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如何在 Visual Studio 中使用 c# 計算文本文件中的數據?

[英]How do I count data in a text file using c# with visual studio?

尋求示例代碼的幫助,以在 Visual Studio 中使用 C# 對文本文件中的列的值求和



這是我到目前為止所得到的,但不知道該怎么做,它是一個 .txt 文件

public class GroceryProgram
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // main consists of a single call to the grocery class
        var grocery = new InvoiceItem();
       // grocery.readFile();

    public class InvoiceItem
    {   //label all properties
        public static List<string> items = new List<string>();

        public string type { get; set; }
        public string name { get; set; }
        public double price { get; set; }
        public double quantity { get; set; }
        public double weight { get; set; }

        public InvoiceItem()
        public InvoiceItem(string n, double p) //declaring the main input to be a string name of grocery n followed by a double as p
            name = n;
            price = p;
        public List<string> readFile()
            string line = "";
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("groceries.txt"); //variable reader to read file
            while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) //reader reads each line while the lines is not blank, line is assigned value of reader
                line = line.Trim();     //gets rid of any spaces on each iteration within the line

                if (line.Length > 0) //during  each line the below actions are performed
                    string[] splitArray = line.Split(new char[] { ',' });  //creates a array called splitArray which splits each line into an array and a new char

                    type = splitArray[0]; // type is assigned for each line at position [0] on
                    name = splitArray[1]; //name is assigned at position [1]

                    //<<<-------food cost calculation methods initialized-------->>>>
                    RegularItem purchasedItem = new RegularItem(splitArray); //purchased Item is the each line to be printed
                    FreshItem freshItem = new FreshItem(splitArray);

                    double regCost = purchasedItem.getRegularCost();  //regCost will multiply array at position [2] with [3]
                    double freshCost = freshItem.getFreshItemCost();

                    string regArr = string.Join(",", line, "Cost: ", regCost);
                    string freshArr = string.Join(",", line, "Cost: ", freshCost);

                    if (type == "regular")
                        // items.InsertRange(4, (arrayList)); //first write a line in the list with the each line written
                        //items.Add(Convert.ToString(regCost));  //next add the regCost method to write a line with the cost of that item
                    else if (type == "fresh")
                        //items.Add(Convert.ToString(freshItem)); //first write a line in the list with the each line written
                        //items.Add(Convert.ToString(freshCost));  //next add the fresh method to write another line with the cost of that item



            return items;

        public int sumPrice(string filepath)
            using (StreamReader readAgain = new StreamReader("groceries.txt"))
                int i = 0;
                while (readAgain.ReadLine() != null) { i++; }
                return i;

        // WRITE FILE
        public void writeFile() //maybe add file name inside paranthesis <<+=========MAIN EXECUTOR
            //Begin writing
            List<string> lines = readFile();

            string[] first = { "Grocery for you", Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now) };
            StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter("c:\\MicrosoftVisual\\invoice.txt");  //sets to use variable file to write to location

            foreach (string firstLine in first)
                file.WriteLine(firstLine);   //use file to write the header grocery for you first
            //begin writing all items into the file
            foreach (string newLine in lines)
                file.WriteLine(newLine);   //use file to write all lines

            //  file.WriteLine(items[2].Sum); //trying to get total price by adding position 2 for total weight for later
            //file.WriteLine(items[3].Sum); //trying to get total quantity/weight

        public class RegularItem : InvoiceItem //inheriting properties from class GroceryItem

            private string[] splitArray;

            public RegularItem()

            public RegularItem(string[] splitArray) //enables constructor for RegularItem to split into array
                this.type = splitArray[0];
                this.name = splitArray[1];
                this.price = double.Parse(splitArray[2]); //each line at position 4 is a double
               this.quantity = double.Parse(splitArray[3]); //each line at position 3 is parsed to an integer

            public double getRegularCost() //method from cost of regular
                return this.price * this.quantity * 1.1; //workout out cost  for purchases including GST
        public class FreshItem : InvoiceItem    //Inheriting properties from class Purchased Item
            public double weight;
            private string[] splitArray;

            public FreshItem()
                this.type = splitArray[0];
                this.name = splitArray[1];
                this.price = double.Parse(splitArray[2]); //each line at position 4 is a double
                this.weight = double.Parse(splitArray[3]); //each line at position 3 is parsed to an integer

            public FreshItem(string[] splitArray) //enables constructor for RegularItem to split into array
                this.type = splitArray[0];
                this.name = splitArray[1];
                this.price = double.Parse(splitArray[2]); //each line at position 4 is a double
                this.weight = double.Parse(splitArray[3]); //each line at position 3 is parsed to an integer
            public double getFreshItemCost() //method to get cost of fresh item
                return this.price * this.weight; //workout cost of the fresh item excluding GST


我需要找出如何對價格列中的所有值求和以寫入新文件,並將數量列上的值求和以寫入文件。 我知道如何遍歷每一行,但我們如何將每列的位置加在一起 ​​0.O

正在想像 foreach 這樣的東西可能會起作用,對很多問題表示抱歉

你只需要一行一行地讀出文件。 嘗試這樣的事情:

    decimal totalPrice = 0;
    StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("your file fullpath");
        decimal price = 0;
        decimal.TryParse(reader.ReadLine().Split(',')[1], out price);

        totalPrice += price;


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