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[英]How to change color of excel cells with pandas (python)


目前在excel3文件中它將顯示(excel1中的值) - >(excel2中的值),但我也想為單元格添加紅色背景,以便它很容易看到。

我試過在網上四處看看,無法搞清楚。 我也是python的新手。

#Needed packages
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#Changes the col number into its corresponding excel col letter
def col_num(n):
    n = n + 1
    string = ""
    while n > 0:
        n, remainder = divmod(n - 1, 26)
        string = chr(65 + remainder) + string
    return string

#Puts the characters from the col_num method into a string (Could be improved)   
def char_array(cols):
    i = 0
    ex_cols = ""
    while i < len(cols):
        if i == len(cols) - 1:
            ex_cols += (col_num(cols[i]))
            ex_cols += (col_num(cols[i])) + " "
        i += 1
    return ex_cols

print("\nExcel Comparer v1.2\n")

#Retrieve excel files for comparison
while True:
    file = input("First Excel file for comparison: ")
        df1 = pd.read_excel(file + ".xlsx")
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print("File not Found, please make sure this program is in the same directory as both excel files.")
while True:
    file = input("Second Excel file for comparison: ")
        df2 = pd.read_excel(file + ".xlsx")
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print("File not Found, please make sure this program is in the same directory as both excel files.")
print("\n\nFiles compared succesfully!\n\n")

#determines whether the files are exactly equal
print("\nAre the Documents exactly the same:", df1.equals(df2))

#shows each cell as being either equal(True) or not equal(False)
values_compared = df1.values == df2.values
print("\nEach cell on whether or not they're equivalent:\n", values_compared)

#Get all cells where the values are not equal(False)
rows, cols = np.where(values_compared == False)
print("\nThe indexes of each non-equal value:")
print("Col: [", char_array(cols), "]")
print("Row: ", (rows + 2))

#df1 will now show the differences between the two files
for item in zip(rows, cols):
    df1.iloc[item[0], item[1]] = '{} --> {}'.format(df1.iloc[item[0], item[1]], df2.iloc[item[0], item[1]])

#Creates a new excel file and writes the differences shown
df1.to_excel('./excel3.xlsx', index = False, header = True)

print("\nexcel3.xlsx has been written to this directory with the discrepancies.")

熊貓不會這樣做。 你需要另一個圖書館。 xlsxwriter可以做你所問的。 這是文檔。



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