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[英]Json.Net - How to specify deserialized type in ambiguous JSON

到目前為止,我似乎找不到一個好的答案,但是我承認,也許我不夠聰明,無法知道要搜索的關鍵詞。 所以去。


var wishList = new List<WishListItem>
    new Car { Price = 78000, Make = "Tesla", Model = "S", Name = "Tesla Model S" },
    new Computer { Manufacturer = "Microsoft", Name = "Surface Pro 6", Price = 2000 },
    new PlatitudeIdea { Name = "World peace" }


foreach (var wishListItem in wishList)
    if (wishListItem is PlatitudeIdea platitude)
        Console.WriteLine($"{platitude.Name} is a hopeless dream");
    else if (wishListItem is IPriceable priceThing)
        Console.WriteLine($"At {priceThing.Price}, {priceThing.Name} is way out of my budget");
        Console.WriteLine($"I want a {wishListItem.Name}");


    { "Price": 78000, "Make": "Tesla", "Model": "S", "Name": "Tesla Model S" },
    { "Manufacturer ": "Microsoft", "Name": "Surface Pro 6", "Price": 2000 },
    { "Name": "World peace" }

...但是當我解析 JSON時,解析器顯然無法准確分辨出每個元素最初的類型,因此它只是嘗試將它們解析為List的通用參數( WishListItem )中聲明的最低級別類型,就像我這樣會期望:

parsedWishList[0] is WishListitem // returns true :)
parsedWishList[0] is Car // returns false :(

這是有道理的,並且只要要序列化的成員被聲明為超類型或接口,就可以得到此行為。 我希望能夠做的是在我的特定類中添加一個特殊屬性,指示要序列化的對象的類型:

public class Car : WishListItem, IPriceable 
    public override string @type => "Car";


public class Car : WishListItem, IPriceable 
    // ...

然后,只要類型聲明不明確,就會將其輸出到JSON ...

    { "type": "Car", "Price": 78000, "Make": "Tesla", "Model": "S" },
    { "type": "Computer", "Manufacturer ": "Microsoft", "Name": "Surface Pro 6", "Price": 2000 },
    { "type": "Platitude", "Value": "World peace" }


parsedWishList[0] is Car // returns true :)

我能夠從Google收集到的答案中,最接近的答案可能是嘗試使用CustomCreationConverter ,看看是否有幫助。 但是我需要一個非常通用的答案,我可以編寫一次並讓它處理任意類型。


聽起來您正在尋找TypeNameHandling設置。 此設置將導致Json.Net將類型信息寫入JSON,以便將其反序列化為原始類型。



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization;

namespace SO54465235
    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var wishList = new List<WishListItem>
                new Car { Price = 78000, Make = "Tesla", Model = "S", Name = "Tesla Model S" },
                new Computer { Manufacturer = "Microsoft", Name = "Surface Pro 6", Price = 2000 },
                new Platitude { Name = "World peace" }

            KnownTypesBinder knownTypesBinder = new KnownTypesBinder
                KnownTypes = new List<Type> { typeof(Car), typeof(Computer), typeof(Platitude) }

            string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(wishList, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings
                TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Objects,
                SerializationBinder = knownTypesBinder


            List<WishListItem> items = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<WishListItem>>(json, new JsonSerializerSettings
                TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Objects,
                SerializationBinder = knownTypesBinder

            foreach (var wishListItem in wishList)
                if (wishListItem is Platitude platitude)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{platitude.Name} is a hopeless dream");
                else if (wishListItem is IPriceable priceThing)
                    Console.WriteLine($"At {priceThing.Price}, {priceThing.Name} is way out of my budget");
                    Console.WriteLine($"I want a {wishListItem.Name}");

    public class KnownTypesBinder : ISerializationBinder
        public IList<Type> KnownTypes { get; set; }

        public Type BindToType(string assemblyName, string typeName)
            return KnownTypes.SingleOrDefault(t => t.Name == typeName);

        public void BindToName(Type serializedType, out string assemblyName, out string typeName)
            assemblyName = null;
            typeName = serializedType.Name;

    class WishListItem
        public string Name { get; set; }

    interface IPriceable
        int Price { get; set; }
        string Name { get; set; }

    class Car : WishListItem, IPriceable
        public string Make { get; set; }
        public string Model { get; set; }
        public int Price { get; set; }

    class Computer : WishListItem, IPriceable
        public string Manufacturer { get; set; }
        public int Price { get; set; }

    class Platitude : WishListItem



    "$type": "Car",
    "Make": "Tesla",
    "Model": "S",
    "Price": 78000,
    "Name": "Tesla Model S"
    "$type": "Computer",
    "Manufacturer": "Microsoft",
    "Price": 2000,
    "Name": "Surface Pro 6"
    "$type": "Platitude",
    "Name": "World peace"

At 78000, Tesla Model S is way out of my budget
At 2000, Surface Pro 6 is way out of my budget
World peace is a hopeless dream


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