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[英]subset from a list of data.frames in R

在下面的函數中, ...表示用戶命名的任何矢量(例如, numericcharacter等)。 例如,用戶可以定義age = 1:3prof = c("med", "low", "med") 這些額外的矢量被添加到一個名為outdata.frame out


例如,如果用戶希望將age == 2age == 2 & prof == "low"子集化,則通過使用extract = age == 2 & prof == "low"來返回輸出中的相應匹配項?

foo <- function(d, per, ...){ ## Add a new argument called `extract`

 out <- data.frame(d, ...)

h <- split(out, rep(seq_along(per), per))  ## `extract` should subset from `h`
# Example of use:
foo(d = 2:4, per = 1:2, age = 1:3, prof = c("med", "low", "med"))


foo2 <- function(d, per, ..., extract = TRUE) {
  out <- data.frame(...)
  h <- split(out, rep(seq_along(per), per))
  s <- substitute(extract)
  lapply(h, function(x) do.call("subset", list(x, s)))

foo2(d = 2:4, per = 1:2, age = 1:3, prof = c("med", "low", "med"), extract = age == 2)


foo <- function(d, per, extract, ...){ ## Add a new argument called `extract`

   extract <- rlang::enexpr(extract)
   out <- data.frame(d, ...)

  h <- split(out, rep(seq_along(per), per))  
  map(h, ~ .x %>% 
            filter(!! extract))


foo(d = 2:4, per = 1:2, extract = age == 2, age = 1:3, prof = c("med", "low", "med"))
#[1] d    age  prof
#<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

#  d age prof
#1 3   2  low

或使用base R

foo <- function(d, per, extract, ...){ ## Add a new argument called `extract`

   extract <- substitute(extract)
   out <- data.frame(d, ...)

   h <- split(out, rep(seq_along(per), per))  
   lapply(h, function(x) subset(x, subset = eval(extract)))


foo(d = 2:4, per = 1:2, extract = age == 2, age = 1:3, prof = c("med", "low", "med"))


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