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[英]Find a first non NaN value in Pandas





也就是說,我要刪除NaN值,以便user_id的第一個值不是NaN值。 謝謝。

您可以分組並向前填充值列。 轉換后的數據中的空值表示每個組從頭開始的空值。 篩選出為空的行

df2 = df[df.groupby('user_id').value.ffill().apply(pd.notnull)].copy()
# application of copy here creates a new data frame and allows us to assign
# values to the result (df2). This is needed to create the column `NewNo` 
# in the next & final step
# df2 outputs:
   user_id  value  No
0    'id1'  100.0   1
1    'id1'  200.0   2
2    'id1'  250.0   3
4    'id2'  100.0   2
5    'id3'  400.0   1
6    'id3'    NaN   2
7    'id3'  200.0   3
10   'id4'  300.0   3


df2['NewNo'] = df2.groupby('user_id').No.rank()

# df2 outputs:

   user_id  value  No  NewNo
0    'id1'  100.0   1    1.0
1    'id1'  200.0   2    2.0
2    'id1'  250.0   3    3.0
4    'id2'  100.0   2    1.0
5    'id3'  400.0   1    1.0
6    'id3'    NaN   2    2.0
7    'id3'  200.0   3    3.0
10   'id4'  300.0   3    1.0

groupby + first_valid_index + cumcount


# use transform to align groupwise first_valid_index with dataframe
firsts = df.groupby('user_id')['value'].transform(pd.Series.first_valid_index)

# apply Boolean filter
res = df[df.index >= firsts]

# use groupby + cumcount to add groupwise labels
res['NewNo'] = res.groupby('user_id').cumcount() + 1


   user_id  value  No  NewNo
0      id1  100.0   1      1
1      id1  200.0   2      2
2      id1  250.0   3      3
4      id2  100.0   2      1
5      id3  400.0   1      1
6      id3    NaN   2      2
7      id3  200.0   3      3
10     id4  300.0   3      1


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