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DIV on DIV打開按鈕單擊

[英]DIV on DIV switching on button click

我為此游戲制作了3種不同的困難。 我現在擁有的代碼僅允許我單擊“中”和“難”。 這只會更改DIV中的元素。 我似乎無法使“簡單”按鈕正常工作,甚至使其他按鈕無法正常工作。 現在,它不會用另一個DIV替換整個DIV,而只是在當前一個DIV中顯示另一個DIV的內容。 我認為這可能是由於“ .innerHTML”部分引起的,我不確定將其切換為何種功能才能正常工作。

  function show(param_div_id) {
    document.getElementById('divbox3').innerHTML = document.getElementById(param_div_id).innerHTML;


<!-- Border for the game --> 
   <form id = "divbox3" name = "quiz" > 
      <div class="game-button" style="width:50%"> 
         <button onclick="show('divbox3')">Easy</button>
         <button onclick="show('divbox3med')">Medium</button>
         <button onclick="show('divbox3hard')">Hard</button>

<!-- Easy Quiz code -->
      <p class = "questions">Most moles have an extra thumb to dig with. <b> True or False? </b></p>
   <input id = "textbox" type = "text" name = "q1">

      <p class = "questions">What is the smallest country in the world? <b> Tuvalu - Vatican City - Monaco </b></p>
   <input id = "textbox" type = "text" name = "q2">

      <p class = "questions">What is the biggest atom on the periodic table? <b> Uranium - Francium - Radium - Lead </b></p>
   <input id = "textbox" type = "text" name = "q3">

      <p class = "questions">Who is the richest man in the world? <b> Bill Gates - Jeff Bezos - Elon Musk </b></p>
   <input id = "textbox" type = "text" name = "q4">

   <input id = "buttoneasy" type = "button" value = "Finished!" onclick = "check();">

   <div id = "easyscoresheet">
      <p id = "easynumber_correct"></p>
      <p id = "easymessage"></p>

   <!-- Border for the game --> 
   <form id = "divbox3med" name = "quizmed" style="display:none;"> 
         <div class="game-button" style="width:50%"> 
         <button onclick="show('divbox3')">Easy</button>
         <button onclick="show('divbox3med')">Medium</button>
         <button onclick="show('divbox3hard')">Hard</button>

<!-- Medium Quiz code -->
  <p class = "questions">What type of animal is Bambi? <b> Elephant -  Tiger - Deer </b> </p>
   <input id = "textbox" type = "text" name = "q1">

      <p class = "questions">Name a US state beginning with K?</p>
   <input id = "textbox" type = "text" name = "q2">

      <p class = "questions">Who wrote the Harry Potter series? <b> Charles D. - JK Rowling - Vincent V. </b> </p>
   <input id = "textbox" type = "text" name = "q3">

      <p class = "questions">Who wrote 'The Scarlet Letter'?</p>
   <input id = "textbox" type = "text" name = "q4">

   <input id = "buttonmed" type = "button" value = "Finished!" onclick = "check();">

<div id = "medscoresheet">
      <p id = "mednumber_correct"></p>
      <p id = "medmessage"></p>

<!-- Border for the game --> 
<form id = "divbox3hard" name = "quizhard" style="display:none;"> 
      <div class="game-button" style="width:50%"> 
         <button onclick="show('divbox3')">Easy</button>
         <button onclick="show('divbox3med')">Medium</button>
         <button onclick="show('divbox3hard')">Hard</button>

<!-- Hard Quiz code -->
      <p class = "questions">What chemical element is diamond made of?</p>
   <input id = "textbox" type = "text" name = "q1">

      <p class = "questions">What game features the terms love, deuce, match and volley?</p>
   <input id = "textbox" type = "text" name = "q2">

      <p class = "questions">Which planet did Superman come from?</p>
   <input id = "textbox" type = "text" name = "q3">

      <p class = "questions">How many syllables make up a haiku?</p>
   <input id = "textbox" type = "text" name = "q4">

   <input id = "buttonhard" type = "button" value = "Finished!" onclick = "check();">

   <div id = "hardscoresheet">
      <p id = "hardnumber_correct"></p>
      <p id = "hardmessage"></p>




在這里看看: https : //jsfiddle.net/e7862c3d/

function show(param_div_id) {  
   var quizList = document.getElementsByClassName('quiz');

   for(var i=0; i < quizList.length; i++) {
       quizList[i].style.display = 'none';
   document.getElementById(param_div_id).style.display = 'block';



啟動程序時,它以簡單的測驗開始。 當您按下“中等”,它從交換的代碼divbox3 (容易)的形式從代碼divbox3medium (介質)的形式。 這會將您看到的形式從簡單的水平測驗更改為中等水平的測驗。 當您按下“簡單”按鈕時,它divbox3中的代碼(現在包含中級測驗的代碼,而不再包含簡單測驗的代碼)與divbox3的代碼(假設您是簡單代碼) divbox3 ,但事實並非如此。


X = Easy
Y = Medium
Z = Hard


X = Y = Medium
Y = Medium
Z = Hard


X = X = Medium
Y = Medium
Z = Hard

要解決此問題,可以通過制作divbox3divbox3easydivbox3mediumdivbox3hard來做到這divbox3hard 然后,您divbox3使用所需的任何級別測驗的內容來更改divbox3的內容,但不會覆蓋簡單測驗的代碼。

若要更簡便地解決此問題,您需要向可見表單(而不是display: none表單)添加一個visible類,然后更改show函數以執行以下操作:

function show(param_div_id) {
    // Loop through all elements with the visible class and both remove the class and set the display to none
    // Add the visible class to param_div_id and set it's display to block


聲明:本站的技術帖子網頁,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0協議,如果您需要轉載,請注明本站網址或者原文地址。任何問題請咨詢:yoyou2525@163.com.

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