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如何使用Google Maps API在Google Maps的標簽中添加樣式?

[英]how do I add style to my label in google maps with the google maps api?



  • 嘗試為初始標簽添加樣式阻止了整個地圖的顯示。

  • 嘗試在看到的格式中添加標簽甚至無法顯示文本

  //stores Google Map object and the JSON called from PHP
  var map;
  var locations;
  var markers;

  function initMap() {

      // creates the map and puts it in the html giving its zoom and position
      map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), 
            center: {
                lat: 51.0590282, 
                lng: -1.3104568},
                zoom: 9


          //URL for my php script

          function(jsonData) {   

              // putting jason data under variable location
              locations  = jsonData;

                        function(loc) {

                            // gets objects which arent in my JSON
                            loc.map = map;  

                            if (loc.gender == "Male") {

                                loc.icon.url = 'Man.png';

                            } else {

                                loc.icon.url = 'Women.png';

                            loc.icon.scaledSize = new google.maps.Size(40, 40);
                            loc.icon.labelOrigin = new google.maps.Point(10, 50);
                            loc.title = "Parkrun: " + loc.parkrun + ", Runner: " + loc.name + ", Time: " + loc.duration;
                            //fist label that displays but cant add style

                            loc.label =  loc.name + ", Time:" + loc.duration;                                                                               

                            //creates marker on google map named "loc"
                            // "loc" stores lat, lng ect 
                            var marker = new google.maps.Marker(loc);

                            // Add listener for a click event upon which will open url for parkrun sites.


                                function() {


                        //initialise styled map label overlay (second lable wont even display text)
                        /*var m = new google.maps.Marker({
                                           position: loc,
                                           label: {
                                            text: loc.name + ", Time:" + loc.duration,
                                            color: 'white',
                                            fontWeight: 'bold',




  loc.icon.scaledSize = new google.maps.Size(40, 40);
  loc.icon.labelOrigin = new google.maps.Point(10, 50);
  loc.title = "Parkrun: " + loc.parkrun + ", Runner: " + loc.name + ", Time: " + loc.duration;
  loc.label = {
    text: loc.name + ", Time:" + loc.duration,
    color: 'white',
    fontWeight: 'bold',




 var map; var locations; var markers; function initMap() { // creates the map and puts it in the html giving its zoom and position map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), { center: { lat: 51.0590282, lng: -1.3104568 }, zoom: 9, mapTypeId: 'satellite' }); // putting jason data under variable location locations = jsonData; locations.forEach( function(loc) { // gets objects which arent in my JSON loc.map = map; if (loc.gender == "Male") { loc.icon.url = 'http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/ms/micons/blue.png'; } else { loc.icon.url = 'http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/ms/micons/red.png'; } loc.icon.scaledSize = new google.maps.Size(40, 40); loc.icon.labelOrigin = new google.maps.Point(10, 50); loc.title = "Parkrun: " + loc.parkrun + ", Runner: " + loc.name + ", Time: " + loc.duration; loc.label = { text: loc.name + ", Time:" + loc.duration, color: 'white', fontWeight: 'bold', }; var marker = new google.maps.Marker(loc); // Add listener for a click event upon which will open url for parkrun sites. marker.addListener('click', function() { window.open(loc.link); }); }); } jsonData = [{ "position": { "lat": 51.1699, "lng": -0.8371 }, "gender": "Male", "parkrun": "Alice Holt", "name": "James Baker", "duration": "16:57:00", "link": "https:\\/\\/www.parkrun.org.uk\\/aliceholt\\/", "icon": [] }, { "position": { "lat": 51.2193, "lng": -1.5052 }, "gender": "Male", "parkrun": "Andover", "name": "John Kane", "duration": "18:13:00", "link": "https:\\/\\/www.parkrun.org.uk\\/andover\\/", "icon": [] }, { "position": { "lat": 51.2599, "lng": -1.0824 }, "gender": "Male", "parkrun": "Basingstoke", "name": "Matthieu Marshall", "duration": "16:51:00", "link": "https:\\/\\/www.parkrun.org.uk\\/basingstoke\\/", "icon": [] }, { "position": { "lat": 50.8084, "lng": -1.6414 }, "gender": "Male", "parkrun": "Brockenhurst", "name": "James Bewley", "duration": "18:06:00", "link": "https:\\/\\/www.parkrun.org.uk\\/brockenhurst\\/", "icon": [] }, { "position": { "lat": 50.9705, "lng": -1.3731 }, "gender": "Male", "parkrun": "Eastleigh", "name": "Tom Bray", "duration": "18:06:00", "link": "https:\\/\\/www.parkrun.org.uk\\/eastleigh\\/", "icon": [] }, { "position": { "lat": 50.8483, "lng": -1.166 }, "gender": "Women", "parkrun": "Fareham", "name": "Leslie Ellul", "duration": "52:00:00", "link": "https:\\/\\/www.parkrun.org.uk\\/fareham\\/", "icon": [] }, { "position": { "lat": 50.8733, "lng": -0.9753 }, "gender": "Women", "parkrun": "Havant", "name": "Nicola Ellul", "duration": "26:10:00", "link": "https:\\/\\/www.parkrun.org.uk\\/havant\\/", "icon": [] }, { "position": { "lat": 51.1188, "lng": -0.8766 }, "gender": "Male", "parkrun": "Hogmoor Inclosure", "name": "James Kingston", "duration": "17:07:00", "link": "https:\\/\\/www.parkrun.org.uk\\/hogmoorinclosure\\/", "icon": [] }, { "position": { "lat": 50.8009, "lng": -1.2035 }, "gender": "Male", "parkrun": "Lee-on-the-Solent", "name": "Jack Porter", "duration": "18:24:00", "link": "https:\\/\\/www.parkrun.org.uk\\/leeonthesolent\\/", "icon": [] }, { "position": { "lat": 50.7506, "lng": -1.547 }, "gender": "Male", "parkrun": "Lyminghton Woodside", "name": "Callum Johnson", "duration": "18:39:00", "link": "https:\\/\\/www.parkrun.org.uk\\/lymingtonwoodside\\/", "icon": [] }, { "position": { "lat": 50.8685, "lng": -1.3427 }, "gender": "Male", "parkrun": "Netley Abbey", "name": "Samuel Skinner", "duration": "18:24:00", "link": "https:\\/\\/www.parkrun.org.uk\\/netleyabbey\\/", "icon": [] }, { "position": { "lat": 50.8405, "lng": -1.0776 }, "gender": "Male", "parkrun": "Portsmouth Lakeside", "name": "Liam Dunne", "duration": "16:18:00", "link": "https:\\/\\/www.parkrun.org.uk\\/portsmouthlakeside\\/", "icon": [] }, { "position": { "lat": 50.9651, "lng": -0.9754 }, "gender": "Male", "parkrun": "Queen Elizabeth", "name": "Grant Hopkins", "duration": "19:33:00", "link": "https:\\/\\/www.parkrun.org.uk\\/queenelizabeth\\/", "icon": [] }, { "position": { "lat": 51.265, "lng": -0.7547 }, "gender": "Male", "parkrun": "Rushmoor", "name": "Kim Bowling", "duration": "17:18:00", "link": "https:\\/\\/www.parkrun.org.uk\\/rushmoor\\/", "icon": [] }, { "position": { "lat": 50.9245, "lng": -1.4096 }, "gender": "Male", "parkrun": "Southampton", "name": "Peter Hart", "duration": "16:49:00", "link": "https:\\/\\/www.parkrun.org.uk\\/southampton\\/", "icon": [] }, { "position": { "lat": 50.7787, "lng": -1.082 }, "gender": "Male", "parkrun": "Southsea", "name": "Adam Barlow", "duration": "16:31:00", "link": "https:\\/\\/www.parkrun.org.uk\\/southsea\\/", "icon": [] }, { "position": { "lat": 50.8847, "lng": -1.2472 }, "gender": "Male", "parkrun": "Whiteley", "name": "Richard Waldron", "duration": "15:46:00", "link": "https:\\/\\/www.parkrun.org.uk\\/whiteley\\/", "icon": [] }, { "position": { "lat": 51.0662, "lng": -1.3126 }, "gender": "Male", "parkrun": "Winchester", "name": "Marley Godden", "duration": "17:59:00", "link": "https:\\/\\/www.parkrun.org.uk\\/winchester\\/", "icon": [] }]; 
 html, body, #map { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; } 
 <div id="map"></div> <!-- Replace the value of the key parameter with your own API key. --> <script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSyCkUOdZ5y7hMm0yrcCQoCvLwzdM6M8s5qk&callback=initMap" async defer></script> 


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