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[英]How to Store Index of an Element from 2D Array into a 1D Array then Swap those Values

我在尋找如何將2D數組中一個元素的行和列索引存儲到1D數組中遇到麻煩。 一旦存儲了這些索引,我就需要相互交換元素。 另外,我完全理解使用“ using namespace std;” 雖然不是最佳實踐,但是這是本課程所要求的。 這是我到目前為止的內容:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

//function prototypes
void minVal(int array2D[4][4], int array1D[], int numElements);
void maxVal(int array2D[4][4], int array1D[], int numElements);
void swapValues(int array2D[4][4], int array1D[], int numElements);

int main() {
    //begin program
    cout << "Array Swap Program" << endl;
    cout << "---------------------------" << endl;

    //initialize 2D array
    int twoDimensionalArray[4][4] = {
            {9, 8, 16, 7},
            {11, 6, 3, 14},
            {13, 4, 5, 12},
            {15, 1, 2, 10}

    //display 2D array to user
    cout << "Below is the two dimensional array: " << endl;
    int row = 4;
    int column = 4;
    for (int i = 0; i < column; i++){
        for (int j = 0; j < row; j++){
            cout << twoDimensionalArray[i][j] << ' ';
        }//end inner for loop
        cout << endl;
    }//end outer for loop

    //initialize 1D array
    int oneDimensionalArray[4] = {{}, {}, {}, {}};

    //find minimum value using minVal function prototype
    minVal(twoDimensionalArray, oneDimensionalArray, 16);

    //find maximum value using maxVal function prototype
    maxVal(twoDimensionalArray, oneDimensionalArray, 16);
    return 0;

//function descriptions

//Minimum Value Void Function
void minVal(int array2D[4][4], int array1D[], int numElements){
    cout << "Searching array for minimum vale." << endl;
    cout << "Please wait..." << endl;

    //assign first element to the high variable
    int min = array2D[0][0];
    int row;
    int column;

    //begin search with second element
    for (int sub = 1; sub < numElements; sub += 1){
        if (array2D[0][sub] < min){
            min = array2D[0][sub];
            array1D[0] = array2D[0][sub];
        }//end if
    }//end for
    cout << "The minimum value of the 2D array is: " << min << endl;

    //assign row index to 1D array's first element
    cout << "It's located at row: " << array1D[0] << endl;

}//end of minVal

//Maximum Value Void Function
void maxVal(int array2D[4][4], int array1D[], int numElements){
    cout << "Searching array for maximum value." << endl;
    cout << "Please wait..." << endl;

    //assign first element to the high variable
    int max = array2D[0][0];

    //begin search with second element
    for (int sub = 1; sub < numElements; sub += 1){
        if (array2D[0][sub] > max){
            max = array2D[0][sub];
        }//end if
    }//end for
    cout << "The maximum value of the 2D array is: " << max << endl;
}//end of maxVal




我將不勝感激地解釋如何找到這些東西,而不僅僅是解決方案。 謝謝!

由於二維數組將其元素存儲在連續內存中,因此您可以使用std :: minmax_elementstd :: distance來獲取最小值和最大值,以及距數組開頭的距離


#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>

int main() 
    //initialize 2D array
    int twoDimensionalArray[4][4] = {
            {9, 8, 16, 7},
            {11, 6, 3, 14},
            {13, 4, 5, 12},
            {15, 1, 2, 10}

    // get both the minimum and maximum element in the 2D array
    auto pr = std::minmax_element(&twoDimensionalArray[0][0], &twoDimensionalArray[3][4]);

    // get the distances 
    auto dist_min = std::distance(&twoDimensionalArray[0][0], pr.first);
    auto dist_max = std::distance(&twoDimensionalArray[0][0], pr.second);
    std::cout << "Min Value: " << *(pr.first) <<  "  Distance: " << dist_min << "\n";
    std::cout << "Max Value: " << *(pr.second) << "  Distance: " << dist_max;


Min Value: 1  Distance: 13
Max Value: 16  Distance: 2


請注意std::minmax_element的用法-這些參數基本上是2D數組中第一個元素的地址,以及2D數組中最后一個元素之后的地址。 這為我們提供了搜索范圍,並且就用於前兩個參數的迭代器而言,符合minmax_element的要求。


#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>

int main() 
    //initialize 2D array
    int twoDimensionalArray[4][4] = {
            {9, 8, 16, 7},
            {11, 6, 3, 14},
            {13, 4, 5, 12},
            {15, 1, 2, 10}

    auto pr = std::minmax_element(&twoDimensionalArray[0][0], &twoDimensionalArray[3][4]);
    auto dist_min = std::distance(&twoDimensionalArray[0][0], pr.first);
    auto dist_max = std::distance(&twoDimensionalArray[0][0], pr.second);
    int row_min = dist_min / 4;
    int col_min = dist_min % 4;
    int row_max = dist_max / 4;
    int col_max = dist_max % 4;
    std::cout << "Min Value: " << *(pr.first) << "\n" << "Min Location: (" << row_min << "," << col_min << ")\n\n";
    std::cout << "Max Value: " << *(pr.second) << "\n" << "Max Location: (" << row_max << "," << col_max << ")\n";


Min Value: 1
Min Location: (3,1)

Max Value: 16
Max Location: (0,2)




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