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[英]Parse Parts of Speech Tagged Tree Corpus with Python without NLTK



(TOP (S (NP (DT The)
            (NNP Fulton)
            (NNP County)
            (NNP Grand)
            (NNP Jury))
        (VP (VBD said)
            (NP (NNP Friday))
            (SBAR (-NONE- 0)
                  (S (NP (DT an)
                         (NN investigation)
                         (PP (IN of)
                             (NP (NP (NNP Atlanta))
                                 (POS 's)
                                 (JJ recent)
                                 (JJ primary)
                                 (NN election))))
                     (VP (VBD produced)
                         (NP (`` ``)
                             (DT no)
                             (NN evidence)
                             ('' '')
                             (SBAR (IN that)
                                   (S (NP (DT any)
                                          (NNS irregularities))
                                      (VP (VBD took)
                                          (NP (NN place)))))))))))
     (. .))


DT The NNP Fulton NNP County NNP Grand NNP Jury VBD said NNP Friday DT
an NN investigation ...



import pyparsing as pp

LPAR, RPAR = map(pp.Suppress, "()")
expr = pp.Forward()
label = pp.Word(pp.alphas.upper()+'-') | "''" | "``" | "."
word = pp.Literal(".") | "''" | "``" | pp.Word(pp.printables, excludeChars="()")

expr <<= LPAR + label + (word | pp.OneOrMore(expr)) + RPAR

sample = """
(TOP (S (NP (DT The)
            (NNP Fulton)
            (NNP County)
            (NNP Grand)
            (NNP Jury))
        (VP (VBD said)
            (NP (NNP Friday))
            (SBAR (-NONE- 0)
                  (S (NP (DT an)
                         (NN investigation)
                         (PP (IN of)
                             (NP (NP (NNP Atlanta))
                                 (POS 's)
                                 (JJ recent)
                                 (JJ primary)
                                 (NN election))))
                     (VP (VBD produced)
                         (NP (`` ``)
                             (DT no)
                             (NN evidence)
                             ('' '')
                             (SBAR (IN that)
                                   (S (NP (DT any)
                                          (NNS irregularities))
                                      (VP (VBD took)
                                          (NP (NN place)))))))))))
     (. .))

result = pp.OneOrMore(expr).parseString(sample)
print(' '.join(result))


TOP S NP DT The NNP Fulton NNP County NNP Grand NNP Jury VP VBD said NP NNP Friday SBAR -NONE- 0 S NP DT an NN investigation PP IN of NP NP NNP Atlanta POS 's JJ recent JJ primary NN election VP VBD produced NP `` `` DT no NN evidence '' '' SBAR IN that S NP DT any NNS irregularities VP VBD took NP NN place . .

通常,這樣的解析器將使用pp.Group(expr)保留嵌套元素的分組。 但是在您的情況下,由於您最終還是想要一個平面列表,因此我們將其保留在外-pyparsing的默認行為是僅返回匹配字符串的平面列表。


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