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[英]Unable to keep state with mailbox processor (F#)

我正在嘗試創建一個字符串列表,該列表將在郵箱處理器的幫助下逐步將元素逐步異步插入。 但是我沒有得到想要的輸出。

我幾乎遵循了https://fsharpforfunandprofit.com/posts/concurrency-actor-model/中的代碼,但是對於我來說,它似乎無法正常工作。 我的代碼如下:

type TransactionQueue ={

queue : string list

} with

static member UpdateState (msg : string) (tq : TransactionQueue) =
    {tq with queue = (msg :: tq.queue)}

static member Agent = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->
                            let rec msgLoop (t : TransactionQueue) =
                                   let! msg = inbox.Receive()
                                   let newT = TransactionQueue.UpdateState msg t
                                   printfn "%A" newT
                                   return! msgLoop newT
                            msgLoop {queue = []}

static member Add i = TransactionQueue.Agent.Post i

let main argv =

// test in isolation
printfn "welcome to test"
let rec loop () =
    let str = Console.ReadLine()
    TransactionQueue.Add str
    loop ()

loop ()


我一直得到的結果只是最新輸入的列表,不保留狀態。 因此,如果我輸入“ a”,然后輸入“ b”,然后輸入“ c”,則隊列將僅具有值“ c”,而不是“ a”;“ b”;“ c”


就像C#屬性一樣 ,您的Agent實際上是一個屬性,因此其行為類似於帶有void參數的方法。 這就是為什么每次訪問“ Agent屬性時都會獲得一個新代理的原因。

在慣用的F#中,實現代理時有兩種樣式。 如果不需要很多代理實例,只需編寫一個模塊,然后將與代理相關的內容封裝在其中。 否則,應使用OOP樣式。


module TransactionQueue =
    type private Queue = Queue of string list
    let private empty = Queue []
    let private update item (Queue items) = Queue (item :: items)
    let private agent = MailboxProcessor.Start <| fun inbox ->
        let rec msgLoop queue = async {
            let! msg = inbox.Receive ()
            return! queue |> update msg |> msgLoop
        msgLoop empty
    let add item = agent.Post item

let main argv =
    // test in isolation
    printfn "welcome to test"
    let rec loop () =
        let str = Console.ReadLine()
        TransactionQueue.add str
        loop ()
    loop ()


type Queue = Queue of string list with
    static member Empty = Queue []
    static member Update item (Queue items) =
        Queue (item :: items)

type Agent () =
    let agent = MailboxProcessor.Start <| fun inbox ->
        let rec msgLoop queue = async {
            let! msg = inbox.Receive ()
            return! queue |> Queue.Update msg |> msgLoop
        msgLoop Queue.Empty
    member this.Add item = agent.Post item

let main argv =
    // test in isolation
    printfn "welcome to test"
    let agent = new Agent ()
    let rec loop () =
        let str = Console.ReadLine()
        agent.Add str
        loop ()
    loop ()



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