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使用 Google Apps 腳本將一個 Google 電子表格中的特定數據復制到另一個 Google 電子表格

[英]Copy Specific Data in one Google Spreadsheet to another Google Spreadsheet with Google Apps Script

我有一個電子表格,人們將填寫該電子表格,然后點擊提交按鈕。 該按鈕創建一個 PDF 並將該數據通過電子郵件發送給人們。 每次有人提交數據時,都需要將一部分數據編譯到另一個電子表格中。


function CopyDataToNewFile() {
var sss = SpreadsheetApp.openById('abcd1234'); // sss = source spreadsheet
  var ss = sss.getSheetByName('Timesheet'); // ss = source sheet
  //Get full range of data
  var SRange = ss.getRange("A10:L22");
  //get A1 notation identifying the range
  var A1Range = SRange.getA1Notation();
  //get the data values in range
  var SData = SRange.getValues();

  var tss = SpreadsheetApp.openById('abcd1234'); // tss = target spreadsheet
  var ts = tss.getSheetByName('Info'); // ts = target sheet
  var TRange = ts.getRange("A1:L13");
  var T1Range = TRange.getA1Notation();

  //set the target range to the values of the source data



  1. 我無法選擇特定的數據單元格,我需要選擇 J6 以及整個第 11 行。 如果它在 A14 中看到一個值,那么它就會復制整個第 14 行。 但如果 A14 中沒有任何內容,則不會復制該數據。
  2. 每次提交數據時,數據都會覆蓋自身,我需要每次新添加的數據都顯示在最后一個下方。

幾個小時以來,我一直在尋找解決方案,但我對 Javascript 的精通程度不足以編寫任何自定義內容。 謝謝!




 function CopyDataToNewFile() { var sourceSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById('ID'); // Selects your Source Spreadsheet by its ID var ssheet = sourceSheet.getSheetByName('Timesheet'); // Selects your Source Sheet by its Name var J6value = ssheet.getRange(6, 10).getValue(); // Get value from J6 in Source Sheet var A14value = ssheet.getRange(14, 1).getValue(); // get value from A14 in Source Sheet var the11thRow = ssheet.getRange('A11:11').getValues(); // Select the entire 11th row in the Source Sheet var the14thRow = ssheet.getRange('A14:14').getValues(); // Select the entire 14th row in the Source Sheet var targetSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById('ID'); // Selects your Target Spreadsheet by its ID var tsheet = targetSheet.getSheetByName('Info'); // Selects your Target Sheet by its name var targetFor14thRow = tsheet.getRange('A11:11'); // Selects where your 11th row will be copied to, in this case simply row 11 var targetFor11thRow = tsheet.getRange('A14:14'); // Selects where your 14th row will be copied to, in this case simply row 14 if (!ssheet.getRange(14, 1).isBlank()) { // Conditional: If A14 in Source Sheet isn't empty targetFor14thRow.setValues(the14thRow); // Then copy the entire 14th row to its target } tsheet.getRange(1,2).setValue(J6value); // Copy the value of J6 in the source document to 2A of the Target Sheet tsheet.getRange(3,4).setValue(A14value); // Copy the value of A12 in the source document to C4 of the Target Sheet }

編輯:使用 .setValues 而不是 .copyTo 來復制整行。


function CopyDataToNewFile(targetSheetName,targetSsId, sourceSheetName,sourceSsId) {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById('abcd1234sydfhnsgb').getSheetByName('Timesheet');
  var ssd = SpreadsheetApp.openById('abcd1234srymsnzd').getSheetByName('Info');

  var therapist = ss.getRange('D6:K6').getValues();
  var sourceData10 = ss.getRange('A10:10').getValues();  

  if (!ss.getRange(10, 1).isBlank()) {


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