World Championships Ad": {
    "colorIdentity": [],
    "colors": [],
    "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
    "foreignData": [],
    "isReserved": false,
    "layout": "token",
    "legalities": {},
    "name": "1999 World Championships Ad",
    "printings": [
    "rulings": [],
    "starter": true,
    "subtypes": [],
    "supertypes": [],
    "text": "",
    "type": "Card",
    "types": [
    "uuid": "8635dea0-985a-4c02-a02b-8b08d96fb2dd"
"2004 World Championships Ad": {
    "colorIdentity": [],
    "colors": [],
    "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
    "foreignData": [],
    "isReserved": false,
    "layout": "token",
    "legalities": {},
    "name": "2004 World Championships Ad",
    "printings": [
    "rulings": [],
    "starter": true,
    "subtypes": [],
    "supertypes": [],
    "text": "",
    "type": "Card",
    "types": [
    "uuid": "cbd6a762-f3c2-4b29-a07e-f0c9c81cf1ec"
"A Display of My Dark Power": {
    "colorIdentity": [],
    "colors": [],
    "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
    "foreignData": [],
    "isReserved": false,
    "layout": "scheme",
    "legalities": {},
    "name": "A Display of My Dark Power",
    "printings": [
    "rulings": [
            "date": "2010-06-15",
            "text": "The ability affects all players, not just you."
            "date": "2010-06-15",
            "text": "The effect doesn’t wear off until just before your next untap step (even if an effect will cause that untap step to be skipped)."
            "date": "2010-06-15",
            "text": "The types of mana are white, blue, black, red, green, and colorless."
            "date": "2010-06-15",
            "text": "If a land produces more than one type of mana at a single time (as Boros Garrison does, for example), the land’s controller chooses which one of those types of mana is produced by the delayed triggered ability."
            "date": "2010-06-15",
            "text": "If a land is tapped for mana but doesn’t produce any (for example, if you tap Gaea’s Cradle for mana while you control no creatures), the delayed triggered ability won’t trigger."
    "starter": true,
    "subtypes": [],
    "supertypes": [],
    "text": "When you set this scheme in motion, until your next turn, whenever a player taps a land for mana, that player adds one mana of any type that land produced.",
    "type": "Scheme",
    "types": [
    "uuid": "c5287e77-890d-41bd-acc6-7a8f1866426d"
 "1999 World Championships Ad": { 

您在這里擁有的是一個對象,而不是一個數組。 您應該將其反序列化為字典:

JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, Card>>(...);

您的課程Card在幾種方面與json不匹配。 有幾種好的方法可以創建直接對JSON進行序列化/反序列化的類。


  • 復制包含所有可能鍵的json示例。
  • 在Visual Studio 2017中。編輯->粘貼特殊->粘貼Json作為類


方法2:使用Quicktype.io 粘貼您的json並以您喜歡的語言獲取所需的類。

Card另一個問題是屬性名稱區分大小寫! ColorIdentity!= colorIdentity。


public object[] ColorIdentity { get; set; }

同樣,您的json中的競賽名稱也是您的課程中不存在的對象。 如果您遵循方法1或2,您將明白我的意思。


聲明:本站的技術帖子網頁,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0協議,如果您需要轉載,請注明本站網址或者原文地址。任何問題請咨詢:yoyou2525@163.com.

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